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Israel-Gaza and fake news ...

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
From today's Haaretz:

In an attempt to sway global public opinion on the war in Gaza, fake accounts and sites spread pro-Israel and Islamophobic content. The operation was orchestrated by Israel's Diaspora Affairs Ministry and run by a political campaigning firm
The Israeli government is behind a large-scale influence campaign primarily aimed at Black lawmakers and young progressives in the United States and Canada. The operation, whose existence was first reported by Haaretz in March, was launched after the start of the war in Gaza and was intended to sway certain segments of public opinion on Israel's conduct.​
The influence campaign made extensive use of fake websites and social media to promote content that is pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim content, as well as disinformation about antisemitism on American campuses, according to an investigation by the Fake Reporter organization, published today.​

Fake Reporter was the subject of an informative 26 Oct 2023 NPR article.


Well-Known Member
From today's Haaretz:

In an attempt to sway global public opinion on the war in Gaza, fake accounts and sites spread pro-Israel and Islamophobic content. The operation was orchestrated by Israel's Diaspora Affairs Ministry and run by a political campaigning firm
The Israeli government is behind a large-scale influence campaign primarily aimed at Black lawmakers and young progressives in the United States and Canada. The operation, whose existence was first reported by Haaretz in March, was launched after the start of the war in Gaza and was intended to sway certain segments of public opinion on Israel's conduct.​
The influence campaign made extensive use of fake websites and social media to promote content that is pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim content, as well as disinformation about antisemitism on American campuses, according to an investigation by the Fake Reporter organization, published today.​

Fake Reporter was the subject of an informative 26 Oct 2023 NPR article.

Israeli's are the Fake News Kings .. that much is true .. propaganda the name of the Game .. 7 decades of practicing spin .. and most often they win but, this time is different .. despite killing journalists and their families .. targeting media with censorship .. and access restriction.. the news is getting out .. and the whole world can not see the mass atrocity of Bibi and this Likud Party .. whose charter is to cleans the land "From the River to the Sea - Israeli Sovereignty"

AIPAC is a huge influencer in Washington .. tail waging the dog kind of influence .. Everyone in Washington knows this Jay .. did you not get the memo that it is "Pay to Play" :) .. that AIPAC Cash pays for a whole lot of play


Well-Known Member
From today's Haaretz:

In an attempt to sway global public opinion on the war in Gaza, fake accounts and sites spread pro-Israel and Islamophobic content. The operation was orchestrated by Israel's Diaspora Affairs Ministry and run by a political campaigning firm
The Israeli government is behind a large-scale influence campaign primarily aimed at Black lawmakers and young progressives in the United States and Canada. The operation, whose existence was first reported by Haaretz in March, was launched after the start of the war in Gaza and was intended to sway certain segments of public opinion on Israel's conduct.​
The influence campaign made extensive use of fake websites and social media to promote content that is pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim content, as well as disinformation about antisemitism on American campuses, according to an investigation by the Fake Reporter organization, published today.​

Fake Reporter was the subject of an informative 26 Oct 2023 NPR article.

Israeli's are the Fake News Kings .. that much is true .. propaganda the name of the Game .. 7 decades of practicing spin .. and most often they win but, this time is different .. despite killing journalists and their families .. targeting media with censorship .. and access restriction.. the news is getting out .. and the whole world can not see the mass atrocity of Bibi and this Likud Party .. whose charter is to cleans the land "From the River to the Sea - Israeli Sovereignty"

AIPAC is a huge influencer in Washington .. tail waging the dog kind of influence .. Everyone in Washington knows this Jay .. did you not get the memo that it is "Pay to Play" :) .. that AIPAC Cash pays for a whole lot of play Hey J !


Well-Known Member
This is a cartoonishly racist statement. :facepalm:

The statement had nothing to do with race friend .. **mod edit** Don't blame the Jew for the actions of the State of Israel Libre .. why would you conflate the two .. .. and speaking of racist -- what is with the xenophobic collective punishment ideology .. which is both racist and totalitarian extermination generation tyranny of a kind only the mother of a brown shirt could love ... do you seriously support this mini Holocaust ? -- call people who call out this atrocity "cartoonishly racist"

Who is the cartoon racist -- but the clowns on the religious right who ardently support this xenophobic Collective extermination ? and now the Neocon woke blue have joined in .. in some unholy union of depravity of the racist variety .

Which is your camp friend .. are you a self declared Zionist like Genocide Joe ? .. Got to love a candidate running with that nick .. a stripe earned long before Oct 7.

Box is yours .. which are the cartoon racists that you side with ? .. prior to running around projecting your issues onto others.

"Cartoon Racist" .. heh .. good one. I will perhaps find a use for this term in the future ... and of course remember you and give credit everytime used.
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Woke gremlin
Guys, the OP is about a group of Israeli activists exposing the propaganda of their own government. I think to take this as any kind of justification that Israelis, as a group, are especially or uniquely dishonest is to dramatically miss the point. The existence of groups within Israel who do not support the actions of the Bibi government or the IDF, and who actively act to counter propaganda, shouldn't be either overlooked or unexpected. They're doing great work in circumstances that would be near impossible for the best of us. We ought to be acknowledging that.
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Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
From the OP ...

... The influence campaign made extensive use of fake websites and social media to promote content that is pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim content, as well as disinformation about antisemitism on American campuses, according to an investigation by the Fake Reporter organization, published today. [ibid]

In response ...

<sarcasm on>How dare those Israelis attempt to undermine hatred of them by sharing their perspective and information!</sarcasm off>

So now we know what "perspective and information" means to you. Thanks for sharing.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
From today's Haaretz:

In an attempt to sway global public opinion on the war in Gaza, fake accounts and sites spread pro-Israel and Islamophobic content. The operation was orchestrated by Israel's Diaspora Affairs Ministry and run by a political campaigning firm
The Israeli government is behind a large-scale influence campaign primarily aimed at Black lawmakers and young progressives in the United States and Canada. The operation, whose existence was first reported by Haaretz in March, was launched after the start of the war in Gaza and was intended to sway certain segments of public opinion on Israel's conduct.​
The influence campaign made extensive use of fake websites and social media to promote content that is pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim content, as well as disinformation about antisemitism on American campuses, according to an investigation by the Fake Reporter organization, published today.​

Fake Reporter was the subject of an informative 26 Oct 2023 NPR article.
Right wing nationalism, Theocratic Extremism and Left Wing Totalitarian autocracies are symbiotic of each other. Each point to each other to justify their monstrous conducts. But they are fundamentally the same, seeking power and suppressing individual liberty under the garb of some or other greater cause. Thus they are not three, but one single form of evil that has blighted human history. You do not pick a side between a lion and a crocodile intent on eating you. You shoot both.


Well-Known Member
The antisemitic bigot awash in clownish condemnations of a people, including people such as Vivian Silver (Z"L).

Well then stop with this "Clownish anti semetic" rhetoric .. I have no idea who Vivian Silver is .. and certainly don't condem here because she might be Jewish like you do. Just because someone is Jewish does not make them responsible for the atrocities of the State of Israel


Well-Known Member
You are you misquoting?

Who is misquoting .. did you not see the posters comment on the cartoon racist .. same fallacy as that one you are guilty .. blaming the Jew . be it Russian, Slovakian, Polish- Israeli .. as being responsible for the atrocity of Bibi.

Further .. it seems this justification of collective punishment ideology -- applies to Gaza -- and all the propaganda associated with that ridiculous show the Brown shirts would be proud .. "Israel gives warnings prior to Bombing" .. ever hear that humorous trope How about the "human Sheild" propaganda .. that is a category unto itself .. .. the Targeted Assassinations over 7 decades .. to many to count acts of terrorism.... Targeting Journalists .. killing medics .. folks in wheelchairs "protesting" on other side of a huge wall .. taken out by IDF snipers .. is the norm .. treated like a game of "Kill the Arab" .. Bibi calling out to his troops to "Cleanse the Land" .. Cleanse the land of the filth .. in the Israelite Biblical sense.

and sorry friend .. is no Misquote here --- the Irish Delegation to the UN said "The Hague is too good for Bibi" - but this don't mean you have the right to condemn all Jews on this basis .. this collective punishment of all Jews for the Sins of the Father / the leader is a violation of the Biblical and Rule of Law Principle .. one person not to be punished for the actions of another. Learn it .. Live it . unlike Bibi who don't want to follow no rules... Bibi the Violater of the rules .. and for this must be punished at the Hague .. the ICC a warrent out .. Guilty of Crimes against Humanity ... Guilty of the Cleansing program .. the Ethnic Cleansing program .. extermination of 15,000 children thus far .. as punishment for the actions of some rogue freedom fighters that went to far .. got out of control .. took the right of self defense too far.... but this is not the responsibility of some Palestinian Child living in the West Bank .. this is collective slaughter armed Kibbuts Militias running around doing Pogroms in broad daylight .. supported by the Israeli Army .. in case any try to fight back ..

Thats why so many Jew's out there on the Protest line .. .supporting the Palestinians .. and a cease fire .. these fJews being referring to as "cartoon racists"