My definition of fantasy is making wild claims about something you can't prove whilst expecting people to accept what you believe is true even though you have only flimsy circumstantial evidence and biased interpretation of said evidence to back it up. We get accused of that all the time....but the truth is, it applies equally to the science of macro-evolution.
That is why I find the "Science is based on repeatable experiment and observation of tangible phenomena" to be rather laughable actually because what 'experiments and tangible evidence' are we talking about when it applies to macro-evolution? "Might have" or "could have" or "this leads us to believe that..." is not exactly scientific language now, is it? Yet that is all I see in the science that I have been presented with to support this theory.
You have "experiments" in a laboratory that give scientists "evidence" (the real kind) that
adaptation can take place within single taxonomic families of creatures. When I look up "
speciation" what do I see? Evidence for evolution? NO! I see adaptation in creatures because of changes in their environment or food source. I see new varieties of creatures or organisms in the same family, but adapted to new surroundings. What I don't see is one family of creatures crossing over (or morphing) into something else. And let's face it, if evolution were true, we should see an awful lot of evidence for that. But we don't.
Did the fruit flies become anything other than a new variety of fruit flies.....or the stickleback fish become anything other than a new variety of that particular species of fish. What did Darwin see? Exactly that. The finches were still finches. The tortoises were still tortoises and the iguanas were still iguanas just adapted to island life and food. Nothing more. The rest was based on imagination.
If science wants us to believe that single called organisms can morph themselves into dinosaurs, just by adding several million years to the equation, then I'm sorry but your fantasy is harder to believe than mine is.
How does science "know" what happened all those millions of years ago? They guess......they assume....and they suggest. Is that real science.....or is it science fiction based on wishful thinking? A good diagram does not take the place of solid evidence.
I know what I think......but you are free to believe whatever fantasy they want you to accept. Just don't tell me that they can prove any of it because all the evolutionists tell me the same thing...
there is no proof in science......if there is no way to prove what they say, what does that make it? Fantasy