Because the people killing them didn't ask their permission. I don't get why this is so hard to understand. Remember, the bible shows Jesus and the apostles and Paul all running away from getting killed. They CLEARLY didn't want to die. The Romans did not care and killed anyway. Do you feel that anyone who is killed by the cops should have some sort of elevated status? If not, why not? It's the same thing.
Genealogies kept by people who only occasionally cared? The bible mentions many times how often Hebrews and later Jews "forgot the Lord" or some nonsense, so why would we expect them to continue certain traits? There is no appreciable continuity of the people anyway. "Israel" was owned by other countries way more often that it was ever owned by "Israel". Hardly any Israeli city was founded by Hebrews or Jews. Most were founded by gentiles of one flavor or another.
And I'm sure that carpenter father and tween mother of his just sat around keeping a long list of ancestors handy in case anyone asked. You know, 'cause they were obviously literate and had long scrolls of nonsense just lying around in a dangerous time of Roman occupation and persecution.
For the same reason kings tried to argue they were descended from gods all over the globe: to BS their own importance.
While the author John disgusts me, he alone adds that water came out of Jesus' side when stabbed with a spear. That tells this nurse that he had a fluid overload problem of some sort. Just as we put in chest tubes when lungs or the space around them fill with fluid, puncturing his side relieved the pressure, but he passed out. They assumed he was dead because no one checks for a pulse and put him in a convenient cool place to recover (unknowingly, of course). Three days later, he's breathing fine again and leaves and high tails it to some place where people don't want to kill him. The apostles, knowing even less medicine than the ancient Greeks and Romans, assumed this was a miracle and started spreading the word about what was essentially just a cool medical tidbit that happens all the time in modernity.
Everyone who wakes up from being dead in the bible were conveniently not buried. You wouldn't have these stories if 6 feet of dirt had suffocated them first.
Resurrect John the Baptist, and THEN I'll be impressed.
Not as important as the Romans, though, who owned Judea at the time, when they weren't fighting with Syria, who owned it the other times.
Why? You can accept something cool happened without worshiping the person it happened to.
And you have Jesus' autopsy report?
Who witnessed these torture and killing sessions?
The Joker: [to Det. Stephens in the interrogation room] Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the... little emotions. In... you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?
Then why do they, even JESUS himself, run away from angry people who want to kill them? Where is their steadfast loyalty to their belief during THOSE stories?
You really can't. It's a boiled down story, but until you provide actual archaeological evidence of some sort, it's still just a story.
See, some people think going to the moon was just a story. However, if you shine a laser at the moon, you'll get a laser bounced back from all the mirrors the astronauts left behind. THAT is "evidence". You have nothing of the sort with Jesus and I personally think Jesus existed in some form or fashion, most likely a person accused of religious terrorism/treason and executed and his followers went crazy and deified him, just like people do to lots of other people who die when we didn't want it. Look how revered the Founding Fathers are, to the extent we even capitalize the phrase, and we KNOW they were just humans, horrible, horrible human beings. Give it a few more centuries (assuming our country still exists by that point), and they'll be gods. They even have their own monuments and statues commemorating them, saving us a lot of time. It is in our nature to idolize all kinds of things, real and fictional.
No, they weren't, because they all RAN OFF when Jesus was arrested. Nobody except "maybe" John was there to see him killed in the first place. From the wiki on the crucifixion of Jesus:
They don't get to boast of being witnesses if they all RAN OFF.
Ever been to There are people who write stories about properties they don't own. So, per your logic, the Muppets must be real because we can see and touch them, there are multiple contemporary stories about them, and other, "independent" people wrote about them, including myself.
Yes, it's hard for people to whine about medical issues when speaking to honest-to-God healthcare professionals, who actually know a thing or two. Watch Paulogia's Ham and AiG videos and you start to realize that their resident geneticist or whatever she claims to be knows she's not telling the truth, but a paycheck's a paycheck. Occasionally, she slips up and says something factual in her criticism of critics.
First you have to establish death. Give us the autopsy report which proves he was verifiably clinically dead. Was there a pulse? Did his breathing stop (really stop, as opposed to just difficult to feel)? Was there mottling? Expulsion of urine and feces? Death rattle?
People crucify themselves every Easter. They live through it, don't they?
And they are so epic they witnessed all these things while NOT being present at the time.