I some time wonder if we even speak the same language when you give me an answer like this one.
You're a businessman and I'm an artist. Of course we don't speak the same language.
Let me keep it simple. If we currently fund Seniors at say a level 6 on a scale of one to ten and later cannot fund the next group of seniors at the same level should we not reduce the level to 4 or 5 and keep things consistent for everyone in the future or are you good with people now receiving a level 6 and future seniors being funded at level 3?
You completely ignored my comment that we have to cut more than just the military and will be forced to cut elsewhere as well. Do you want to ignore the problem until we can't any more?
Of course not. But what you seem to be saying is that we should not fund Seniors today
at all, not just reducing them a level.
Besides, let me put it like this: NASA gets the money the government finds discarded on the street or in trashcans. Negligiable compared to the amount the military and other things get.
Therefore, let's not go all or nothing. Cut only the things whose absence would not be harmful (i.e., hyper-advanced military toys, tax-evasions, things like that), but keep the things that are necessary for survival. For the record, NASA is necessary for survival if only to keep us prepared for potential impacts, or at least so that such impacts can be recognized as such instead of becoming a catalyst for nuclear war.
You don't want me to end up in an institution with absolutely no freedom or self-existence, do you?