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Israel attacks prayers in the Aqsa


Thursday...While prayers are praying peacfully in the Aqsa (The third holy place for muslims), Israeli soldiers attackted them, and hurted more than 30 prayer...

Yesterday, Israeli soldiers re-attacked the prayers again, who starts defending themselves by stones...

Before that, Israel showed how dirty is its policy by taking advantage of the interior Palestine fights, and started digging under the Aqsa increasing the risk of its dilapidation

Several demonstrations are held in many muslim countries against the continuous Israeli aggression...

I couldnt help my tears when watching the Israeli soldiers shooting and kicking old men and kids, as well as watching the machinery digging around the Aqsa square, and destroying a bridge near by...

Olmert expressed his worry for the success of Mecca meeting between Hamas and Fateh, despite the common hopes for a peacfull relationship between them, all over the world

I will not wonder if Olmert claimed that the prayers who defended themselves with stones and their shoes are considerd terrorists for attacking innocent Israeli soldiers..

I couldnt just help myself coming here to RF...and typing my feelings here...

I'm sick of this....And I'm asking you for the sake of humanity....Is this what Israel defines as peace?...is this is justice?....do you accept these terrorist acts??


I saw a brief news clip on BBC of coverage around the world about this and all of them quoted Palestinian and Israeli sources saying they couldn't understand what the reasoning was or what Israel was trying to provoke.

Then they showed coverage from 3 American networks - CNN, FOX, and CBS or some other network - and all their coverage was about "angry Palestinians throwing stones" and "3 Israeli soldiers were hurt" - *puke*


and all their coverage was about "angry Palestinians throwing stones" and "3 Israeli soldiers were hurt" - *puke*
Palestinians are now the one who throw stones, and Israeli soldiers are the one hurt..
What a poor world who believe this false propaganda..


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Djamila said:
Then they showed coverage from 3 American networks - CNN, FOX, and CBS or some other network - and all their coverage was about "angry Palestinians throwing stones" and "3 Israeli soldiers were hurt" - *puke*
It's hard to get news in this country that is not somewhat slanted towards Israel. But it might have been even worse when I was growing up 30 and 40 years ago. The first person who ever criticized Israel to me was my Jewish roommate in college. Until then, I'd never heard anyone say anything negative about Israel.


Deviled Hen
Then they showed coverage from 3 American networks - CNN, FOX, and CBS or some other network - and all their coverage was about "angry Palestinians throwing stones" and "3 Israeli soldiers were hurt" - *puke*

Yup, that's exactly what the coverage was here.

Being used to the poor quality of our news, I headed for a few out-of-the-country web sites to find out what else I was missing.


Well-Known Member
Even if the American MSM were neutral and reported correctly, how will that change the situation in Israel - Palestinian conflict?


Reason, and reason again
greatcalgarian said:
Even if the American MSM were neutral and reported correctly, how will that change the situation in Israel - Palestinian conflict?

Americans might be less supportive of funding Israel unless they (the Israeli government) cleaned up their act.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
EiNsTeiN said:
Thursday...While prayers are praying peacfully in the Aqsa (The third holy place for muslims), Israeli soldiers attackted them, and hurted more than 30 prayer...

Do you have evidence of this? what is your source that Israeli soldiers attacked people praying in the mosque? Every news account I have read says that Palestinian protesters started it to protest the renovation of a ramp. Also note that while it is the third holiest place for muslims it is the first and only holy place for Jews and the Jews graciously let muslims have access to it.

NO ISRAELI TROOP ENTERED THE MOSQUE and it was the muslims that started it, they are protesting a renovation of a walkway of all things. Who gets violent over the renovation of a walkway?

from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/02/09/jerusalem.clash.ap/index.html


it is not terrorism. They are repairing a ramp. The muslims should thank them for it, not throw rocks at them. There would not have been any sort of problems at all if the muslims did not feel the burning need to protest a renovation.

Even the Lebanese newspaper the Daily Star (which calls anything Israel controls "occupied") did not try to say the BS you are. The palestinians protesters started the whole thing:


Israeli police clash with Palestinians protesting excavation at Al-Aqsa

Compiled by Daily Star staff
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Israeli police entered the area around Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem and fired stun grenades at protesting Palestinian worshippers during clashes at the end of Friday prayers.
Muslim leaders had called for protests over Israeli excavations near Islam's third holiest shrine. Arab states had asked Israel to halt the work, charging it could undermine the foundations of Al-Aqsa. Israel says the work will do no damage. A police spokesman said 15 policemen and nine protesters were lightly injured in the clashes. Seventeen people were arrested, some of them outside Jerusalem's Old City walls.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
EiNsTeiN said:
Palestinians are now the one who throw stones, and Israeli soldiers are the one hurt..
What a poor world who believe this false propaganda..

The only propaganda I have read is your post saying that the muslims were peacefully praying and the Israeli's just went crazy.

Even Muslim newspapers admit that the palestinians were protesting. It is propaganda to say they were not doing anything and were just attacked.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Even the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram is saying that it was a "clash" between Palestinians and Israelis and they do not claim that Israel entered the mosque or attacked those attending to prayers.

AL-AQSA AT RISK: Israeli soldiers patrol near the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Old Jerusalem where demolition work began Tuesday, sparking fierce clashes between the Israeli police and army and Palestinians. The entire area has been sealed while Islamic leaders have called upon the faithful, including all Islamic governments, to protest the work and protect Al-Aqsa Mosque.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
comprehend said:
Even the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram is saying that it was a "clash" between Palestinians and Israelis and they do not claim that Israel entered the mosque or attacked those attending to prayers.

AL-AQSA AT RISK: Israeli soldiers patrol near the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Old Jerusalem where demolition work began Tuesday, sparking fierce clashes between the Israeli police and army and Palestinians. The entire area has been sealed while Islamic leaders have called upon the faithful, including all Islamic governments, to protest the work and protect Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Tut, tut, Comprehend. How dare you expect people to cloud their thinking with facts. No doubt these stories are all CIA plants to make Israel look good. I am sure GreatCalgarian has the inside scoop.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
YmirGF said:
Tut, tut, Comprehend. How dare you expect people to cloud their thinking with facts. No doubt these stories are all CIA plants to make Israel look good. I am sure GreatCalgarian has the inside scoop.

yeah, amazing isn't it. I do not understand why people are so quick to slander Israel. How about we all just tell the truth? That would be a crazy idea. This is starting to remind me of the little boy who cried wolf. How are we supposed to know when Israel really does do something wrong when people keep making stuff up all the time?

Since when did being honest go out of style?

Does anyone think that slandering the opposition with garbage is going to somehow increase the likelihood of peace between the two nations? Yes, let us go cause a fight over a stinking renovation. Israel was trying to make the place better for crying out loud. Please don't actually take care of the site. How do you complain about repairing a ramp? Or start fights about it? Do the muslims not want the ramp useable? Do they want the whole place to crumble around their ears?

Can somebody please tell me how it is logical to protest Israel fixing a damaged part of the Holy site?

Finally, I cannot stress how much it drives me nuts to hear to no end how it is the third holiest site in islam. It also happens to be the FIRST holiest site for Jews.

Everyone who thinks that the muslims would allow the Jews to build a temple on top of the Kabba stone raise their hands....

yep. didn't think so.


Well-Known Member
GeneCosta said:
Americans might be less supportive of funding Israel unless they (the Israeli government) cleaned up their act.

Idealistically speaking, that might be true. However, US support of Israel has nothing to do with whether Israeli government is doing the right thing, being humane etc. The reason US supports Israel is to keep the middle east in a mess so that the West can continue to have the influence and control over the production of oil and where those oils are going. It has never been the case that the Zionist has control over the US government etc. It is purely for the reason of being benefitting to the US that US is allowing Israel to exist and carry out all those acts.

Controlling the western media not to report wrong thing Israel is doing, is simply for the reason to continue to fool the American public, so that the general citizen will continue to support the current government policy of middle east. In this sense, you may have a valid point here.


Well-Known Member
YmirGF said:
Tut, tut, Comprehend. How dare you expect people to cloud their thinking with facts. No doubt these stories are all CIA plants to make Israel look good. I am sure GreatCalgarian has the inside scoop.

Wow, now I have CIA in my little pocket, where I know every move the CIA made. You are asking me to create another conspiracy theory for you to enjoy, are you?


Religious Headbanger
comprehend said:
Do you have evidence of this? what is your source that Israeli soldiers attacked people praying in the mosque? Every news account I have read says that Palestinian protesters started it to protest the renovation of a ramp. Also note that while it is the third holiest place for muslims it is the first and only holy place for Jews and the Jews graciously let muslims have access to it.

NO ISRAELI TROOP ENTERED THE MOSQUE and it was the muslims that started it, they are protesting a renovation of a walkway of all things. Who gets violent over the renovation of a walkway?

from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/02/09/jerusalem.clash.ap/index.html


it is not terrorism. They are repairing a ramp. The muslims should thank them for it, not throw rocks at them. There would not have been any sort of problems at all if the muslims did not feel the burning need to protest a renovation.

Even the Lebanese newspaper the Daily Star (which calls anything Israel controls "occupied") did not try to say the BS you are. The palestinians protesters started the whole thing:


Israeli police clash with Palestinians protesting excavation at Al-Aqsa

Compiled by Daily Star staff
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Israeli police entered the area around Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem and fired stun grenades at protesting Palestinian worshippers during clashes at the end of Friday prayers.
Muslim leaders had called for protests over Israeli excavations near Islam's third holiest shrine. Arab states had asked Israel to halt the work, charging it could undermine the foundations of Al-Aqsa. Israel says the work will do no damage. A police spokesman said 15 policemen and nine protesters were lightly injured in the clashes. Seventeen people were arrested, some of them outside Jerusalem's Old City walls.

Thanks for doing the leg work on this one! The way the media present things over there would cause anyone to hate Israel. Here are a few links you may be interested in:

Middle East Media Research Institute. They translate media from the area into English. Be sure to check out the Iranian children's cartoon that advocates suiside bombing.

How the news is reported from the middle east part 1 and 2:



Well-Known Member
comprehend said:
Great. How about we delete the posts that are off topic so it fixes the thread? I am deleting mine now.

My off topic posts were in response some one's comment. I have deleted off the rest. Thanks.


Religious Zionist
*sigh* of course if israeli soldiers are involved israel's "provoking" something.

where were the posts about the 3 murdered in eilat by arab terrorists only a week ago?

it's good to see the anti-semitism and anti-zionism continuing in my absense...

the more things change.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
NoahideHiker said:
Thanks for doing the leg work on this one! The way the media present things over there would cause anyone to hate Israel. Here are a few links you may be interested in:

Middle East Media Research Institute. They translate media from the area into English. Be sure to check out the Iranian children's cartoon that advocates suiside bombing.

How the news is reported from the middle east part 1 and 2:


No problem. I am always happy to shed light on garbage.

MEMRI is a great site. I refer to it often as I can only read english. I hope others decide to read it as well.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
jewscout said:
*sigh* of course if israeli soldiers are involved israel's "provoking" something.

where were the posts about the 3 murdered in eilat by arab terrorists only a week ago?

it's good to see the anti-semitism and anti-zionism continuing in my absense...

the more things change.

Jewscout, I have tried to faithfully defend Jews whenever they have been slandered on this forum and will continue to do so (you have friends). What bewilders me is that people are allowed to post this plainly anti-semitic garbage and not be banned or censored...

am I missing something?


Religious Headbanger
There was a poll done a few years back that asked what country was the biggest threat to world peace. 68% agreed. N.Korea? Iran? Syria? No, Israel. If we look at the number of U.N. resolutions filed against Israel and the number against countries like China, the Sudan, Iran, ect. The global biase against Israel is clear. A tiny nation smaller than New Jersey. A country that is the size of a postage stamp on a football field in comparison to the rest of the middle east and IT'S the most dangerouse country on earth? Please! One fact remains through it all though...If the enemies of Israel lay down their guns there'd be peace. If Israel lays down it's guns there'd be no more Israel.