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It's Begun

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Maybe I missed it, but did the site itself specifically state that it's aim was to "eradicate religion", or is that just how the OP presented it?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
So far it seems this thread is just 10+ pages of an unwarranted knee jerk reaction.
Actually, it's mostly side conversations, I don't think there's been any meaningful discussion of the OP. My amusement at the melodramatic phrasing certainly doesn't count.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I missed it, but did the site itself specifically state that it's aim was to "eradicate religion", or is that just how the OP presented it?
About the Reason Project | The Reason Project
About Section said:
The Reason Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society. Drawing on the talents of the most prominent and creative thinkers across a wide range of disciplines, The Reason Project seeks to encourage critical thinking and wise public policy through a variety of interrelated projects. The foundation will convene conferences, produce films, sponsor scientific studies and opinion polls, publish original research, award grants to other charitable organizations, and offer material support to religious dissidents and public intellectuals — all with the purpose of eroding the influence of dogmatism, superstition, and bigotry in our world.
While the foundation is devoted to fostering critical thinking generally, we believe that religious ideas require a special focus. Both science and the arts are built upon cultures of vigorous self-criticism; religious discourse is not. As a result, unwarranted religious beliefs still reign unchallenged in almost every society on earth—dividing humanity from itself, inflaming conflict, preventing wise public policy, and diverting scarce resources. One of the primary goals of The Reason Project is to change this increasingly unhealthy status quo.
We are always looking for creative ways to involve the community in our efforts. If you would like to contribute to the work of The Reason Project, please fill out a volunteer application. We encourage you to consider the work of The Reason Project your own.
Actually, it's mostly side conversations, I don't think there's been any meaningful discussion of the OP. My amusement at the melodramatic phrasing certainly doesn't count.

To be fair the original post was quite melodramatic.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Actually, FH, I believe I introduced the phrase "eradicating religion" to the thread, when explaining to idea the difference between atheism and anti-theism.


No, I don't. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Let's press the reset button. Here is my first post on the topic...

"I see very little political distinction between religion and communism. Both are irrational, imperialistic belief systems that seeks to vault itself into power." (I'm not good at the forum's "quote" thing.)

If you took this to mean I'm making a statement about your religion then you have it wrong - at least the imperialist part. If your religion is apolitical then you have no cause to take offense. The rationality of your religion is something else. If your beliefs have the slightest precept of divine or super natural knowledge then I consider your beliefs irrational and I have nothing more to say about that.

If you want to debate the veracity of the statement - that there is very little political distinction - then we have something to go on.



ThrUU the Looking Glass
Let's press the reset button. Here is my first post on the topic...

"I see very little political distinction between religion and communism. Both are irrational, imperialistic belief systems that seeks to vault itself into power."
My quarrel with this statement is that it characterizes all religions as imperialistic and seeking political power. They're not.

(I'm not good at the forum's "quote" thing.)
Would you like a lesson?

If you took this to mean I'm making a statement about your religion then you have it wrong - at least the imperialist part.
When you say "religion" as if it were some monolithic entity, you include all religions.

If your religion is apolitical then you have no cause to take offense.
My religion is quite political, but that doesn't equate to imperialism, either. We're religious secularists.

The rationality of your religion is something else. If your beliefs have the slightest precept of divine or super natural knowledge then I consider your beliefs irrational and I have nothing more to say about that.
I have little regard for those who opine from ignorance, so I'm just as glad you're not compelled to waste my time.

If you want to debate the veracity of the statement - that there is very little political distinction - then we have something to go on.
1) I wouldn't mind if you clarified what you meant by "political distinction."
2) As I have stated several times, my objection is with your sweeping generalization. It's simply untrue, yet you refuse to either revise or withdraw.


Premium Member
No form of government and religion are compatible. Even in countries, like Switzerland, that are called atheist countries, have theists living there. I have always thought they were called atheist because the government doesn't use religion to make its laws, etc. But I am woefully ignorant about government- as I really don't like government. I see the necessity of it, however.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
How so?

UU is founded upon the 7 Principles:
There are seven principles which Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote:

  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  • The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
  • Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
source: UUA.org

As you can see, we value democracy highly. Also, based upon the Principles, we advocate equal rights for minorities (sexual most definitely included), economic justice, and secular government. We created the UUSC. My church alone boasts action groups for mental health, reproductive rights, homelessness, Cuban relief, peace, and environmentalism, just off the top of my head. Our intern minister is on leave from the Washington office and looks forward to returning to his career as a lobbyist.


I would hope that your congregation values constitutional, liberal democracy. Otherwise you get proposition 8.

Other than that, these are all secular notions that your religion has co-opted. So what are you telling me? That your religion is secularism? Perhaps you should join the Reason Project.



ThrUU the Looking Glass
I would hope that your congregation values constitutional, liberal democracy. Otherwise you get proposition 8.
I thought I made that clear, and rather suspect you're being deliberately obtuse.

Other than that, these are all secular notions that your religion has co-opted. So what are you telling me? That your religion is secularism? Perhaps you should join the Reason Project.
You asked how my religion was political, I answered. I already told you we're religious secularists. We're still religious, though, and I doubt the so-called "Reason Project" would have us.