You are using the added methodology of the 'subjective, differentiation, in Titles, used in some Bibles. The 'problem', is that the ''differentiation'', in titles, actually leads to contradictions in interpretation, in other verses. Hence that methodology really doesn't work as intended, or, is arbitrary.
Hebrews 1:7-10
for example, can imply that Jesus actually is the 'Creator'. This follows the 'oneness' of the Godhood. Consider
Genesis 1:26
This has 'G-d', stating a plurality, 'make man in our image'; The nature of the Deity, in Genesis, by most accounts, is a singular Deity, yet we have this notion of plurality. Do you think that 'Jesus', is another deity, in Genesis, and that this is what it infers? Or do you think it means the plurality in the Deific Creation, ie angels, or do you think it merely being misinterpreted altogether, even in the Hebrew?
How many 'gods' are there?
I am inclined to think that it does not refer to 'another' god or demi-god. You can interpret it how you wish.