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It's time......to rename the Republican Party


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
What about being a politician is so wonderful that these people are willing to sacrifice everything they are as human beings just to hold onto it?

Money. All the bribes and speaking fees and book deals come together to quite a sum.
And social position, which can also include a measure of power over others. Heady stuff, to those who need it.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Im still waiting for you to take politics seriously rather than coming up with such silly statements.
Not silly at all. It's not a statement. It's documented fact.

Particularly when a Democrat had yelled, "socialism wins" without any opposition by other fellow Democrats condemning the proclamation under the Democratic party name.

Since you don't remember the fact anymore thinking its just a statement, I'll just keep you informed of the fact as many times as required to help you out.....


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I thought you knew by now -- don't listen to what the say (or yell). Watch what they do. It's all there.
I haven't known anyone to say anything remotely like "fascism wins" since high school. But he was a very strange and odd person (I was friends with him and he frienda with a larger circle that included a friend since kindergarten).
He's smart though. I'm sure he outgrew it like I did my anarchy phase.


What is so weird to me about all this is that all these republicans want to be in politics SO BADLY that they are willing to humiliate themselves, sell out the American people, and sell out any principals they imagine themselves having in the most obvious and public way. What about being a politician is so wonderful that these people are willing to sacrifice everything they are as human beings just to hold onto it?
And why did so many of the moderates cut bait and run?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Money. All the bribes and speaking fees and book deals come together to quite a sum.
Also power and prestige. Plenty of people value being the person who will be listened to, looked at, and for whom various ceremonies and preparations are routinely done.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Are you sure?

Seems there are still plenty of racist Democrats to go around as much as racist Republicans.
Didn't read it, did you?
that it “appears that the flag was unintentionally included in a collection of 50 flags that were provided for use by our delegations by an out-of-state volunteer and it has been discarded.” “As someone born in New York state who now lives in Northern Virginia I am not intimately aware of the variations of the state flag design and was unable to catch the error unfortunately. I will do my best to better educate myself on the history of Virginia in the future to ensure it never happens again,” McBride’s statement continued. Peter Ansoff, the former president of the North American Vexillological Association—a group dedicated to the study of flags—told Washingtonian that while the flag Vindman posed with may have been used during the Confederate era, it had no symbolic ties to the Confederacy itself, as it follows the specifications of the Virginia state flag that have been encoded in state law since 1861. The modestly dressed Virtus also appears on an iteration of the seal used by former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli in 2010. Cuccinelli, who told reporters back then that he cribbed the seal from an “antique state flag that hangs in the Virginia Capitol,” used the more-safe-for-work emblem for less than a week after public ridicule.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
That's always the political line. I know nothing.
You were just accused of knowing nothing (of having misunderstood your own link if you looked at it at all) and of supporting fascists/Nazis, and you responded with a know-nothing Nazi. It's hard to believe that you were calling yourself that, but I can't think of another meaning for your post. Quite the self-own here.

We Never Know

No Slack
You were just accused of knowing nothing (of having misunderstood your own link if you looked at it at all) and of supporting fascists/Nazis, and you responded with a know-nothing Nazi. It's hard to believe that you were calling yourself that, but I can't think of another meaning for your post. Quite the self-own here.
Noticed that too. In my opinion the misplaced comma threw them off.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You were just accused of knowing nothing (of having misunderstood your own link if you looked at it at all) and of supporting fascists/Nazis, and you responded with a know-nothing Nazi. It's hard to believe that you were calling yourself that, but I can't think of another meaning for your post. Quite the self-own here.
Nope. I'm accusing someone who allegedly knew nothing of the flag, but still did it anyways.

I'm not the one misunderstanding here.

Of course your self inflationary post is indeed quite the self own here.

Good job at achieving that.