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It's time to stand up for the little people


Reason, and reason again
At work I can't dish out deserved justice to customers without risking my job, but I've decided it's open season when I'm a customer at another store.

A few days ago I went to Target to look at their mini-fridges. Along the way I purchased some candy corn. Well, in line I overheard this teenage girl complaining about how the cashier accepted her credit without scanning her gum -- even though the gum was in her PURSE. She was complaining about Target employees and how this was the second time in a week it's happened. I couldn't take it. Memories of Kroger came to my head. I told her, "Well, maybe if you payed more attention they could match your expectations." She verbally cursed me out, but when it was my time the cashier thanked me. :p

There's been times at work where I've broken worker policy to get back at a customer. I'm not your slave. For example, it was relatively empty one time and this family with a crying child had about 30 items. I was in the fast lane and told them I'd take them. Well, this old lady comes up right afterwards and instantly tells them, "You know this is the fast line right? It's for fast orders." I told her [nicely], "I took them. It wasn't busy." She gives me an ugly face. After I'm done with the family she tells me, "You shouldn't have done that. Don't do that again." After I scan all her items, she looks down at her watch and remarks, "If you hadn't taken that other family, I'd be out of here by now." That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I told her, "I'm sorry, you can take it up with Customer Service. I only listen to my manangers." The look on her face was worth it.

Customers should realize they are NOT above the person in work clothes. Customer service has its own limits.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
One unhappy customer tells 12 people.......
Who each tell 6 people.....
Who each tell 3 people......
Who each tell 1 person.....

TOTAL: 300 people.

My advice, don't argue with customers. Just say you are sorry they are disapointed and ask them if they need to speak with a manager.


Obstructor of justice
Here here! Be nice to your sales clerks, cashiers and other customer service providers.

Karma is nasty - if you spit on a sales clerk for not taking your return (when you've used the item several times, and didn't bother to wash your food out of it), you'll end up with a few flat tires.


Well-Known Member
If that old woman had 30 items and it was slow, what do you think she would have said if you didn't take her? I hate crap like that. I used to work at the courthouse in the tax assessor's office and had to deal with angry people all the time.


dang.... ya, i've worked plenty of fast-food jobs. it can get.... frustrating.

dang, *****, they'll let any old **** work at a McDonalds these days! what's your name, miss ****? i'mma tell your manager next time i come around here, ****."

have a nice day, ma'am! come again!


Sweet n Spicy
Negative word-of-mouth from disgruntled customers can do damage but I understand what you mean...you're human and sometimes you just can't help but retaliate, although it is best to keep your calm. Humans just have a breaking point sometimes. You know what can work too? Really compliment people for their kindness when they're obviously not being kind...boil over with sugar and honey...they'll know you're being sarcastic and they'll feel bad that they weren't really being polite. :D


Sweet n Spicy
Scanning her gum? What does that mean?

I think the girl bought some gum and put it in her purse before she could pay for it and the cashier didn't use the point-of-sale scanner to scan it before she accepted the girl's credit card. :shrug:

I was also wondering but that is what I came up with. :D


Well-Known Member
Negative word-of-mouth from disgruntled customers can do damage but I understand what you mean...you're human and sometimes you just can't help but retaliate, although it is best to keep your calm. Humans just have a breaking point sometimes. You know what can work too? Really compliment people for their kindness when they're obviously not being kind...boil over with sugar and honey...they'll know you're being sarcastic and they'll feel bad that they weren't really being polite. :D

Sometimes they do feel bad when you do this, but sometimes that gets under their skin even more. I had a Realtor who I knew was really mad at a situation that was going on with one of my clients. She did not yell at me but killed me with kindness even though she really wasn't being kind. That really got my hairs sticking up.
But I just killed her with kindness right back, Then I went and had a drink.:D


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Working in retail helped me to hone the art of the snappy comeback and memorable one-liners. People are usually quite taken back by a single line, multi-level reply that does not, at first glance, make them look silly. I would often get a grin in response, knowing full well that if they thought about what I had said to them their grin would evaporate rather quickly, lol.

One has to preen clients ego's a tad whilst smacking them up the back of the head. Plus, depending on my mood, I would sometimes answer the exact question that was asked and nothing more. It's a fine line to walk, and it can be dangerous, so unless you think very rapidly on your feet I would NOT advise this approach.

My personal favorite was once when I was working in a department store many years ago a customer became upset at my witty comeback line. I was wearing a smock as I had been doing some work in the department that was a bit messy and didn't want to get my suit dirty. Angry, she said rather indignantly, "Young man, I want to talk to the manager!" I said, "Very well. I'll be right back." I went into the stock room, took off my smock and put on my lovely blue blazer, adjusted my tie and took out my glittering name tag and placed it in the breast pocket so it was prominently displayed. I then walked back out to the client and asked with a big smile, "Yes, madame, what seems to be the problem?" Her look was definitely one of those Kodak moments. I didn't hear a word about it although she most certainly could have reported me to my bosses, lol. (She came back a week or two later and we got on fabulously. Go figger.)


Reason, and reason again
One unhappy customer tells 12 people.......
Who each tell 6 people.....
Who each tell 3 people......
Who each tell 1 person.....

TOTAL: 300 people.

My advice, don't argue with customers. Just say you are sorry they are disapointed and ask them if they need to speak with a manager.

Tough luck for Kroger, Rick. If the company won't stand up for me, I'll do it myself. I plan on leaving anyway and I'd have no problem seeing it close down. Walmart pays more and requires less customer service. I had a friend who had to get the union to fight for his wage.


The cake is a lie
One unhappy customer tells 12 people.......
Who each tell 6 people.....
Who each tell 3 people......
Who each tell 1 person.....

TOTAL: 300 people.

My advice, don't argue with customers. Just say you are sorry they are disapointed and ask them if they need to speak with a manager.
I think you really overestimate how much people care. If I get bad service I'm likely to be miffed, maybe rant to 3-5 people, and I doubt they bother to tell anyone about it since it doesn't directly affect them.


Oldest Heretic
Most large stores in the UK now have a zero tolerance policy against abusive and aggressive customers.
They are held till the police come.


The cake is a lie
Most large stores in the UK now have a zero tolerance policy against abusive and aggressive customers.
They are held till the police come.
Verbally aggressive, too?

If so, I wish they'd implement that here. My cousin was screamed at for 10 minutes because he greeted a customer that walked in and asked him if he needed any help. :(

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That is one thing I miss about working at Arbys. People got rude, and I could make sure their meal would not be pleasant. Like one lady who complained she wanted extra mayo, saying I didn't put extra mayo but extra honey mustard. The next sandwich had about 1 1/2 inches of mayo on each slice of bread.
And then getting in the faces of people who get rude to people who are in retail and fast food is always fun.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Most large stores in the UK now have a zero tolerance policy against abusive and aggressive customers.
They are held till the police come.
The States desperately need that. There are just way too many people who assume someone in fast food or retail are retarded high school drop outs who are lower than dirt.


Oldest Heretic
Verbally aggressive, too?

If so, I wish they'd implement that here. My cousin was screamed at for 10 minutes because he greeted a customer that walked in and asked him if he needed any help. :(

Yes indeed, especially verbal aggression. It is breaking the law on breach of the peace.
the store usually lets you stew in a back room for an hour or so. the police give you a balling out. and warn you. then let you go. If you don't accept the warning you are arrested and taken in to the police station charged to attend the magistrates court.
all pretty humiliating. in front of people you know. People get the message very fast.
warnings go on your police record.


Oldest Heretic
Yes indeed, especially verbal aggression. It is breaking the law on breach of the peace.
the store usually lets you stew in a back room for an hour or so. the police give you a balling out. and warn you. then let you go. If you don't accept the warning you are arrested and taken in to the police station charged to attend the magistrates court.
all pretty humiliating. in front of people you know. People get the message very fast.
warnings go on your police record.

if you do it in a hospital or doctors surgery the police always charge you, as they do in government or local services offices.