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Jesus was not all-powerful and all- knowing.


Admiral Obvious
Nope, still not there...

Not unless they had physical copulation.
Good thing biology does not agree with you.

So since Adam was not born, like you claim, it does not apply.

And I guess of real concern to someone who doesn't believe in God at all.
So much concern it was dismissed out of hand.


Well-Known Member
There is no evidence that God ever wrote anything. and it is reported that Muhammad could neither read nor write. It is also reported that the Quran was dictated over a period of time to various scribes. It is a work of man.

A more accurate version would be : God's word given to Muhammad(pbuh) and written by his companions exactly as told by Muhammad(pbuh) and preserved letter by letter.

And this is also in the Bible. In John 16, Jesus(pbuh) states that “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you."(12-14)

Points to note here are [1]:
a)The Spirit of truth here can not be the Holy Ghost because the Holy Ghost (according to the Bible) was "with" them already (and even quite active) long before the coming of Jesus (pbuh) himself and then throughout his ministry.

b)Jesus(pbuh) is stating that the Spirit of Truth will tell much more new things about God and guidance and he will not speak on his own rather what he hears from God. Did the holy ghost in the last 2000 years after Jesus(pbuh) left teach anything new or give any new information ? No, only Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) did.

c) The Spirit of Truth will glorify Jesus(pbuh). Once again as stated in the Holy Qur'an, Jesus(pbuh) was glorified : "Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah;" (Al Qur'an 3:45)

[1]What Did Jesus Really Say ? - A "Paraclete" like Jesus

In many senses, we are all the children of God, as can be shown through very many scriptures in both the Old and New Testament.
Jesus Is the actual Son Of God
It was not an invocation by Christians,
We are privileged to recognise
He was conceived by will of God.
It is indeed monstrous, and to blaspheme to suggest that he was not.

Those are your words...Bible doesn't say that - neither of the highlighted statements in red above; and you claim to be following the Bible. Nice.

And regarding the highlighted in blue above : and We weren't created by the will of God ?


Well-Known Member
I think you are confusing The Mythical Creation of Adam.
With a real live walking and talking Jesus, born of Mary.
God said at his baptism that Jesus was his Son, Jesus said God was his father...
How clear is that.

I am not confusing anything. You are refusing to follow your own scripture. Now you don't even believe in the Creation story from your own Bible which happened before Jesus(pbuh).

Yes, it is as clear as Psalm 2:7 "I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father." Here in this verse we see that God not only called David his "Son", but also had become his father. No difference between David and Jesus then.


Oldest Heretic
I am not confusing anything. You are refusing to follow your own scripture. Now you don't even believe in the Creation story from your own Bible which happened before Jesus(pbuh).

Yes, it is as clear as Psalm 2:7 "I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father." Here in this verse we see that God not only called David his "Son", but also had become his father. No difference between David and Jesus then.
This verse of a Song from the Old Testament Is describing, in poetry, Davids spiritual relationship to God. It has nothing to do wit his "physical" relationship to God. Like the words of modern Christian Hymns it is a song of worship.

I do not believe that any Scripture is the exact word of God.
This include the Bible which includes every thing from fable to historical accounts, and was never intended to be an exact reference, or to be used with out prayerful interpretation.
I never have believed in the Jewish creation myth. It is simply a story used for teaching an ancient people that God created everything.

Even the words used by Jesus, are as simple people rememberd them, and show the normal variations you would expect from a variety of witnesses, or accounts of an event.
It is this variation which gives credence to the veracity of their message. It would be unbelievable if all the accounts were identical.

I do not refuse to believe everything I read in the Bible ...
I am not expected to, nor am I required to...
Faith is never dependant on a Book.
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Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Jesus in the Greek Bible used the Greek word
"Periklytos" which means the admirable or
glorified one. He called that predicted
human prophet "Periklytos". This word
corresponds exactly to the Arabic word
"Muhammad" which also means the "admired one" or "glorified one." In other words, "Periklytos" is "Muhammad" in Greek.
No it doesn't. I can tell that you can neither read nor understand Greek.

Original WordWord Originparavklhtoßa root wordTransliterated WordTDNT EntryParakletos5:800,782Phonetic SpellingParts of Speechpar-ak'-lay-tos Noun Masculine Definition
summoned, called to one's side, esp. called to one's aid
  1. one who pleads another's cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel for defense, legal assistant, an advocate
  2. one who pleads another's cause with one, an intercessor
    1. of Christ in his exaltation at God's right hand, pleading with God the Father for the pardon of our sins
  3. in the widest sense, a helper, succourer, aider, assistant
    1. of the Holy Spirit destined to take the place of Christ with the apostles (after his ascension to the Father), to lead them to a deeper knowledge of the gospel truth, and give them divine strength needed to enable them to undergo trials and persecutions on behalf of the divine kingdom
IDK what your sources are, but you might want to consider getting better ones.

John 14:26

26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach
you all things and will remind you of
everything I have said to you.
Pay attention to this. You see this? The comforter/Advocate/Paraklete of which Jesus speaks is the Holy Spirit. NOT Muhammad.

In these four verses, the word "comforter"
is translated from the word "Paraclete" ("Ho Parakletos" in Greek). Parakletos in Greek is
interpreted as "an advocate", one who pleads
the cause of another, one who councils or
advises another from deep concern for the other's welfare (Beacon Bible commentary
volume VII, p.168). In these verses we are
told that once Jesus (peace be upon him)
departs, a Paraclete will come. He will glorify
Jesus (peace be upon him), and he will guide
mankind into all truth. This "Paraclete" is identified in John 14:26 as the Holy Ghost.
Yes, which is not Muhammad.

It must be pointed out that the original Greek manuscripts speak of a "Holy pneuma." The word pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} is the Greek root word for "spirit." There is no separate word for "Ghost" in the Greek
manuscripts, of which there are claimed to
be over 24,000 today. The translators of the King James Version of the Bible
translate this word as "Ghost" to convey
their own personal understanding of the
text. However, a more accurate translation
is "Holy Spirit." More faithful and recent
translations of the Bible, such as the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), do indeed
now translate it as "Holy Spirit." This is
significant, and will be expounded upon
"Ghost" and "Spirit" have the same word in German: Geist. King James English probably preferred to use its own version of German "Geist," which is "Ghost." The two words, "spirit and ghost" are etymologically synonymous.

There's your etymology lesson for the day. :)

What the translators of the Bible have done
when presented with such discrepancies is to
do their best to choose the correct version.
In other words, since they can not know
which "ancient manuscript" is the correct
one, they must do a little detective work on the text in order to decide which "version"
of a given verse to accept. John 14:26 is just such an example of such selection
No, not really. It's just you not knowing your Germanic etymology, and how the words "ghost" and "spirit" are related and basically the same.

John 14:26 is the only verse of the Bible which associates the Parakletos with the
Holy Spirit. But if we were to go back to the
"ancient manuscripts" themselves, we would
find that they are not all in agreement that
the "Parakletos" is the Holy Spirit. For instance, in the famous the Codex Syriacus, written around the fifth century C.E., and discovered in 1812 on Mount Sinai by Mrs.Agnes S. Lewis (and Mrs. Bensley), the text of 14:26 reads; "Paraclete, the Spirit"; and not "Paraclete, the Holy Spirit.".
It doesn't really matter, it still says that the Paraclete is the Spirit.

A "Spirit" in the New Testament is a human
Therefore, Jesus had predicted
the comming of a human Prophet (spirit)
after him and not the Holy Spirit. Jesus
would not have used the word "he" for the
Holy Spirit. He would have used "it" instead in John 14:26 above. Read 1 John 4:1-3[/quote]
No, Jesus WOULD have used the word "He" for the Holy Spirit, since "Parakleton" is a masculine noun. I'm going to take a while guess and say that you've never worked with a foreign language that assigns gender to nouns, have you? Well, I'll give you an example.

In German, you have the word "Geist," which means "Spirit/ghost." It's the German equivalent of Greek "pneuma," and, like Parakleton, is a masculine noun. So if I were to say the German equivalent of the English "there is [the spirit] is", then I would say "da ER [der Geist]" ist," even though "er" means "HE," and not" IT. Make a little more sense now?

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because
many false prophets are gone out into the
world," (1 John 4:1-3)
Yes, test them. Demons can be false prophets as well.

2 Corinthians 11:14
And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.

Angels and demons are spirits. We should be able to distinguish between them, so we don't make the mistake of following what we think is an angel, but is really a demon.

(also see 1 John 4:6), or an inspired human,
for example read 1 Corinthians 2:10,
You're misreading 1 Corinthians 2:10. Try again with the full context:

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy[d] Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

2 Thessalonians 2:2, ...etc.
I don't see how that implies that a prophet is the Holy Spirit.

In the
Christian's own "Gospel of Barnabas"
Muhammad is mentioned by name here. The
Trinitarian church, however, has done its
utmost to obliterate all existing copies of "The Gospel of Barnabas," and to hide it
from the masses or to label it a forgery. For this reason, it becomes
necessary to show that even the Gospels
adopted by Paul's church also originally
spoke of Muhammad (peace be upon him).
:biglaugh: You mean that hoax that was written in the 1500's by Ottoman Turks, and was pawned off as Scripture??? No scholar worth their salt dates that thing before the Middle Ages! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Barnabas#Origins
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Admiral Obvious
I am not confusing anything.
Actually yuo are.
See, you are assuming your favorite interpretation of the Bible is the only way.

You are refusing to follow your own scripture.
Wrong again.
He may very well be refusing to follow YOUR interpretation of said scripture.

Until such time as you can show that your interpretation of the scripture lines up with what God intended...
Good luck with that.

Now you don't even believe in the Creation story from your own Bible which happened before Jesus(pbuh).
You are blinded by own sense of self worth.
Now you feel you can dictate to others what they think and believe.


Sunni Muslim
There is no evidence that God ever
wrote anything. and it is reported
that Muhammad could neither read nor
write. It is also reported that the
Quran was dictated over a period of
time to various scribes. It is a work
of man.

The word "Quran" means "that which is recited; or that which is dictated in memory form." As such, it is not only a book, nor is it something that reaches us only in written form. The documentation in writting about the Quran has been preserved in museums thoughout the world, including the Topekopi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, the museum in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and also in England. Keep in mind also, the Quran is only considered "Quran" while it is in the recitation form, not in the written or the book form. The word for what is written and held in the hand to be read by the eye is called "mus-haf" (meaning script or that which is written down).

There are no different versions of the Quran in the Arabic language, only different translations and of course, none of these would be considered to hold the value and authenticity of the original Arabic Recitation. The Quran is divided up into 30 equal parts, called "Juz'" (parts) in the Arabic language. These are learned by Muslims from their very early beginnings as children.

The important thing to keep in mind about the Quran is the memorization and transmission of the actual "Rectiation" just as it came to Muhammad, peace be upon him, from the Angel Gabriel and was learned and memorized by his companions and they in turn, passed it down to their followers and continued in this way until we see today, over
10,000,000 (ten million) Muslims who have committed the entire Quran to memory. This is not a small feat. After all, how many other works of literary value have been memorized and passed down through so many generations, in the original language, without
a single change in even one sentence?

All Muslims have memorzied a portion of the Quran in the Arabic language, as this is an important part of their daily prayers. Many Muslims have memorized large portions of the Quran from one tenth to one half to all of the entire Quran, and all in the original Arabic language. It should be noted, there are over one and a half billion (1,500,000,000) Muslims worldwide and only about 10% are Arab, all the rest are learing the Quran in Arabic as a second language.

The Quran contains clear statements from Almighty God (Allah) and it is Him speaking to all of us in the first person. He tells of us our own creation, the creation of all that is the universe and what has happened to those before us and what is to become of us if we do not take heed of the warnings clearly spelled out in His Revelation. He speaks also to Muhammad, peace be upon him, to show that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is not making this up himself and even chastises Muhammad, peace be upon him, for making human assumptions rather than waiting for revelation in matters (ie.; surah At-Tahreem and surah Abasa).

The Quran refers to itself as "The Quran" (The Recitation) and mentions that it is to all mankind and jinn (another creation
of Allah, similar to humans in that they could make choices as to whether or not they would obey God's Commandments, and they existed before humans).

The Quran is clear on who God is and who He is not. There is no room left for doubt after reading the Quran in the Arabic languge: God is One. He is the only Creator, Sustainer and Owner of the Universe. He has no partners. He has no relatives; wives, children or offspring. He is not like His creation and He does not need it for His existance, while all the time the creation is totally dependent on Him. His attributes are clearly spelled out as the epitome of each and every one. He is for instance, the All-Knowing; the All- Hearing; the All-Seeing; the All-Forgiving; the All- Loving; the All-Merciful; the Only One God. There is never a contradiction to this found anywhere in the Quran.

The Quran makes the clear challange, that if
you are in doubt about it - then bring a book like it. Also, to bring ten chapters like it and then finally, to bring one single chapter like it. 1,400 years - and no one has been able to duplicate it's beauty, recitation, miracles and ease of memorization. Another challange
for the unbelievers to consider; "If this (Quran) were from other than Allah, you would find within it many contradictions." And yet, another challange offered by Allah in the Quran is for the unbelievers to look around for evidences. Allah says He will show them His signs within themselves and on the farthest horizons.

The scientific miracles of the Quran could not have been understood at that time, yet today we take for granted the many things included in the revelation of the Quran. Some include mentioning: The formation of embryo in the womb of the mother (surah 98); deep seas partitions; waters that do not mix; clouds and how they make rain and how lightning is caused by ice crystals; formation of the earth's mountains deep underground; orbits of planets and stars and moons - and even the mention of space travel (surah 55:33).


Admiral Obvious
The word "Quran" means "that which is recited; or that which is dictated in memory form." As such, it is not only a book, nor is it something that reaches us only in written form. The documentation in writting about the Quran has been preserved in museums thoughout the world, including the Topekopi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, the museum in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and also in England. Keep in mind also, the Quran is only considered "Quran" while it is in the recitation form, not in the written or the book form. The word for what is written and held in the hand to be read by the eye is called "mus-haf" (meaning script or that which is written down).

There are no different versions of the Quran in the Arabic language, only different translations and of course, none of these would be considered to hold the value and authenticity of the original Arabic Recitation. The Quran is divided up into 30 equal parts, called "Juz'" (parts) in the Arabic language. These are learned by Muslims from their very early beginnings as children.

The important thing to keep in mind about the Quran is the memorization and transmission of the actual "Rectiation" just as it came to Muhammad, peace be upon him, from the Angel Gabriel and was learned and memorized by his companions and they in turn, passed it down to their followers and continued in this way until we see today, over
10,000,000 (ten million) Muslims who have committed the entire Quran to memory. This is not a small feat. After all, how many other works of literary value have been memorized and passed down through so many generations, in the original language, without
a single change in even one sentence?

All Muslims have memorzied a portion of the Quran in the Arabic language, as this is an important part of their daily prayers. Many Muslims have memorized large portions of the Quran from one tenth to one half to all of the entire Quran, and all in the original Arabic language. It should be noted, there are over one and a half billion (1,500,000,000) Muslims worldwide and only about 10% are Arab, all the rest are learing the Quran in Arabic as a second language.

The Quran contains clear statements from Almighty God (Allah) and it is Him speaking to all of us in the first person. He tells of us our own creation, the creation of all that is the universe and what has happened to those before us and what is to become of us if we do not take heed of the warnings clearly spelled out in His Revelation. He speaks also to Muhammad, peace be upon him, to show that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is not making this up himself and even chastises Muhammad, peace be upon him, for making human assumptions rather than waiting for revelation in matters (ie.; surah At-Tahreem and surah Abasa).

The Quran refers to itself as "The Quran" (The Recitation) and mentions that it is to all mankind and jinn (another creation
of Allah, similar to humans in that they could make choices as to whether or not they would obey God's Commandments, and they existed before humans).

The Quran is clear on who God is and who He is not. There is no room left for doubt after reading the Quran in the Arabic languge: God is One. He is the only Creator, Sustainer and Owner of the Universe. He has no partners. He has no relatives; wives, children or offspring. He is not like His creation and He does not need it for His existance, while all the time the creation is totally dependent on Him. His attributes are clearly spelled out as the epitome of each and every one. He is for instance, the All-Knowing; the All- Hearing; the All-Seeing; the All-Forgiving; the All- Loving; the All-Merciful; the Only One God. There is never a contradiction to this found anywhere in the Quran.

The Quran makes the clear challange, that if
you are in doubt about it - then bring a book like it. Also, to bring ten chapters like it and then finally, to bring one single chapter like it. 1,400 years - and no one has been able to duplicate it's beauty, recitation, miracles and ease of memorization. Another challange
for the unbelievers to consider; "If this (Quran) were from other than Allah, you would find within it many contradictions." And yet, another challange offered by Allah in the Quran is for the unbelievers to look around for evidences. Allah says He will show them His signs within themselves and on the farthest horizons.

The scientific miracles of the Quran could not have been understood at that time, yet today we take for granted the many things included in the revelation of the Quran. Some include mentioning: The formation of embryo in the womb of the mother (surah 98); deep seas partitions; waters that do not mix; clouds and how they make rain and how lightning is caused by ice crystals; formation of the earth's mountains deep underground; orbits of planets and stars and moons - and even the mention of space travel (surah 55:33).
This is nothing more than level 1 propaganda.

In fact, if you do a search you will find threads addressing most, if not all, the claims made in the above quoted post.


Oldest Heretic
The word "Quran" means "that which is recited; or that which is dictated in memory form." As such, it is not only a book, nor is it something that reaches us only in written form. The documentation in writting about the Quran has been preserved in museums thoughout the world, including the Topekopi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, the museum in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and also in England. Keep in mind also, the Quran is only considered "Quran" while it is in the recitation form, not in the written or the book form. The word for what is written and held in the hand to be read by the eye is called "mus-haf" (meaning script or that which is written down).

There are no different versions of the Quran in the Arabic language, only different translations and of course, none of these would be considered to hold the value and authenticity of the original Arabic Recitation. The Quran is divided up into 30 equal parts, called "Juz'" (parts) in the Arabic language. These are learned by Muslims from their very early beginnings as children.

The important thing to keep in mind about the Quran is the memorization and transmission of the actual "Rectiation" just as it came to Muhammad, peace be upon him, from the Angel Gabriel and was learned and memorized by his companions and they in turn, passed it down to their followers and continued in this way until we see today, over
10,000,000 (ten million) Muslims who have committed the entire Quran to memory. This is not a small feat. After all, how many other works of literary value have been memorized and passed down through so many generations, in the original language, without
a single change in even one sentence?

All Muslims have memorzied a portion of the Quran in the Arabic language, as this is an important part of their daily prayers. Many Muslims have memorized large portions of the Quran from one tenth to one half to all of the entire Quran, and all in the original Arabic language. It should be noted, there are over one and a half billion (1,500,000,000) Muslims worldwide and only about 10% are Arab, all the rest are learing the Quran in Arabic as a second language.

The Quran contains clear statements from Almighty God (Allah) and it is Him speaking to all of us in the first person. He tells of us our own creation, the creation of all that is the universe and what has happened to those before us and what is to become of us if we do not take heed of the warnings clearly spelled out in His Revelation. He speaks also to Muhammad, peace be upon him, to show that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is not making this up himself and even chastises Muhammad, peace be upon him, for making human assumptions rather than waiting for revelation in matters (ie.; surah At-Tahreem and surah Abasa).

The Quran refers to itself as "The Quran" (The Recitation) and mentions that it is to all mankind and jinn (another creation
of Allah, similar to humans in that they could make choices as to whether or not they would obey God's Commandments, and they existed before humans).

The Quran is clear on who God is and who He is not. There is no room left for doubt after reading the Quran in the Arabic languge: God is One. He is the only Creator, Sustainer and Owner of the Universe. He has no partners. He has no relatives; wives, children or offspring. He is not like His creation and He does not need it for His existance, while all the time the creation is totally dependent on Him. His attributes are clearly spelled out as the epitome of each and every one. He is for instance, the All-Knowing; the All- Hearing; the All-Seeing; the All-Forgiving; the All- Loving; the All-Merciful; the Only One God. There is never a contradiction to this found anywhere in the Quran.

The Quran makes the clear challange, that if
you are in doubt about it - then bring a book like it. Also, to bring ten chapters like it and then finally, to bring one single chapter like it. 1,400 years - and no one has been able to duplicate it's beauty, recitation, miracles and ease of memorization. Another challange
for the unbelievers to consider; "If this (Quran) were from other than Allah, you would find within it many contradictions." And yet, another challange offered by Allah in the Quran is for the unbelievers to look around for evidences. Allah says He will show them His signs within themselves and on the farthest horizons.

The scientific miracles of the Quran could not have been understood at that time, yet today we take for granted the many things included in the revelation of the Quran. Some include mentioning: The formation of embryo in the womb of the mother (surah 98); deep seas partitions; waters that do not mix; clouds and how they make rain and how lightning is caused by ice crystals; formation of the earth's mountains deep underground; orbits of planets and stars and moons - and even the mention of space travel (surah 55:33).

Is not an accurately recorded, memorised or written falsehood or misunderstanding still a falsehood or misunderstanding?
Is not a accurately recorded story still a story?
Is not an accurately recorded error still an error?

The accuracy of the recording effects neither a truth nor a lie in any way, it does not prove nor confirms anything.
What was composed by man remains composed by man, However accurately it is recorded.
The Quran is no exception.

None of the science you mention is found in the Quran. neither the concepts nor the detail is there. The links are spurious at best.


Jesus in me
Jesus never was God, and never will be. In the Bible, God declares: “Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one
after me.” (Isaiah 43:10).

Isaiah 43:10-11 (NIV)

10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, 10 “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.

11 I, even I, am the LORD, 11 and apart from me there is no savior.

Mark 6:5

He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.

Mark 11:12-13

12 And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:

13 And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any
thing thereon: and when he came to it, he
found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs
was not yet.

The Bible clearly shows that Jesus was not all-powerful and all-knowing as the true
God should be.

What can you say? Is this verse "fake" as Christians believe that Jesus is God? (Beware w/ the grammar errors)

I believe you have nothing to back up your false statements.

I beleive that is due to the fact that God will not perform a healing against a persons will not becuase He was unable to do so.

There is no evidence that Jesus acted because He was hungry; I believe that concept was imputed by the witness who is unable to read minds.

I believe this to be a false statement.

i believe the verse is not fake but the interpretaion you place on it is phony.


Jesus in me
I suppose a Trinitarian could possibly mention the two natures of Jesus, but as a non-Trinitarian, I don't really 'get' how it works, myself, and for me, Jesus was simply a human with a closeness to God.

I believe your god is a waste of time. Human gods always disappoint.


Jesus in me
I have no trouble believing Jesus was a Son of God.

Certainly, while he was on Earth, and before his Ascension he was fully man.
Prior to his birth he was of God as were we all.
It is believed that he now sits at the right hand of God.
I am not at all sure what "At the Right hand" of an Infinite God might be.
It would seem to me that every one and every thing must be contained "within that infinity."

While God has the potential to be all powerful and all Knowing, I rather doubt he ever makes use of those abilities.
Since the Creation of the Universe through what we call the "Big Bang", there is no evidence that God ever intervenes or indeed needs to. Such intervention, would be evidence of the less than perfect creation process.

God does not rely on or is constrained by Bible verses, written either before or after the life of Jesus. Bible verses were written by religious people, and like all "Religious Scripture" contains the truth as filtered by the prayers, thoughts and errors of the authors. This is true of the scripture of all religions.

I believe there is no evidence to support this assertion.

So you believe God is useless?

I believe in the evidence in the Bible and the testimony of believers.

I believe the creation was perfect. It is an enemy of God that has marred its perfection.

I believe there are staements by Jesus that reveal otherwise.

I beleive those writings to be inspired by God and some of the words are direct quotes by God.


Oldest Heretic
I believe there is no evidence to support this assertion.

So you believe God is useless?

I believe in the evidence in the Bible and the testimony of believers.

I believe the creation was perfect. It is an enemy of God that has marred its perfection.

I believe there are staements by Jesus that reveal otherwise.

I beleive those writings to be inspired by God and some of the words are direct quotes by God.

Every thing you state depends on the bible being exact and true and with out error and the word of God.

This is also why your argument falls.

Christianity never has been about the accuracy of the Bible.
