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Jesus in Quran.

I had a quick look at your ref .. the crucifixion of Jesus, peace be with him, is hardly mentioned!

..in any case, there is no discrepancy between what the Qur'an says and people thinking that he was actually killed (on the cross). What's your point?

My point is that Jesus was killed on a Roman cross and He came back to life on the 3rd day as He said He would. This is proved to be true thru' the writings of non-christian historians.

Now as given in the Koran the Christians THOUGHT that He was killed because Allah made it to appear like that it means that Allah DECEIVED some human beings, including holy mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. In this Allah becomes a deceiver of the most holy woman in the Koran and besides Allah deceived also all the relatives of Jesus Christ and all His good friends and His followers. Do Muslims want to label their god as an arch-deceiver?
If yes, I am all for it!
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Well-Known Member
I don't like to see disagreements, let us try to resolve it lol :D
I would like you to give me a logical reason to believe the Koran on this matter. I have always heard the charge that "the gospels have been corrupted". But I have never heard anyone give any rational reason how they were. I have heard you quote the gospels numerous times so I wonder how do you distinguish which statements are valid and which ones aren't?

The Koran came over 600 years after the fact so why should I logically believe its claim? Also, I have heard you say that the Torah was changed as well. I would like for you to show me exactly what you believe was corrupted. Thanks my friend.


Veteran Member
My point is that Jesus was killed on a Roman cross and He came back to life on the 3rd day as He said He would. This is proved to be true thru' the writings of non-christian historians.

No, you haven't shown that .. where in your refs. does it say that anybody saw Jesus die on the cross? I didn't read that..

How do you know that Jesus, peace be with him, 'came back to life' ? How do you know that somebody didn't rescue him after dark, for example?

Now as given in the Koran the Christians THOUGHT that He was killed because Allah made it to appear like that it means that Allah DECEIVED some human beings, including holy mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. In this Allah becomes a deceiver.

No .. Almighty God does not deceive .. it is mankind (and the devil) that deceives!

And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger - they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.
(4:157 Pickthall)

The above does not say that Almighty God deceived anyone! It says that they THOUGHT that they had (killed him) :)
I would like you to give me a logical reason to believe the Koran on this matter. I have always heard the charge that "the gospels have been corrupted". But I have never heard anyone give any rational reason how they were. I have heard you quote the gospels numerous times so I wonder how do you distinguish which statements are valid and which ones aren't?

The Koran came over 600 years after the fact so why should I logically believe its claim? Also, I have heard you say that the Torah was changed as well. I would like for you to show me exactly what you believe was corrupted. Thanks my friend.

First of all the Holy Scriptures of the Christians (the Bible) has both the New Testament (NT) and the Tanach (OT). We Born Again Christians pay equal attention to both OT and NT. Saints like Paul, Peter, James etc, etc, believed both OT and NT as having been given to mankind by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God, the Creator of the universe and of mankind.

If some dishonest person had changed the words in the OT, the fraud would have been caught by the Christians who studied both NT and OT.

Now, the question is this: How could anybody change words in the OT without being EXPOSED by the Christians? The Tanach (OT) is loved by Christians just as much as the NT is loved by them. So any attempt to change anything at all in the OT would be very disasterous to anybody who tried to change it. There is absolutely no record in any history book that there was any attempt to change words in the OT.

Another point is this and is major: Any attempt to change the OT or the NT had to have happened after the Quran came to the world and that was 600 years after the Holy Bible (NT plus OT) came into existence. Nobody other than Muslims would WANT to change the words of the Bible. W
Why do Muslims want to change the Bible? Because they WANT to prove that the words of Mohammed are the words of Allah. The words of Mohammed in the Quran (recitations of Mohammed) are at odds with the words in the Bible. So, in order to prove that the OT and the NT are NOT the words of Almighty God, the Islamic solution is to discredit the whole Bible.

Here's another big question: How did anybody collect all the OT's and the NT's of the whole world in order to change words? How did they erase words and write different words in the erased areas? Remember that the OT and NT were available in many languages like Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek to name just three.

To state that the words and passages of the OT and the NT were corrupted is nothing short of lunacy.
I don't like to see disagreements, let us try to resolve it lol :D

If Allah made every living thing out of water, how come that Allah made Adam out of the dust (soil) of the earth. Soil is not water. The soil was SHAPED into the form of Adam first and then the lump of soil was given life. How could water be shaped unless the form of Adam was first carved into the ground and then filled with water to take that form. There is no such story in the making of Adam. Adam was not created from nothing. He was made from material that was already created from n othing by Almighty God.

Genesis 2: 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust [soil] of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
No, you haven't shown that .. where in your refs. does it say that anybody saw Jesus die on the cross? I didn't read that..

How do you know that Jesus, peace be with him, 'came back to life' ? How do you know that somebody didn't rescue him after dark, for example?

No .. Almighty God does not deceive .. it is mankind (and the devil) that deceives!

And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger - they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.
(4:157 Pickthall)

The above does not say that Almighty God deceived anyone! It says that they THOUGHT that they had (killed him) :)

Please read this extract from what I already showed:
“ On the eve of the Passover Yeshu (Jesus) was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, “He is going forth to be stoned because He has practiced sorcery (an admission of his miracles) and enticed Israel to apostasy. Any one who can say anything in his favor let him come forward and plead on his behalf. But since nothing was brought forward in his favor he (Jesus) was hanged on the even of the Passover.”
The Babylonian Talmud, vol. III, Sanhedrin 43a

LUCIAN: (120-180 A.D.)
a Greek satirist that spoke scornfully of Christ and Christians, affirming that they were real and historical people, never saying that they were fictional characters.
“The Christians, you know, worship a man to this day — the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account


Sunni muslim
Was Mohammad a christian?

He was not a christian. I don't think he was a "hanif" like Abraham, but maybe more like Abraham before he believed in God.
Meaning he wasn't a polytheist neither a monotheist but was spiritual.


Veteran Member
Please read this extract from what I already showed:
“ On the eve of the Passover Yeshu (Jesus) was hanged...

LUCIAN: (120-180 A.D.)
a Greek satirist that spoke scornfully ... and was crucified on that account

Firstly, it doesn't say that these persons witnessed it ..
Secondly, somebody speaking of possible 'hearsay' 100 years later doesn't prove anything..

..Anyhow, I've made my point (and you yours), and we'll leave it that, shall we..


Veteran Member
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Just a reminder that this is a DIR and non-Muslims are allowed only to ask respectable questions. If you wish to challenge ideas then you can start a thread either in the discussion or debating area.

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Well-Known Member
I would like you to give me a logical reason to believe the Koran on this matter. I have always heard the charge that "the gospels have been corrupted". But I have never heard anyone give any rational reason how they were. I have heard you quote the gospels numerous times so I wonder how do you distinguish which statements are valid and which ones aren't?

The Koran came over 600 years after the fact so why should I logically believe its claim? Also, I have heard you say that the Torah was changed as well. I would like for you to show me exactly what you believe was corrupted. Thanks my friend.

Well a logical reason I would give you will mean nothing at the moment because it will take time for you to verify it if you were interested. I believe the Quraan on that matter because it is proven to me that Quraan is the Word of God. That being the case, there are things that I believe even though if there were no explanations. It is said in the Quraan that it was made to appear that he was crucified. So I take that. Anything I would provide you with would be me trying to explain it which may be false.

As for the bible's corruption it is because of people's interests that it is corrupted. For example, if we were to buy a bible, there are many versions and no version is the similar to the other. When talking about differences between versions, we will be talking about books added and omitted and not only verses. Another thing is that the language of the bible is a dead language. Third, the Quraan (verses and Chapters) for example has always been in the hands of the people unlike the bible.

I quote the bible and choose what is right and what is wrong based on my knowledge from the Quraan. Jesus and Moses peace be upon them were both prophets in Islam and the Injeel and the Torah were both revelations from God. However they are not what we know today as the bible.

Examples of what I believe is corrupted in the Torah are story of Noah and Lut peace be upon them. I believe their stories are twisted.


Well-Known Member
If Allah made every living thing out of water, how come that Allah made Adam out of the dust (soil) of the earth. Soil is not water. The soil was SHAPED into the form of Adam first and then the lump of soil was given life. How could water be shaped unless the form of Adam was first carved into the ground and then filled with water to take that form. There is no such story in the making of Adam. Adam was not created from nothing. He was made from material that was already created from n othing by Almighty God.

Genesis 2: 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust [soil] of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

If I told you that bread is made from wheat and than I told you bread is made from flour, am I contradicting my self?


Active Member
Please check the Bible before you write. Jesus knew and also spoke about His death. Here it is: John 18: 32 That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, signifying what death he should die.
The whole point of mentioning the SIGN of Jonah was that He would be in the tomb three days and three nights.
Here it is:
Jonah 1:17
Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Matthew 12:40
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The important point is 'as' Jonah was in the belly of the fish 'so' shall....
ie. Alive not dead.


Active Member
Are you telling me that the church gathered together all the copies of the historical writings of the anceient historians and changed the words without missing even one copy of the books of history? These historians did not write only about Jesus Christ. They wrote a whole lot of other historical events. Embedded in the historical writings were the words about the life of Jesus Christ. You think that the ancient scholars who had studied the originals and their TRUE copies would have kept quiet when they read the changed words of later copies?

The Dead Sea Scrolls were NEVER ALTERED to change anything written in them. Not even one word. Why? Because it was/is impossible to change words and without their permission? No way! The DSS are over 2000 yrs old and almost going to dust because of decay. Who could change words on such disintegrating material, even if permission was granted to handle them by any church authorities? What ink would the fraudsters use? Would the new ink not show up under a microscope? No way the authoeities who had charge of the DSS would have allowed them to be even touched by anybody. People are only allowed to take photos of them.

Same thing with the Bible. How could anybody have collected ALL the Bibles scattered throughout the world in order to change them? Impossible!!! If Christians changed words in the Torah (OT) you think the Jews would have kept silent about it?

Remember that the Torah was written in at least three different languages. If as you people think that the Hebrew Torahs were changed, would not the Torahs in the other languages have EXPOSED the fraud?

What single authority or Church organization had the ability to collect all the Torahs in all the Synagogues of the world, and also the copies held by private hands? Let's say I had a Torah in my home for which I paid about a year's wages to buy. You think I would part with it to anybody ? No I would hide it by burying it safely until the danger was past, if there was any danger like that. Same goes for the New Testament.

I hope you will think before you write rubbish.

Religious texts in the past were indeed very precious documents. They were treasured and protected not least because they were not available to everyone, were produced by hand. Most people could not read and went to the places of worship to hear and learn what was written in the texts.
You are right the authorities in the Roman church did not have all the documents. They did have a much larger number than are present today in the Bible. There is a wide collection of books which someone decided(Council of NIcea??) should not be included in the Biblical Cannon because they did not support the views held by the church as it was at the time.
Biblical apocrypha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Old Testament Pseudepigrapha | School of Divinity, University of St Andrews

The value of the Dead Sea Scrolls is that we know they have not been tampered with from the time of the Jewish revolt when they were hidden to 1947 when they were discovered. Whether all the texts discovered have been made public only the Fathers of the Catholic church who found them can tell us.

This process of selection of ideas is still going on today.
Only last week in the UK the church decided that women can now be Bishops.
Someone has now decided that homosexuality is not to be condemned.
Will future Christian think this has always been the teachings of the church?


Active Member
The Dead Sea Scrolls were preserved for over 2000 yrs by the All-knowing God Himself, just like He has been PRESERVING the Jewish race from the time of Father Abraham up to our day. That's over 4000 yrs of Jewish lineage, unmatched by any other human race on this planet.

I believe that the DSS were preserved by God for our day, because of His foreknowledge that in the "last days" of this world system (i.e. in these days of world history) , there would arise mockers who would mock the words of the Bible which are His own Words given by His Holy Spirit written of course by human hands. Here it is:

2 Peter 1:20-21 King James Version (KJV)
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

The DSS have proved beyond doubt that the OT has not been corrupted in any way form or shape.

The whole Book of Isaiah in the DSS is intact so much so that when it is compared with what is available today in our KJV Bibles, there is absolutely no corruption to find. The book of Isaiah is really a mini-Bible, having 66 chapters just like the Bible has 66 books. And to top it all , it has all the ingredients necessary for the Eternal Salvation of any human being, provided they are willing to believe every word in it as coming from the Creator-God of the universe.

Let's say that the world has only the Book of Isaiah to learn from and no other books of the Bible. The book of Isaiah alone is able to be a very good substitute for the whole Bible. Why? Because in it the Word of God is embedded which is quite ample to save any human being from going to hell-fire for eternity.

Btw, the Holy Bible is there only for one purpose and that is lead human beings to a knowledge thru which anybody could be saved from an eternal hell-fire. The bottom line is this: Those who put thier trust in its Words and heed the words find salvation and eventually go to be with Almighty God forever; those who don't will end up with Satan in an etrnal place called Hell in the Bible.

1."He has been PRESERVING the Jewish race from the time of Father Abraham up to our day. That's over 4000 yrs of Jewish lineage, unmatched by any other human race on this planet."
Have you forgotten that the Arabs are also Abraham's descendants from his older son Ishmael?
2. "The whole Book of Isaiah in the DSS is intact so much so that when it is compared with what is available today in our KJV Bibles, there is absolutely no corruption to find."
The whole of it! Are you sure? Have you heard of Deutero -Isaiah?
The Masoretic Text of the book is by far the superior text type, even though it retains the difficulties and archaisms of the language. The major concern has been the relationship of the Qumran material to the MT.

There are about twelve fragments of Isaiah in the Qumran scrolls, the main one being 1QIsaa(Qumran, cave 1, Isaiah scroll A). This scroll is dated about 200-175 (early second century B.C.) by Birnbaum, which is supported by the study of other Isaiah scripts and from paleography. Since the Masoretic Text was finalized around 900 A.D.,2 one can see the importance of these early scrolls. In studying the material, Orlinsky concluded that the Qumran scroll of Isaiah was closer to the MT of Isaiah than to its contemporary Greek version of the book (the so-called Septuagint, abbreviated LXX3). Millar Burroughs notes that there are thirteen major variants from MT in 1QIsaA, but many of them are wrong and should be rejected in favor of the MT readings.4

The scroll 1QIsab is the Hebrew University manuscript of Isaiah. It covers from chapter 38 to the end of the book, with a few gaps, and other fragments. This manuscript is even closer to the MT. It dates from before 70 A.D. at least. It appears also to have been corrected to bring it into conformity to the MT.

Editing has always gone on.


Active Member
Jonah 1:17
Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Matthew 12:40
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.[/QUOTE]

Again I say the message is that Jonah was ALIVE in the fish as Jesus was in the tomb. As Jonah continued his task and conveyed the message from God to his people so did Jesus.

Another point that may or may not be relevant is the 3 days and 3 nights.
Is Friday noon to Sunday early morning three days and 3 nights?


Active Member
Almighty God made Adam of the soil of the ground by giving the lump of soil human life.

Do you believe this literally?

My understanding is that God made Adam of natural elements as the whole earth is made of natural elements from which Adam evolved in due time.
Earth to earth and dust to dust as they say.


Imaginary talking monkey
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Again: this is the Islam DIR. If you do not identify as Muslim, please limit your input to respectful questions.

DIR MEMBERS: Please do not respond to non-DIR members invading this forum. It just encourages them and leaves a bigger mess for the staff to clean up.


Active Member
Of course Adam was made from the soil of the ground. Now pl. tell me how Adam EVOLVED? What was the process of Adam's evolution and then how did the first female arrive so the earth would get populated with human beings.

Isn't it amazing that a male and a female EVOLVED to be in the same location so that they could have sex and produce children according to your understanding.

I'm afraid my understanding is completely different from yours. I do believe in a Creator who has created everything in accordance with the requirements of wisdom. I believe that Adam was the first human to reach a level of development that enabled God to communicate with him directly. ie. he was the first prophet - not literally the first man.
eg.Genesis ch.4. v 14-15
In fact if you read the Bible the son of Adam went off and married someone else not of Adam's people Genesis ch.4 v.17

Please can you also explain what Genesis ch.6 v.1-2 and v.4 means if you take things literally?