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Israel-Gaza and fake news ...


Staff member
Premium Member
USA is "Nuclear King"
IF you don't want the title
THEN don't produce the nukes
The poster I was replying to wasn't making a statement about the state of Israel. He was talking about the Israeli people.
But you knew that.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
The IDF is the Israeli people, everyone has to join, unless there ultra religious


Veteran Member
Ya ya .. They the racist ones .. blaming all Jews for what Bibi did in Gaza .. IDF and what they do is not all Jews .. .. so when one calls out the IDF for atrocity .. and they cry out "Cartoon Racist" .. they projecting .. as IDF ain't about Jews but the associating the two .. so they being the racist see :) Same with their support for collective punishment .. Just like blaming all Jews for what Bibi did. Collective punishment blaming all Palestinians for what a few rogue Hamas freedom fighters did .. exterminating 15,000 children .. who have nothing to do with Hamas for the crimes of Hamas .. because they are dirty Arabs ... which is what Bibi say when he talk about Cleansing the Land .. "From the River to the Sea - Israeli Sovereignty"

These ones are the xenophobic ethnic cleansers .. racist to the core .. some are even saying "Genocidal" but what else do you call what was done to the Amalek ? Bibi's words .. not mine ... freaken genocidal racist .. by his own admission

Is why the Irish delegation at the UN said "The Hague is too good for Bibi"
Difficult to solve situation, because Religion plays a major role here (my Religion Trumps your Religion), and this Abrahamic evangelizing is doomed to destroy itself and maybe others in the process.

Hamas started the genocide by slaughtering many, many Israeli. I understand Israel stikes back, and strikes back hard. Terrorists don't listen to soft spoken words.


Veteran Member
The poster I was replying to wasn't making a statement about the state of Israel. He was talking about the Israeli people.
But you knew that.
I explained myself very clear
Seems we disagree on this
Which is fine with me

Indeed this solves disagreement


Veteran Member
IF the reply would have been
"Russians are the Fake News Kings"
No one would pull the "racist card"

It would have been a sloppy, Russophobic statement equating the Russian people with the Putin regime.
I do not see it as Russophobic

It is indeed a sloppy, generalization

More correct would be:
"In Russia there are some experts in generating "Fake News"

Even better would be
"Nowadays almost all countries have experts who master the 'art' of creating Fake News"

I think Russian "Fake News" is not only created by "Putin Regime", also by Russians who are anti-Putin

I think nowadays even kids enjoy spreading Fake News. And soon it will explode exponentially, now people discover Artificial Intelligence.

You need not even be an expert to make Fake News. Anyone with basic computer skills and interest in Creating Fake News can do it.

Even on RF I've seen a few "I am Jesus" claims


Well-Known Member
Difficult to solve situation, because Religion plays a major role here (my Religion Trumps your Religion), and this Abrahamic evangelizing is doomed to destroy itself and maybe others in the process.

Hamas started the genocide by slaughtering many, many Israeli. I understand Israel stikes back, and strikes back hard. Terrorists don't listen to soft spoken words.

Genocide is a nonsense term as used. We can call it a terrorist attack .. or a war crime ..but it was not genocide .. lacking anythign systemic. You can't call one attack ..lasting a few hours .. an action of self defense from foreign illegal anexor "Genocide" .. .. it is pure nonsene attribution of a term that needs not be used to begin with .. same with the Genocide accusations against Bibi .. we don't need to bicker about a strict definition of some ill understood word .. by not mentioning it at all .. although if we did .. Israel is 100 times worse ..

We can call it Ethnic Cleansing - xenophobic extermination .. or simply "Collective punishment" - a war crime and crime against humanity in this case ..

The idea that Hamas started this blood feud - by slaugthering many many Palestinians/Arabs -- Ten times the number of children the Palestinians managed to kill .. living in an apartheid state.. under cruel and inhuman over lords .. rape .. and sexual assault a weapon of war .. over this 7 decade long blood feud .. Hamas a relatively recent abberation .. created by Israel in order to divide the Palestinian authority .. but .. let us not digress fro the fact that the claim "Hamas started this by doing XYX" is perposterously false.


Well-Known Member
^ this @Sargonski rebranding of the October 7th pogrom is despicable

Palestinians have the right to self defense against the evil apartheid regime subjugating them ... that the freedom fighters went over-board is unfortunate but one terrorist act does not qualify as Genocide. What is dispicable is the the Ethnic Cleansing program that has been going on for 70 years and the more recent Gaza Holocaust which included the xenophobic extermination ofd 15,000 children thus far .. tens of thousands more wounded


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Media had evil influence on people indeed ,when madeup fake news,as begining of war 7october ,Israeli news big lie" 40 beheaded babies."

hamas soldier hold Israeli babies

Islam (my God) don't allow kill babies and women of enemy,or hostages.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
4 hostages released and 210 Palestinians killed in the operation, and we're supposed to celebrate this??


Woke gremlin
^ this @Sargonski rebranding of the October 7th pogrom is despicable
Trying to point out how unjustified a retaliatory response what's happened in Gaza is, considering both the fog of war and Hamas' tactics in the region, becomes a practically Sisyphean task when there are people on the other side who are literally trying to claim that paragliding into a country and indiscriminately slaughtering well over a thousand civilians is a justified act of retaliatory violence.

It would be super nice if we could at least all realise that the fundamental principle that should be in play from the start is the - admittedly bold and controversial - position that killing civilians is wrong.


My own religion
Trying to point out how unjustified a retaliatory response what's happened in Gaza is, considering both the fog of war and Hamas' tactics in the region, becomes a practically Sisyphean task when there are people on the other side who are literally trying to claim that paragliding into a country and indiscriminately slaughtering well over a thousand civilians is a justified act of retaliatory violence.

It would be super nice if we could at least all realise that the fundamental principle that should be in play from the start is the - admittedly bold and controversial - position that killing civilians is wrong.

Well, I try to argue for following the laws of war, so that is in effect sort of a 3rd position.


Woke gremlin
Well, I try to argue for following the laws of war, so that is in effect sort of a 3rd position.
People also seem to have difficulty with that as a concept, too. There's an underlying implication in a lot of people's arguments (some on both sides, to be fair) that if you're not pro-Hamas you're pro-Israel, and if you're not pro-Israel you're pro-Hamas. It's frustrating that so many people in this discussion seem to disregard the entire notion that a) not all responses to atrocities are reasonably justified, and b) it is still possible to engage in a military response in a reasonable way.

I feel like it's often two steps forward and one step back. I'll be arguing that what Israel's doing in Gaza isn't justified by what Hamas did and I'll get some response along the lines of "So was what Hamas did justified?", and by the time I've answered "Obviously, no" one or two other posters will have jumped in with a response akin to "Totally, because oppression!". I take care to explain why the indiscriminate murder of civilians can never be considered a reasonable or justified response - even to past or continuing injustices - and then someone will un-ironically claim that 10/7 was some sort of justified act of liberatory violence.

It's like we're not doing ourselves any favours. People seem to have either abandoned basic moral principles to justify what Israel's doing or they've abandoned basic moral principles to paint Hamas as freedom fighters.

Of course, most people steer clear of the above. But it only takes one or two posters unambiguously endorsing war crimes to poison the whole discussion and turn it into tribalism. It's like herding drunk cats, sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Brother, please forgive me. When I made that remark I was quite drunk. ❤️

There is a saying .. "Wine speaks the Truth" :)
It would have been a sloppy, Russophobic statement equating the Russian people with the Putin regime.
.. Exactly - as it is Jew-o-phobic statement to blame all Jewish people for the actions of xenophobic Zionist .. some even say "genocidal" leadership of Israel. .. but this is what we hear all the time from the USA-Israel Fake News calling folks "anti -semitic" for pointing out the human atrocities and crimes against humanity being commited by Israel ..

Sup with that fake news .. IDF the propaganda warriors .. how they get so skilled in these arts do ya figure :)