Hamas, unprovoked and
without warning, attacked Israel on Saturday, October 7. The Israelis, as was inevitable, fought back, hopefully hard. The New York Times' print edition contained an article "Gazans With Nowhere to Hide Issue a Plea: At Least Warn Us." The Times' electronic edition (
link, not paywalled) modified the headline to "Nowhere to Hide in Gaza as Israeli Onslaught Continues." Either way, the article and contents constitute unmitigated gall, or, as the Yiddish expression goes,
chutzpah. Excerpts:
The UN High Commissioner for human rights continues this thoroughly disingenuous theme:
Both the "Gazans" and Mr. Türk miss the delicious irony; Hamas gave no "warning" to the attendees at a rock concert that it killed, tortured and/or kidnapped. Ditto the Israeli homes invaded. Presumably, Israel is to meekly accept these attacks. The Gazans, somehow, are entitled to warnings so they can fight another day. The Israeli rock concert attendees, and other innocents, should just die.
After all, they are only the Joooooos, and should follow the pattern they adopted during the Shoah, with 6,000,000 going down with barely a whimper.