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Isn’t Islam an idol worshiping religion?


Immobile Wanderer
Well, that really depends on what life is, is it this physical universe or the life that never ends but transforms from one form to another. is there beginning of life! is there limits for the universe! ....etc. really a lot of question that We can't answer because We don't have the ability.

My point is, you can't say where God is, what He created,....etc. unless you have the answer for the related questions
But the Quran says clearly that Allah created life and death.


Active Member
ok, Thanks for the info
Peace be upon you, brother. You and your people are suffering from a harsh religion that has both judged and condemned Muslims. Islam has condemned the infidels too. But the infidels are to many and too strong and too well educated.

I say bring all the Muslims under the Sharia law. It is time they took their religion Islam seriously and started reading their scriptures in the Quran. Just because they chose to follow an illiterate prophet Mohammad, their own illiteracy cannot be justified. The prophet had many wives to care for including a 6 year old child bride when he was 52 years old. Talking to angel Gabriel for 20 years the prophet hungered for a younger companion which he finally found in Aisha his child bride.


Immobile Wanderer
It comes down to what we mean by life. Are you talking about the essence of life itself or our own life as we "know" it?

We don't know all forms of life. We just know what we discovered to mean life according to our understanding.

If you mean the form of life which we know, yes Allah created it all, but we are not aware of other forms of life/existence and how it came to be since it is beyond our comprehension.
Life is that which enlivens us and everything else in existence. All existence is life.


Proud Muslim
Peace be upon you, brother. You and your people are suffering from a harsh religion that has both judged and condemned Muslims. Islam has condemned the infidels too. But the infidels are to many and too strong and too well educated.

I say bring all the Muslims under the Sharia law. It is time they took their religion Islam seriously and started reading their scriptures in the Quran. Just because they chose to follow an illiterate prophet Mohammad, their own illiteracy cannot be justified. The prophet had many wives to care for including a 6 year old child bride when he was 52 years old. Talking to angel Gabriel for 20 years the prophet hungered for a younger companion which he finally found in Aisha his child bride.
Will do, Thanks again


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The western civilization crushed the Ottoman Empire and reduced the Middle East to a rubble of divided borders. The only dark ages Europe suffered was temporary, when the Roman Catholic Church began the inquisition to force its dominance. But the reformation of the Church followed shortly after which reversed the decline.

Meanwhile the Middle East drowned in a sea of illiteracy and ignorance which continues to this day.

Islamists extremists cannot improve the living or educational standards of the millions of Muslims living in poverty with over 800 million illiterate Muslims. But they can with their actions make it unnecessary for Muslims to continue their misguided existence. The Islamists have raised the bar so high that most illiterate Muslims fall short and are deemed dispensable.

I laughed really loud when you said it was temporary. One might think temporary is something like 3 or 5 years, or even a decade, but their darkness was for more than 800 years. That's hardly temporary.

So, what happened to them? why they were in misery for more than 800 years?


Immobile Wanderer
Sure, and I didn't say He didn't I am just saying We can't answer those questions
also in the Quran, God is referring to the life and death of you and I
Life can only mean one thing whether in you or in me or in the animals or in birds or fishes or in Allah. The quality or type of living may be different. Life is everywhere. So long as there is a form there would be life in it. When the form totally disintegrates and nothing remains of the form - still life remains. To the question where went the form - the answer can only be that a gross form at its most subtle is nothing other than life. The life that was in the form merges with the life that was outside the form - nay the form at its most subtle merges with life. Not only in animate forms - even in inanimate forms there is life. Quantum physics indicates this. When quantum physics reaches its frontiers - it will declare as the seers of yore had declared: All existence is but life.
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Proud Muslim
Life can only mean one thing whether in you or in me or in the animals or in birds or fishes or in Allah. The quality or type of living may be different. Life is everywhere. So long as there is a form there would be life in it. When the form totally disintegrates and nothing remains of the form - still life remains. To the question where went the form - the answer can only be that a gross form at its most subtle is nothing other than life. The life that was in the form merges with the life that was outside the form - nay the form at its most subtle merges with life. Not only in animate forms - even in inanimate forms there is life. Quantum physics indicates this. When quantum physics reaches its frontiers - it will declare as the seers of yore had declared: All existence is but life.
I understand that, I was just referring to what God means when He says He created life, He is talking to us in a way We understand and the language We understand, He doesn't talk at all in His creation or who created him and things like that, because with the mind and ability that is given to us, We won't be able to understand. How can We understand things like this while We don't even remember where were We before We were born, I mean We don't remember, there are some kind of rays that We don't see with the vision that is given to us, there are sounds We can't hear with the ability of hearing given to us....etc. We can't understand who is God, or where He came from in this life but maybe in other forms or life We will.


Immobile Wanderer
I understand that, I was just referring to what God means when He says He created life, He is talking to us in a way We understand and the language We understand, He doesn't talk at all in His creation or who created him and things like that, because with the mind and ability that is given to us, We won't be able to understand. How can We understand things like this while We don't even remember where were We before We were born, I mean We don't remember, there are some kind of rays that We don't see with the vision that is given to us, there are sounds We can't hear with the ability of hearing given to us....etc. We can't understand who is God, or where He came from in this life but maybe in other forms or life We will.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Life can only mean one thing whether in you or in me or in the animals or in birds or fishes or in Allah. The quality or type of living may be different. Life is everywhere. So long as there is a form there would be life in it. When the form totally disintegrates and nothing remains of the form - still life remains. To the question where went the form - the answer can only be that a gross form at its most subtle is nothing other than life. The life that was in the form merges with the life that was outside the form - nay the form at its most subtle merges with life. Not only in animate forms - even in inanimate forms there is life. Quantum physics indicates this. When quantum physics reaches its frontiers - it will declare as the seers of yore had declared: All existence is but life.

It is still too early for Quantum Physics to prove anything, really. If i were you, i wouldn't put so much hope in it.


New Member
Allah is other not outside. Creator is not same as what he creates. Artist is not from his art rather puts his image in it.

Islam says Allah is outside us. That which is outside us is an object. Thus a call to worship Allah is a call to worship an object. Idol worship is worship of objects.


Immobile Wanderer
Allah is other not outside. Creator is not same as what he creates. Artist is not from his art rather puts his image in it.
Creator may not be the same as the created. But what did Allah create? That Allah did not create life is clear if we see that Allah must have had life for Him to have created anything. So life always existed. If Allah also always existed He must either be life or He never existed. That life exists is the only thing that is sure because we are all alive. Positing wrongly that life was created paved the way to the erroneous idea of a creator.


I think someone is confusing a landmark, a place for people to gather once a year and worship God/Allah as an idol, when its really a meeting spot for people to travel to and pray to Allah, not the landmark they met at. I will admit I am not a holy roller of any religion but when I think of that commandment about idol worship, I think of someone who values something other than his relationship with God and others more, like money, gold, or another person even. I think that its not as simple as two pieces of wood together in the form of a cross or a big black stone. I don't think that any one object can be labeled, it depends on each person and what they have a hard time not putting before God. The law of God no matter what religion is speaking it, applies to us as individuals not as a group. That's my opinion.
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Circumcision was first practiced by the Egyptians as a main method of hygiene that is one of the reasons why Egypt is often known as the home of surgery with their practice of separating body parts and then contained in vessels among varied medical surgery they preformed, later practiced by the Semitic people. I think like many First Nations and spiritual religions the belief is concentrated on of course the spiritual rather than the tangible image, Islam is not idolatry as was the Greek or Romans or Egyptians, its was Islam that saw the end of the Egyptians gods and goddesses immortalized in stone, Pharaohs carved as the living monuments to their divinity as was Zeus, that is true idolatry to the believer of those religion obviously not construed.
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Immobile Wanderer
I think like many First Nations and spiritual religions the belief is concentrated on of course the spiritual rather than the tangible image, Islam is not idolatry as was the Greek or Romans or Egyptians, its was Islam that saw the end of the Egyptians gods and goddesses immortalized in stone, Pharaohs carved as the living monuments to their divinity as was Zeus, that is true idolatry to the believer of those religion obviously not construed.
I do not understand why Allah considers idols as a problem for Him. The intention behind all idol-worshipers is to thereby reach the ultimate power - whatever or whoever it may be. Can it be denied that there are among idol-worshipers the noblest of people? Conversely can it be certified that all non idol-worshipers are noble people?


Immobile Wanderer
...but when I think of that commandment about idol worship, I think of someone who values something other than his relationship with God and others more, like money, gold, or another person even. I think that its not as simple as two pieces of wood together in the form of a cross or a big black stone. I don't think that any one object can be labeled, it depends on each person and what they have a hard time not putting before God. The law of God no matter what religion is speaking it, applies to us as individuals not as a group. That's my opinion.
Those who worship idols sincerely could very well be placing God whom they wish to approach - through idols - above all money; gold or whatever.


Minister Peacefulpoet
No - however, some followers of Islam could be idle worshipers just as the Christians who believe in praying to crosses and praying to statues of mother Marry. Islam has it Rock. I think it depends on the heart of the believer that only God can judge this.


I'd dare say that all Faith's and Religion's are idol worshippers. None practice what the God of Abraham has instructed us to do according to the Great Prophet Isaiah.
But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. Thy first father hath sinned, and thy teachers have transgressed against me.
God will soon prove himself to all mankind, from every corner of the Earth he has called them, but so very few have seen the light. It doesn't take a genius to understand God's feelings towards the worshipping of idols. There has only ever been 1 God, Praising or Worshipping any other thing makes it an idol.
You have called me an object it this debate while talking to Smart_guy. You are flawed in your thesis Venugopal.

in addition Islam is not a idolatry.
They accept Jesus as their Prophet and thus they believe that God cannot be known, thus he cannot be acknowledged, thus he cannot be labeled even as an object. Also, God is not separate from us, he is in us and everything. Thus your understanding of Islam is also flawed and incomplete, and thus your theology is invalid.