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Jesus' prophecy about Muhammad (PBUH)


Out there...
Oh and by the way...of course I am a poor scholar....I'm 13 years old.
That's ok. We are all here to learn and I acknowledge your zeal for your religion my young friend. But I must strongly advise you to learn all that you can about a topic before you take the move of debating it in public.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
That's ok. We are all here to learn and I acknowledge your zeal for your religion my young friend. But I must strongly advise you to learn all that you can about a topic before you take the move of debating it in public.
Right, well why don't you answer the other prophecies? Actually I'm 14 (forgot my own age lol)


Out there...
See the Song of Solomon prophecy.
To what end? Let's look at the translation in english so people know what we are on about:

Song of Solomon 5:16

" His mouth is sweetness itself;
he is altogether lovely.
This is my lover, this my friend,
O daughters of Jerusalem "

Even if there is some similarity between the spelling of an ancient Hebrew word and the name of a later prophet, do you really think that this verse is referring to said prophet?
Talk about drawing a long bow.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
To what end? Let's look at the translation in english so people know what we are on about:

Song of Solomon 5:16

" His mouth is sweetness itself;
he is altogether lovely.
This is my lover, this my friend,
O daughters of Jerusalem "

Even if there is some similarity between the spelling of an ancient Hebrew word and the name of a later prophet, do you really think that this verse is referring to said prophet?
Talk about drawing a long bow.
Oh come on, you don't believe? It says it by name. Hebrew and Arabic are very similar. I can show you prophecies in even Hinduism, bu you are not Hindu.


Out there...
Oh come on, you don't believe? It says it by name. Hebrew and Arabic are very similar. I can you prophecies in even Hinduism, bu you are not Hindu.
Believe WHAT !!??

You can't be serious! The whole passage there in Solomon is about two lovers and how they see and feel about each other. There is absolutely nothing in it about a later prophet and to suggest there is takes an extrordinary leap of extrapolation, even by the standards of those who make wild claims about prophecy.

The words are different anyway. But it makes no difference how similar languages are, you need to show the intent of the author. So read the whole book, not just a single word!

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Believe WHAT !!??

You can't be serious! The whole passage there in Solomon is about two lovers and how they see and feel about each other. There is absolutely nothing in it about a later prophet and to suggest there is takes an extrordinary leap of extrapolation, even by the standards of those who make wild claims about prophecy.

The wrods are different anyway. But it makes no difference how similar languages are, you need to show the intent of the author. So read the whole book, not just a single word!
What about Isaiah Chapter 29, Verse 12?


Out there...
What about Isaiah Chapter 29, Verse 12?
11,12: "For you this whole vision is nothing but words sealed in a scroll. And if you give the scroll to someone who can read, and say to him, "Read this, please," he will answer, "I can't; it is sealed." Or if you give the scroll to someone who cannot read, and say, "Read this, please," he will answer, "I don't know how to read."

What about it?

You've still got the same problem as you had before.

And as I pointed out, Jesus claimed to be the central figure of the Isaiah prophecies. He could definitely 'read' the scroll, which he did in public.


Edit: Here is some reading for you:
Muhammed in the Bible? Nuh uh!


Well-Known Member
Believe WHAT !!??

You can't be serious! The whole passage there in Solomon is about two lovers and how they see and feel about each other. There is absolutely nothing in it about a later prophet and to suggest there is takes an extrordinary leap of extrapolation, even by the standards of those who make wild claims about prophecy.

The words are different anyway. But it makes no difference how similar languages are, you need to show the intent of the author. So read the whole book, not just a single word!

The Song of Solomon is not really ab out physical lovers at all. The female is the Sophia, the Divine Maiden--a symbol for Divine Knowledge.



Out there...
The Song of Solomon is not really ab out physical lovers at all. The female is the Sophia, the Divine Maiden--a symbol for Divine Knowledge.

And for many Jews wisdom is from the spirit of God, and so on..

But you agree that it's not about Muhammed then?

Captain Civic

version 2.0
The Song of Solomon is not really ab out physical lovers at all. The female is the Sophia, the Divine Maiden--a symbol for Divine Knowledge.


So you're saying that King Solomon, a follower of the Jewish God, was writing about a Divine Maiden?


S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
11,12: "For you this whole vision is nothing but words sealed in a scroll. And if you give the scroll to someone who can read, and say to him, "Read this, please," he will answer, "I can't; it is sealed." Or if you give the scroll to someone who cannot read, and say, "Read this, please," he will answer, "I don't know how to read."

What about it?

You've still got the same problem as you had before.

And as I pointed out, Jesus claimed to be the central figure of the Isaiah prophecies. He could definitely 'read' the scroll, which he did in public.


Edit: Here is some reading for you:
Muhammed in the Bible? Nuh uh!
Then the book will be given to the one who is illiterate, saying, "Please read this." And he will say, "I cannot read." That's the translation I got.


Out there...
Then the book will be given to the one who is illiterate, saying, "Please read this." And he will say, "I cannot read." That's the translation I got.
Why do you think I also quoted the previous verse too? It's not just talking about one person. You are missing the context.

When you get time have a read of the link I gave you. It has some additional points about this.


Admiral Obvious
Actually it has everything to do with Muhammad (PBUH).
And thus far backed by nothing but.... ...well, nothing.

Even if a single verse of the bible is proven to prophecise Muhammad, christians have to believe in Muhammad, for otherwise they go against Bible. So even if he didn't reply to one part, there are others.
Fair enough.
However, we are not talking about the others.

Oh and for John 16:7 the word comforter comes from the Greek word Periclytos which means praiseworthy or one who praises. That's the same name meaning as Muhammad!
What does this have to do with the topic at hand?

Could this not also refer to a Prophet like Joseph Smith?
If you take the same logic as S.Z (Muslim) has shown in this thread, it also maens Texxe Marres, Peter S Ruckman, Jack Chick, David Koresch...

Why not? Oh and I found another prophecy. It is in the old testament. Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 18 Verse 18. It says "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."
Isaiah Chapter 29, Verse 12 it says
"And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned."
Song of Solomon Chapter 5 Verse 16 it says "
Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."
So...what do you have to say now?
Interesting that you ignore the rebuttal to your fist verse, yet are jumping onto another.

Right. If we ignore the references to the Holy Spirit it could refer to anyone.
And this is exactly what S.Z (Muslim) is doing.


Well-Known Member
Mu Ahmad means "most praised", not most praising.

Abraham did not mention Moses by name. Moses did not mention Jesus by name. Jesus did not mention Muhammad by name.

That said, I am happy to accept that Muhammad is indeed The Comforter, but one cannot use the New Testament or the Old Testament to claim that Muhammed is referred to by His given name.

