Does anyone remember the Russian Collusion Coup, when the Swamp, the entire Democrat party leadership and many Swamp Republicans attempted to overthrow a duly elected President? They lied continuously, along with their allies in fake news, for two years running their illegal coup.
Sorry, no. I don't watch conservative indoctrination media. It looks like you don't see anything else.
When this lie was debunked, nobody apologized and nobody was tried or sent to jail for treason. There should have been a firing squad.
You really are a Trump supporter, aren't you? Yeah, I'd love to see that standard applied now, but it's not how they do things in America except with foreign enemies like Hussein and bin Laden. Treasonous Americans only get prison or less.
And apologize to whom? MAGA? They're the enemy. They're anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-rule of law, and anti-democracy. As you suggest, many should be executed, like the Rosenbergs, and the rest thrown in a dungeon.
nobody was brought to justice, with all the criminals getting away with crimes, such as spying on the Trump campaign, by Obama and Biden
My comment is the same as it is whenever I read these kinds of comments from MAGA. First, I don't believe you, and second, even if I did, I not only wouldn't mind, I'd applaud. You say your election was stolen: [1] I don't believe you, and [2] I'd be just as happy with that as a legitimate win.
Why shouldn't I be? Because it might be a departure from American values including a love of democracy? I don't have the same standards for Americans who defend democracy as I do with those that assault it. I wouldn't mind stealing an election from them just like wouldn't mind somebody stealing from a thief or lying to a liar. I don't mind seeing the intolerant not tolerated, nor the violent subjected to violence. Peace and tolerance are for other people that share those values. And on it goes. The wild card is when the Republicans won the House and are now revisiting these events. So, if Obama and Biden did anything "inappropriate" to Trump or the Republicans and got away with it, especially if it hurt them - wait for it - a standing ovation. Well done, gentlemen. Now do Putin the same way if you can. He's also enemy and not entitled to forbearance.
How's that working out? McCarthy is a laughingstock. Jordan, too. Greene is like a chimp on meth.
The Jan 6 committee did not show all the video but cherry picked to support their latest con.
No, they cherry-picked the inculpatory evidence to prepare a report for the American people and posterity, while ignoring the irrelevant footage, none of which was exculpatory, which is the real message of those 44,000+ hours. That was their job, and they did it admirably.
One of the goals of the House is to bring spending back to past levels
No, it's not. That's just another lie. Their goal is to make the government a tool for the concentration of wealth, power, and privilege in the few at the expense of the many. The spending they want cut is whatever serves ordinary people, and they want the government to spend like a drunken sailor when they are the beneficiaries.
I'd reply, but he doesn't respond.
He doesn't need to. Why would you even want to see the response? Can't you predict it already? And really, isn't it preferable that he just post and disappear? One can't have a productive discussion with someone like that.