all I can do is deduce that you claimed I was a conservative to support your narrative along political lines
I've read your comments on multiple threads. It's hard to imagine why you deny being a conservative. Do you really believe that you are not, or do you find benefit in gaslighting?
Do you think that it is difficult to judge a person's psychology and political philosophy in a venue like this where people make comments like we see here? I'm liberal and a humanist. I consider it the good economic sense and the moral responsibility of a wealthy nation to provide affordable education to all its citizens through graduate level if the student goes that far. If you are thinking more about how to not help, if you define the allocation of national resources toward societal improvement as stealing, then you are not like me.
Students owe society, not the other way around.
Not in every case. Probably not in most cases. The state invests in citizens and their development, and is often repaid in spades. I received a state supported medical education - not free, but artificially low tuition, lower than the school's costs providing it. Out-of-state residents were less likely to be accepted and admitted and when they were, received less public support and paid more in tuition. In return for that investment, I gave the state and thousands of its citizens a career of service and I don't know how many dollars in taxes. America made out just fine with me. I am grateful for the support, and am satisfied with the deal, but many end up giving back much more than they took from the state. It's good government and good business to invest in human development.