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Jesus vs Adam - Are they the same?


Active Member
The body of Christ is what was begotten. Before that He existed as the Word. (We also exist, Scripturally speaking, before we are born into a body.) Christ did not become the Son of God until He was concieved in a human body.

So, what does it mean to say that Jesus was the "only begotten son" if Adam was also His son? What is the difference?


Active Member
Don't take the word so literally. :) I'd just like to see more scripture backing up your theory that Adam and Jesus are the same man.

It is not my theory!!!!! All I am doing is asking what the verses mean. I am offering one possible explanation (you can say it is a Theory) but this has nothing to do with my belief (in fact I have no belief on this matter presently).

Therefore, I cannot offer any scripture to support this belief/theory; I am just interesting in hearing your views on what seem to be a contradiction in the verses that I presented..

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
I'm sorry, but I must have missed the verse that talk about this. Can you tell me which scripture supports this claim?
Genesis 3:8
"And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden." KJV


Active Member
Genesis 3:8
"And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden." KJV

Thanks! But this verse is only relevant if you assume that Jesus is actually God :yes:


Well-Known Member
Thanks! But this verse is only relevant if you assume that Jesus is actually God :yes:

I would put forth that, since the vast majority of Christians believe in the deity of Yeshua, any discussion of the role of Yeshua in the Tanakh should presume this.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Thanks! But this verse is only relevant if you assume that Jesus is actually God :yes:
You may have missed another relevant point in that passage. Adam and eve heard the "voice of the Lord walking in the garden." How does one hear a voice walk? In Revelation 1:12 KJV John "turned to see thevoice that spake with [him]." How do you see a voice. The "voice" is another term for God, synonymous with the Word, which is Christ. This is evident by who was speaking when John turned to see the voice.


The Lost One
Actually, the gospels are not the only places in the bible to refer Jesus or Adam as being the "son of God".

In Genesis 6, just before Noah started building the ark, referred to a bunch of angels that have lust for mortal women, as being the "sons of God".


Not your average Mormon
the bible stated that Jesus is God only son, and then it stated that Adam is God's son.
The Bible doesn't actually say that Jesus is God's only son. It says He was God's Only "Begotten" Son. God is referred to in the Bible as the "Father of spirits." We (all of us) are referred to as "His offspring." Thus, even though God is the Father of all of our spirits, He is the literal Father of Jesus' mortal body as well as the Father of His spirit. They have a literal Father-Son relationship, just as you have a literal father-son relationship with your own father.

Again, a person could easily say
1 - Adam sinned but was not physically punished - why?
I'm not sure why you believe Adam was not physically punished. Don't you see expulsion from Eden as a pretty significant hit? Had Adam not transgressed, he would have lived in Eden forever. I'm sure he saw being forced into the world outside of Eden as a punishment.
2 - Jesus was physically punished but he never sinned - why?
He was punished because He agreed to take upon himself the guilt for all of our sins. Being sinless himself, He was the only one who was in the position to be able to do so.

3 - Jesus was baptized - which is the washing away of sins - but he never sinned - why?
The only thing the Bible tells us about the reason Jesus was baptized was that it was required of Him "to fulfill all righteousness." In other words, He was doing what He knew God expected of Him.
3) was it that the Jesus's physical punishment was for the sins he committed while he was Adam?
It couldn't have been, because Jesus wasn't Adam.


Not your average Mormon
Perhaps not. But doesn't Joseph Smith believe that Adam is the archangel Michael?
Yes. We believe that during his pre-mortal existance, the man known as Adam during mortality, was known as Michael. We believe that the Man known as Jesus during mortality was known as Jehovah prior to His birth. But that's kind of a whole new topic, wouldn't you agree?


Well-Known Member
The problem is of course in trying to read myth as literal history. The bible is full of contradictions like this, because it is the word of men, trying to impose their own limited understanding on God. When you try to reconcile it with logic, you either go insane or you realize its all just a shadow of the truth, not the truth itself.

But...some people just love the shadows, because it gives them power over the ignorant. :D


The Lost One
I have a vague recollection that Paul made a comparison between Jesus and Adam, in one of his letters. Don't remember what is about it or if it has any relevance here.