I know this might be OT, and I also have Jewish ancestry (and am currently interested in Judaism, trying to find out if it's for me), but, I don't think it's actually fair to lay the blame on all Christians. I'm not sure if you've ever read 'The Lucifer Prnciple' by Harold Bloom, but, in it, he shows how evil is pretty much hardwired into us, humans have been killing each other, for whatever reason, since we first arose, if Christians hadn't killed Jews, and others, in the name of Christ, there'd be another reason, such as politics, culture, racism, etc. I can't remember who said this, but, I remember hearing someone say, if the world was entirely atheist, we'd be killing each other over who was more of an Atheist.
Just to be clear, I'm not defending the actions of the Church, and what they did to Jews, and others, but, I also don't think it's right to lay the blame just at Christians (perhaps the people in the Church should have followed Christ more fully, than giving into the darkness that exists in all humans, that's a criticsm I'd agee with).