Well-Known Member
I don't speculate anything. Just because you "choose" to follow others, in this case the "early catholic church fathers", doesn't mean truth cannot exist elsewhere. Secret James was written the same time as the Gospel of John:This is just your conjecture, that could be argued either way.
In other words, you don't believe Jesus to pre-exist incarnation, but would rather speculate that it is some form of shamanic trance, the only thing that makes sense to what you wrote.
That is problematic, in so many ways, one being that no wonder you can't use the accepted Scripture, because then your theology would be bizarre, at best.
"Therefore, obey me, my brothers. Understand what the great light is. The Father does not need me. For a father does not need a son, but it is the son who needs the father. To him I am going, for the Father of the Son is not in need of you."-Secret James
The Father doesn't need anything. We need the Father. Sorry you believe otherwise.
You appear to need the Bible, and the church. I seek the needed knowledge absent in them:
"Become zealous about the Word. For the Word's first condition is faith; the second is love; the third is works. Now from these comes life. For the Word is like a grain of wheat. When someone sowed it, he believed in it; and when it sprouted, he loved it, because he looked forward to many grains in the place of one; and when he worked it, he was saved, because he prepared it for food. Again he left some grains to sow. Thus it is also possible for you all to receive the Kingdom of Heaven: unless you receive it through knowledge, you will not be able to find it.- Secret James
Such words refutes the orthodox view that "works" are of no importance.
I just follow a different path of gospel message than you. Nothing more.