I believe it is because the act of sex as God designed it is meant to be more than a physical act. It also has emotional and spiritual ramifications. The scriptures reveal that the two people become ONE.
Exactly. Sex is about more then mere procreation or purely physical pleasure. There's also a deep emotional experience and intimacy. Gay people and gay relationships benefit from these effects as much as any human.
This union where female and male become one in all aspects of their being in a committed marriage gives a complete picture of the image of God. Male with male or female with female is one-sided, out of balance, and according to the scriptures not God's design for human sexuality.
You say this, but the facts do not agree.
Homosexuals in committed love relationships experience their loving relationships just like the others.
Good friends of mine are a gay married couple. The only real hardship they face that I, in a heterosexual relationship, don't have to face... are the hardships that are a direct result from homophobes, discrimination etc, from people (they don't even know) who "disapprove" of their love.
They adopted a kid as well and I can honestly tell you that from all the couples with kids I personally know.... they rank in the top 3, at least, of parenting. In fact, if I'm truelly being honest.... I even find myself thinking sometimes that they are better parents then me and my woman.
Having said that, it is understandable that this is irrelevant to the choices and thoughts of those who do not believe in God or care what His design is at all.
Ultimately, God is completely irrelevant here.
Because even if I would become convinced tomorrow, for some reason, that the christian god exists, it would not at all change my opinion on homosexuality and supposed moral implications thereof.
None of the facts surrounding homosexuality would be changed by that.
It would still be common throughout the animal kingdom.
It would still be obvious that for gay people, it is anything but a "free choice".
I'm a heterosexual and I can honestly tell you that even for a million dollars, I would be physically incapable of gay sex. It would not turn me on and I would be physically unable to do it. I would not and could not hold an erection even if my life depended on it. Because I can't choose what arouses me. And I can guarantee you that even only the mental picture of gay sex will put my sergeant-general to sleep in a matter of seconds - and it would be knocked out for quite some time afterwards.
So my theory is that people who claim it is a "choice", are bisexual. Only a bisexual would experience homosexuality as a "choice"... because calling it a "choice", to me anyway, implies the one making that claim to be physically capable of being aroused by the idea of having sex with the same gender.
Being able to do that.... is what makes you gay or at least bi.
So, in conclusion.... all the facts inform me that homosexuality is part of an individual's "biological profile" just as much as your skin pigmentation is. You don't "choose" it. You either are gay / bi or you aren't. And if you are, then you are and nothing you can do will change that.
You might be able to "suppress" it and live unhappily. But it will always be a part of you.