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John Kerry:'WTC 7 controlled demolition'


Well-Known Member
This is an excellent clip of John Kerry speaking in Austin, Texas when someone brought up a question about WTC Tower 7. John Kerry seems to imply that WTC 7 was brought down in a "controlled fashion". Keep your eye on their gestures, especially Teresa's, and notice how bothered she seems to be when her husband was questioned about the matter. Wonderful stuff:


I can't see the video here at work. I haven't been reading all the conspiracy theories running around but the Left seem to be entertaining them a bit.


Well-Known Member
Yes, very interesting indeed. Seems like you won't hear much about it though, seeing as the media is in the pocket of political interest groups....Too bad that we don't have a media that shows you everything...But they did give us the Anna Nicole story, which is cool though{sarcasm}..


Well-Known Member
New proof that the WTC7 was purposely brought down. The world "pull it" come out from the horse's mouth, and was later denied, and much debate has been going on denying that the phase "pull it" meant demolish the building by explosive or other means, but meaning getting the fireman out of the building. Now BBC said pull it means demolish the building:

Work to pull it down was held up by a labour dispute last year as well as by the search for remains of 9/11 victims, which was finally completed in June.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Tibet: Your questions answered


Done here.
This is an excellent clip of John Kerry speaking in Austin, Texas when someone brought up a question about WTC Tower 7. John Kerry seems to imply that WTC 7 was brought down in a "controlled fashion".
I wouldn't be at all surprised if WTC7 turned out to have been intentionally demolished. However, the strongest impression I get from the video is that Kerry doesn't have any idea what he's talking about or what the questioner was asking.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if WTC7 turned out to have been intentionally demolished. However, the strongest impression I get from the video is that Kerry doesn't have any idea what he's talking about or what the questioner was asking.

I think that the idea that Americans had anything to do with WTC is typical American self-loathing, egocentric, and vile. It's egocentric because it assumes that only Americans could have done this to Americans ... no other country has the will or ability to succeed in a strike of this magnitude against the USA, so it must come from within. It's vile because this kind of self-loathing is pathetic and disguisting.


Done here.
I think that the idea that Americans had anything to do with WTC is typical American self-loathing, egocentric, and vile. It's egocentric because it assumes that only Americans could have done this to Americans ... no other country has the will or ability to succeed in a strike of this magnitude against the USA, so it must come from within. It's vile because this kind of self-loathing is pathetic and disguisting.
The thing with WTC 7 is, I'm not sure it would have been a bad idea to bring it down, considering how badly damaged it was. It probably just fell, but if it was brought down intentionally, so what? Nobody was killed in the collapse of WTC 7.


Reason, and reason again
I think that the idea that Americans had anything to do with WTC is typical American self-loathing, egocentric, and vile. It's egocentric because it assumes that only Americans could have done this to Americans ... no other country has the will or ability to succeed in a strike of this magnitude against the USA, so it must come from within. It's vile because this kind of self-loathing is pathetic and disguisting.

No one was killed by WTC 7... The theorists are wondering why they took it down so fast if the attacks were a complete surprise.


Well-Known Member
The thing with WTC 7 is, I'm not sure it would have been a bad idea to bring it down, considering how badly damaged it was. It probably just fell, but if it was brought down intentionally, so what? Nobody was killed in the collapse of WTC 7.

It is very scary. It means that all tall buildings of America are currently loaded with the correct device that the building owner could at a nod of his head bring down the building nicely, and safely (vertical fall without causing damage to adjacent buildings).

It means that the WTC1 and WTC2 could actually be struck by the terrorists, but may not have collapsed, but some one intentionally brought the buildings down.:(


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator

Odd how the more you effort to "expose" conspiracies...the more you manage to invent greater conspiracies, and challenge others to disprove those...

Thank goodness for those transient goalposts, and apagogical arguments as dispositive proofs.



Well-Known Member

Odd how the more you effort to "expose" conspiracies...the more you manage to invent greater conspiracies, and challenge others to disprove those...

Thank goodness for those transient goalposts, and apagogical arguments as dispositive proofs.


It is fun, ya? :p

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
John Kerry: now officially out of ways to get attention.

I just watched the History Channel's debunking of the 9/11 Conspiracies a couple of days ago...


Well-Known Member

I just watched the History Channel's debunking of the 9/11 Conspiracies a couple of days ago...

MSM, nothing can be believe 100%. Did they explain Silverstein statement of 'Pull it' to mean get the fireman the hell out of WTC7

WTC 7 'Pull It'

PBS Documentary: Silverstein, FDNY Razed WTC 7

By Jeremy Baker

In a stunning and belated development concerning the attacks of 9/11 Larry Silverstein, the controller of the destroyed WTC complex, stated plainly in a PBS documentary that he and the FDNY decided jointly to demolish the Solomon Bros. building, or WTC 7, late in the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001.

This admission appeared in a PBS documentary originally aired in Sept. of 2002 entitled "America Rebuilds". Mr Silverstein's comments came after FEMA and the Society of Civil Engineers conducted an extensive and costly investigation into the curious collapse of WTC 7. The study specifically concluded that the building had collapsed as a result of the inferno within, sparked, apparently, by debris falling from the crumbling North Tower.

Famous statement:

"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."


Well-Known Member
Yes, he explained what he meant when he said it.

Okay, I have forgotten to answer this thread. This is a red-herring planned by him. If you do not want people to find out you demolished the building, why not say it out in an ambiguous phrase which you can twist around, and let people get lost debating that?

Anyway, I found another good article, which I hope you will find time to read:
Can Physics Rewrite History?


I feel a sense of urgency over this issue because it involves the dangerous influence of a powerful, highly organizing but factually incorrect set of beliefs that continues to have a strong hold on the minds of many Americans -- and many others as well. These beliefs inherently create an unconscious mental disconnect from factual reality that has been exploited as the basis for drastic changes in law and policy that would have been otherwise impossible.

I am wary of any belief -- whether it be mine or someone else's -- if it is formed with little or no substantial verification. I'm learning to consider the possibility that a tempting new belief may have been engineered to serve the purposes of others unknown to me.

My independent research efforts into this matter are of a volunteer nature and are motivated by a desire to learn the truth about these events. Even if you disagree with my conclusions I hope you can at least share my intentions. This report is primarily an information assist for others who may also be looking into these questions on their own.

The information presented here can be easily verified and/or expanded upon with simple internet searches. Many good sources are available. Independent research is a healthy exercise for anyone's critical and logical faculties -- it is also a profound opportunity to reclaim control of the future.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
MSM, nothing can be believe 100%.
And yet you seem to want us to believe you. You do understand how odd that sounds, right? On the one hand you tell us we cannot believe anything in the mainstream media or from the government and then you go on to outline why we can believe you know what you are talking about. Some little "scientist" in Cow Town, Canada knows or purports to know what "really" happened. Do you know the meaning of the word "delusional", nsGC?

Yes, he explained what he meant when he said it.

This is a red-herring planned by him.
So now you are telling us that the man is a liar? That is a pretty serious charge, is it not? Do you have any REAL proof that he is lying?

If you do not want people to find out you demolished the building, why not say it out in an ambiguous phrase which you can twist around, and let people get lost debating that?
Most likely because he probably didn't think it was the big deal you (and apparently others) seem to think it is. :shrug: