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Isn’t Islam an idol worshiping religion?


Proud Muslim
So at least you concede that in our logic a part can’t create the whole. Since I do not know what Allah’s logic is how can I state anything on the basis of His logic? Do you know anything about Allah’s logic?
I don't know God's logic, but I know there is nothing like him.


Active Member
Oh really, i wonder how those Muslim illiterate came up with the number system you are currently using allowing you to post electronic messages in the internet through 0's and 1's, developed algebra, quadratic equations and many other contribution in Astronomy, Medicine, Physics, Alchemy and chemistry, Cosmology, Ophthalmology, Geography and cartography, Sociology, Psychology and many other fields. Who is the illiterate now?

Science in the medieval Islamic world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where are those institutions of learning, today?

Here are some statistics going back to the height of Islamic power under the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottomans had their virtues, but they were no friends to public education, independent news media and the printed word. Ottoman culture favored the oral tradition, expressed in gorgeous poetry and music, and integrated the revered calligraphy of the Koran into every possible visual art form, from painting and ceramics to architecture and metalwork. But literacy languished, particularly among Muslim Arab populations. According to historian Donald Quataert,general Muslim literacy rates were only 2 to 3 percent in the early nineteenth century, and perhaps 15 percent at its end. The vast majority of Muslim women remained illiterate well into the twentieth century. Prior to 1840, an average of only eleven books a year were published in the imperial capital of Istanbul.[2]

Books and printed matter in Turkish and Arabic were unknown before the end of the 18th century, and even then they were of limited impact because of widespread illiteracy. Jewish refugees from the Spanish Inquisition established a Hebrew printing press about 1494. Armenians had a press in 1567, and Greeks had press in 1627. These presses were not allowed to print in Turkish or in Arabic characters, owing to objections of the religious authorities. One result of this delay was to give Greeks, Armenians and Jews an advantage in literacy, and therefore an advantage in commerce, and in having a means to preserve and propagate their culture, that was denied to Turks and Arabs. The major result was to retard the development of modern literate society, commerce and industry. The first Turkish printing press in the Ottoman Empire was not established until 1729. It was closed in 1742 and reopened in 1784. The press operated under heavy censorship throughout most of the Ottoman era. Elections were unknown of course, though government decisions were usually reached by consultation of the government, provincial chiefs and religious authorities.[1]

In Saudi Arabia, the lack of books is accompanied by the struggle to modernize basic educational institutions. In his new book, Prophets and Princes, Mark Weston points out that Saudi Arabia did not have a high school until after 1930, and its first girls’ school was established after 1950. The Saudis have only 250 public libraries to serve a population of 26 million people, and there were no hours for female readers until 2006. The Saudis spend many millions of dollars translating and publishing the Quran into other languages, without devoting similar efforts to making foreign books available in Arabic.[2]

If you want the rest of the depressing news follow the link.

Muslim Statistics (Education and Employment) - WikiIslam


Active Member
Is Allah inside existence or outside existence? Why is this question too simplistic for Muslims to answer?
It might be more accurate to say Islam is outside the reach of the majority of Muslims because the majority of Muslims cannot read the Quran because they are illiterate and many millions more do not read Arabic, the language the Quran was written in.
Muslims are further removed from Allah because their God did not speak to anyone besides their prophet Mohammad through the angel Gabriel. But the prophet was illiterate and could not write what was said to him. What remains is what the prophet could recall from memory and recited before scribes to record. But the prophet could not verify what was written by the scribes because he could not read or write.

Islam is the only religion created by an illiterate prophet and it is therefore not surprising it is also the only religion where 3/4 of the Muslim followers are also illiterate and unable to read the Quran, their holy scriptures.

It is only a matter of time before Islamists will introduce the death penalty as punishment for those Muslims who are too illiterate to read the Quran.


Immobile Wanderer
I don't know God's logic, but I know there is nothing like him.
Everything in existence is unique but there is one common thread running through everything that exists - that is life. Positing that Allah created life is a major error in the Quran. How could Allah have created life if He already had life at the time of creation? I posed this question in a thread in RF previously and the only answer Muslims came up with is that Allah's life is different from the life in His creation. Life is indivisible - whether it is life in a cat or a bird or a fish or in trees and even inanimate things - it is the same life. The riddle of existence would be unraveled only if we seek to understand our own life - not the way we lived life but the phenomenon that enlivens us. Meditation is an attempt to unravel the meaning of life. Merely believing in God would not do. Muslims should remember that Mohammad meditated in the caves of Mt. Hira before he reached higher consciousness to enable him to grasp higher truths.


Active Member
Where have your civilization been yesterday? why they lived in darkness? what was wrong with them? why Muslims were better than them in almost all fields?
800 million Muslims are illiterate out of 1.4 billion Muslims. No Muslim country has a space program because they are still living in the dark ages. They don't make cars, planes or electronic products. They don't even build their own infrastructure but depend on foreign workers. Which field of science or mathematics do they excel in?


Proud Muslim
Everything in existence is unique but there is one common thread running through everything that exists - that is life. Positing that Allah created life is a major error in the Quran. How could Allah have created life if He already had life at the time of creation? I posed this question in a thread in RF previously and the only answer Muslims came up with is that Allah's life is different from the life in His creation. Life is indivisible - whether it is life in a cat or a bird or a fish or in trees and even inanimate things - it is the same life. The riddle of existence would be unraveled only if we seek to understand our own life - not the way we lived life but the phenomenon that enlivens us. Meditation is an attempt to unravel the meaning of life. Merely believing in God would not do. Muslims should remember that Mohammad meditated in the caves of Mt. Hira before he reached higher consciousness to enable him to grasp higher truths.
For me, life is/was/will always be there, it is not something that one day God created it, it just takes different forms now and then


Too many illiterate Muslims running around upset with the civilized world they are having trouble adapting to, where some formal education is necessary.

Illiterate Muslims is not the problem. Muslims who can read Arabic and not understand what they are reading is the problem. They are directed by Imams who translate and transliterate that causes many of the issues. You have to keep in mind that many of the words in the Quran are Aramaic, so even for Arabs much of the problem is it's not everyday Arabic. Adapting to the civilized world is not the problem. Many dress like they did like they were in the 7th century, but walk into their homes and you enter the 21st century. Behind closed doors they worship power and money just like the rest of the world.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
In any debate questions and counter questions can lead to new subjects. My question whether Islam is an idol worshiping religion led to the subject of existence. You may follow the thread to find out how it happened.
Yeah, it's the 'object' thing. That means everything is an object, including us, therefore everything is idol worship according to your specifications.


Veteran Member
Apologies, but this makes no sense to me. Unless you're autotheist and worship yourself, all theistic religions involve acceptance and worship of a god-concept that is "out there" or not the self. In no way does this require following someone else's understanding of the gods.
Sorry, if you worship any thing that is not within you, then you are worshipping an idol. Idols can be of the mind also, an organized religion no matter which is an idol, if you like it or not.


Immobile Wanderer
Yeah, it's the 'object' thing. That means everything is an object, including us, therefore everything is idol worship according to your specifications.
There is another understanding of the subject-object conundrum. Apart from the grammatical subject-object differentiation - there is also the philosophical differentiation - please look up Google on this. I am giving below some Google links.

Subject (philosophy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Glossary of Terms: Ob

Subject (philosophy)

Nondualism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
800 million Muslims are illiterate out of 1.4 billion Muslims. No Muslim country has a space program because they are still living in the dark ages. They don't make cars, planes or electronic products. They don't even build their own infrastructure but depend on foreign workers. Which field of science or mathematics do they excel in?

You didn't answer me. Why Western civilization was sinking in darkness when Muslim civilization was on top of the world at that time?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Are you saying that Allah did not create life?

It comes down to what we mean by life. Are you talking about the essence of life itself or our own life as we "know" it?

We don't know all forms of life. We just know what we discovered to mean life according to our understanding.

If you mean the form of life which we know, yes Allah created it all, but we are not aware of other forms of life/existence and how it came to be since it is beyond our comprehension.


Proud Muslim
Are you saying that Allah did not create life?
Well, that really depends on what life is, is it this physical universe or the life that never ends but transforms from one form to another. is there beginning of life! is there limits for the universe! ....etc. really a lot of question that We can't answer because We don't have the ability.

My point is, you can't say where God is, what He created,....etc. unless you have the answer for the related questions


Active Member
You didn't answer me. Why Western civilization was sinking in darkness when Muslim civilization was on top of the world at that time?
The western civilization crushed the Ottoman Empire and reduced the Middle East to a rubble of divided borders. The only dark ages Europe suffered was temporary, when the Roman Catholic Church began the inquisition to force its dominance. But the reformation of the Church followed shortly after which reversed the decline.

Meanwhile the Middle East drowned in a sea of illiteracy and ignorance which continues to this day.

Islamists extremists cannot improve the living or educational standards of the millions of Muslims living in poverty with over 800 million illiterate Muslims. But they can with their actions make it unnecessary for Muslims to continue their misguided existence. The Islamists have raised the bar so high that most illiterate Muslims fall short and are deemed dispensable.
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Active Member
Well, that really depends on what life is, is it this physical universe or the life that never ends but transforms from one form to another. is there beginning of life! is there limits for the universe! ....etc. really a lot of question that We can't answer because We don't have the ability.

My point is, you can't say where God is, what He created,....etc. unless you have the answer for the related questions
Muslims cannot answer many questions about the Quran because the majority of Muslims are illiterate and have not read or understood the Quran. Even alternate answers require some formal education in secular institutions which are denied to millions of Muslims because of their high illiteracy rates.


Proud Muslim
Muslims cannot answer many questions about the Quran because the majority of Muslims are illiterate and have not read or understood the Quran. Even alternate answers require some formal education in secular institutions which are denied to millions of Muslims because of their high illiteracy rates.
ok, Thanks for the info