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Jesus vs Adam - Are they the same?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Huh? Would you mind elaborating on that?
I'm taking the easy way out here

from:God knew us even before this world was created, no human being is an accident

Q. What is the verse indicating that God has always known us, even before we were born.
Where is it located in the Bible?
A. There are many verses which indicate the Lord has known us before we were born and I’ll deal with a few right now.
God is outside of time and He is not limited in what He does or knows like we are.
That is the whole concept behind the prophecies in the Bible.
He knows the players and the situations He will use to ultimately bring about His desired purposes.
For instance, Pharaoh was raised up for the very purposes he played out in the Exodus.
Paul even refers to this in Romans 9.17.
In Isaiah 45.1 he actually names a Persian King named Cyrus many years before he was even born and tells what he will do and that the Lord was the one who was going to raise him up and bring it about.
Daniel 8.5-8 is a prophecy about Alexander the Great and what would happen to him and it continues to describe world history and specific kings that would come and what they would do in relation the people of Israel.
In Jeremiah 1. 5 it says God knew Jeremiah before he was formed in the womb.
In Psalms 139 the doctrines on omniscience and omnipresence of God are described.
In v 16 it says God’s eyes saw the writer’s "unformed substance" wrote down in a scroll all the days ordained to him when "yet there were none."
In Ephesians 1.4 it says God chose us in Him (those who would believe) before the foundation of the world, and compare this with Roman 8.29-30 and you will see that everything was "set" before we ever drew our first breath.
There are many verses teaching us that God knew us and planned out our lives before we were ever born and there is no doubt about that.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
The problem is of course in trying to read myth as literal history. The bible is full of contradictions like this, because it is the word of men, trying to impose their own limited understanding on God. When you try to reconcile it with logic, you either go insane or you realize its all just a shadow of the truth, not the truth itself.

But...some people just love the shadows, because it gives them power over the ignorant. :D
Blah, blah blah...a tired argument.


Not your average Mormon
There are many verses teaching us that God knew us and planned out our lives before we were ever born and there is no doubt about that.
Do you believe that He actually knew us because we existed, or that He knew what was going to exist at a later point in time?


Not your average Mormon
Tricky question. Since God is outside of time, is there a beginning or an end?
Well, God may be outside of time, but we're not, so there was supposedly a time prior to our mortal existance. I'm just trying to understand what you believe about this time. If God knew us, did we also know Him?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Well, God may be outside of time, but we're not, so there was supposedly a time prior to our mortal existance. I'm just trying to understand what you believe about this time. If God knew us, did we also know Him?
The book of Romans says that everything created know it's creator. As far as to what the time, for us was like, before we were concieved, I haven't found anything in Scripture to illuminate the subject.


Active Member
The book of Romans says that everything created know it's creator. As far as to what the time, for us was like, before we were concieved, I haven't found anything in Scripture to illuminate the subject.

If this is true, does it mean that Atheist or other non-believers were not created???


Well-Known Member
Please elaborate; I would like to get your views as to why you think they are not.
Actually, my position is as simple as my post. The thought never crossed my mind that Adam and Jesus had anything to do with each other.

George Washington and Michael Jackson aren't the same. Perhaps you could elaborate on why that is.

You don't need to... it's really as simple as it sounds.


Miss Independent
Yes i believe that they are the same.

Genesis 4: 1Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man."

With the help of the LORD she said she concieved....

She calls him LORD. The only person who helped her concieve was her husband adam.


Genesis 4: 26
At that time men began to call on the name of the LORD.

Some translations say. At that time the man began to call on the name of the LORD...i.e he was called LORD. 'The man' being adam.

Now, if Jesus was the only son that God "begat" or "generates" or "cause", how could Adam be referred to as God's son? Are they one and the same or is there something missing?

Well, we have Christ with God as creator in the beginning:

In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being. (Jn 1:1-3) And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us…(Jn 1:14)

Now we have Christ (the Word) with God creating Adam in the beginning:

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image…according to Our likeness. (Gen 1:26 NASB) For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. (1 Tim 2:13)

My conclusion:

Christ = create-or
Adam = create-ee

NOTE: The New American Standard Bible calls Christ “the only begotten God”. (Jn 1:18 NASB)


The Lost One
sandy whitelinger said:
The Bible presents Adam as the first man, and gives Jesus the title of ‘the last Adam’ (1 Corinthians 15:45).

Thanks, Sandy. :)

I'd have to say I am not well-versed with the NT epistles. :confused:

Gospels and the Revelation I am more familair with, but in some parts more than others.

I am better with the 1st 11 chapters of the Genesis. I've read back and forth, sideways, between the lines...and even upside-down. Although, I did black out when all the blood rushed to my head. :thud:



Well-Known Member
Yes i believe that they are the same.

Genesis 4: 1Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man."

With the help of the LORD she said she concieved....

She calls him LORD. The only person who helped her concieve was her husband adam.


Genesis 4: 26
At that time men began to call on the name of the LORD.

Some translations say. At that time the man began to call on the name of the LORD...i.e he was called LORD. 'The man' being adam.


Unless, of course, there's a deeper spiritual meaning behind the idea that the Lord helped ADAM AND EVE conceive a child, and looking at it in a super-literal fashion is giving you the wrong idea.

Genesis 4:26 says: And as for Seth, to him also a son was born, and he named him Enosh. Then to call in the Name of the Lord became profaned.

Considering this... your use of it doesn't make sense at all.