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John Macarthur opens church


Yup. That was god. performing abortions and demanding it be done under those circumstances.
That is illegal today, very fortunately.
"God blessed Abraham with children as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15), and the psalmist says the man is blessed who who has a “quiver full” (Psalm 127:5).

In Genesis 25:22, the Hebrew word “banim” used to describe the unborn twin boys (babies) within Rebekah is also used to describe infants and children. In this passage, God speaks to the potential and destiny of the unborn children, describing them as “two nations” wrestling within her.

In Exodus (21:22-25), unborn children are afforded special protection. If a mother or child dies as a result of violence, intended or accidental, the offender is to pay compensation including and up to their very life.

God makes specific mention in Jeremiah 32:35 and Psalm 106: 37-38 that he detests child sacrifice.

God also makes clear in Deuteronomy (24:16) that children are not to be put to death for the sins of their fathers (parents) and vice-versa.

David declares in Psalm 139 that God “created my inmost being”, he “knit me together in my mother’s womb”, and David is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (13-14). David’s “frame was not hidden” from God when he was made in “the secret place” (15-16).

God tells the prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations’’ (Jeremiah 1:5).

These verses do not just relate to the favoured few – the prophets, kings and priests – but are representative of every life, every person made in the image of God; unique, valuable, known and loved.

God also makes plain his delight in children who are testimony to His purity, power and love. Psalm 8:2 declares God establishes a stronghold against his enemies through the glorious praises of nursing infants. Satan, God’s arch enemy (and ours), want to dehumanise, devalue and dispose of the image-bearers of God.

The Bible constantly instructs us to teach our children, keep them from harm and model Godly behaviour. They are a gift, entrusted to us, not commodities and consumers. God reminds us through scripture that we are to provide special care to the vulnerable and weak in our midst; the aged, children, widows, orphans, poor, refugees.

What could be more vulnerable than a child in the womb who lives or dies at the whim of adults? And, so, back to Jesus.

As recorded in Luke, John the Baptist – at about six months gestation, inside the womb of his mother Elizabeth – leaps, when Mary comes to visit (1:44).

Jesus is only eight to 10 days gestation, yet Elizabeth describes Mary as “the mother of the Lord”. Perhaps we should change the Christmas Carol to sing, “Jesus, Lord before (at thy) birth”.
What the Bible says about abortion
Those who claim the water killed miss the point that the water did nothing, and was just a test for a crime.

It certainly does help us solve these questions.

How else do you explain thess common traits among such radically different life forms, while yet still being as different as we are. Our DNA is 99% similar to that of a chimp. How does one explain this without us having a common ancestor?
What a man is does not depend on DNA. If I used a nut and bolt and some solder on a jet as well as on a tractor, that does not make them related.


We have no clue what may have been created because the people asserting that kinds have been created have utterly failed to demonstrate that there are any created kinds at all.
So I don't see any reason to consider anything about kinds until that day comes because I don't feel like wasting time considering or believing things for which there is no evidence.

Of course, we could all just make stuff up like you're doing here, but I'm interested in believing factual things, so I'm out on that.
No one cares if you have an opinion on whether original kinds existed or not. In the evo religion, they assume and believe there was no creation, and in the religion of the One True Living Creator God, we believe there was.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No one cares if you have an opinion on whether original kinds existed or not. In the evo religion, they assume and believe there was no creation, and in the religion of the One True Living Creator God, we believe there was.
No. There are no such assumptions in evolution. By the way it is not a religion. Oddly enough your besmirching a concept as religion indicates that you know your religious beliefs are wrong.


These articles aren't relevant and don't come anywhere close to providing evidence for your claims that wearing a mask leads to contracting bacterial pneumonia.
Your articles say nothing about masks having anything to do with contracting bacterial pneumonia. In fact, I didn't even see the word "mask" mentioned in either of them.
In fact, it is stated that, "That pneumonia causes most deaths in an influenza outbreak is well known." Because, of course it is.

Read more: Bacteria were the real killers in 1918 flu pandemic

I'm guessing you didn't even read beyond the headlines, given what you've claimed is quite different from what is actually stated in those articles.
Next time you want to talk down to me about providing evidence and knowing what I'm talking about ... remember this post. :)

Stop being a spreader of myths and misinformation. And stop projecting your failings onto me. I am not spreading misinformation. That is you.
Research shows that cloth masks could lead to bacterial infections

Reusing masks may increase your risk of coronavirus infection, expert says

From the NPR site link you mention we see this
"The flu virus weakened lungs, opening the door to fatal bacterial pneumonia in most of the pandemic's 50 million victims"

So bacteria played a big part. here in the fatalities. While masks generally are recommended, the nature of humans is such that we can expect misuses such as reusing masks, wearing them too long, etc. In their place they are fine. As some tyrannically enforced supposed cure all it seems to me they are of limited importance.

Looking at advice for surgeons who wear good masks, unlike most of the public, we see this

The bacterial count on the surface of SMs increased with extended operating times; significant difference was found between the 4- to 6-hour and 0-hour groups (p < 0.05). When we analysed the bacterial counts from the same surgeon, a significant increase was noted in the 2-hours group. Moreover, the bacterial counts were significantly higher among the surgeons than the OR. Additionally, the bacterial count of the external surface of the second mask was significantly higher than that of the first one.

The source of bacterial contamination in SMs was the body surface of the surgeons rather than the OR environment. Moreover, we recommend that surgeons should change the mask after each operation, especially those beyond 2 hours"

Surgical masks as source of bacterial contamination during operative procedures - ScienceDirect

So, the bottom line is that when used properly masks seem to be fine, but that doesn't say a whole lot and hardly seems an excuse to force people to wear them. As this articles sums up-

"Of the many preventative measures you can take to protect yourself from the new coronavirus, wearing a face mask is one of the most visible. But for members of the general public, health experts don't think it'll help much.

"There's little harm in it," Eric Toner, a scientist at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told Business Insider. "But it's not likely to be very effective in preventing it."

People are racing to buy face masks amid the coronavirus outbreak, but they probably won't protect you from illness

Now when we see that it is known that bacteria can grow in masks and that this can be serious, we cannot call that myth or disinformation as you so shrilly proclaim falsely. We could call it good sound advice and something to be aware of and careful about.

But masks were not an issue at the church in the topic. People could wear them if the liked. Sorry that some people seem to feel that if people are not treated like POWs that it is some sort of crime.


No. There are no such assumptions in evolution. By the way it is not a religion. Oddly enough your besmirching a concept as religion indicates that you know your religious beliefs are wrong.
People that try to explain why life exists by natural processes and who do so in the extreme such as claiming a shared ancestor with flatworms are trying to explain life with no creation actually.


You are in no position to tell someone else that God didn't tell them to fly planes into bulidings.
And you are in no position to tell someone that God didn't tell someone to drown her five children in the bath tub.

See how that works?
Yes I am in precisely that position, thou shalt not kill. See how that works? People that mass murder and pretend they are martyrs for so doing are not doing anything because God told them to. They might be doing it because they think some god made em do it, but we already know what the Almighty said about it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
People that try to explain why life exists by natural processes and who do so in the extreme such as claiming a shared ancestor with flatworms are trying to explain life with no creation actually.
There is massive evidence that demonstrates that you share a common ancestor with flat worms. There is no scientific evidence for your beliefs. When presented with evidence your only reaction is to deny it.


There is massive evidence that demonstrates that you share a common ancestor with flat worms. There is no scientific evidence for your beliefs. When presented with evidence your only reaction is to deny it.
Yet you failed for many days to post one single piece of evidence that was not faith based. Don't pretend you posted it that is lying.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yet you failed for many days to post one single piece of evidence that was not faith based. Don't pretend you posted it that is lying.
Not true. I posted evidence and explained why it was evidence. It was either above your understanding or you ignored it. I cannot help people that deny reality.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Those who claim the water killed miss the point that the water did nothing, and was just a test for a crime.
Thats not the point. The point is god doing abortions. Very late term abortions if we count the deaths of the first born in Egypt. All those born and unborn children during the flood and in Sodom and Ghomorah. Amd the unborn ripped from the womb when the Hebrew soldiers invaded.
What a man is does not depend on DNA.
Our DNA is what makes us who we are, as humans, as an ethnicity, hair color, and a host of other genetic traits.


Veteran Member
Pneumonia is usually not a factor until the immune system has already been weakened. In the same way pneumonia is quite often the cause of death for AIDS patients. The virus itself does not kill people, it weakens the immune system so that almost anything can kill a person.
Right. That's exactly what happened to my grandmother. She contracted the flu and it later turned into pneumonia. All without wearing any mask at all.


Veteran Member
No one cares if you have an opinion on whether original kinds existed or not. In the evo religion, they assume and believe there was no creation, and in the religion of the One True Living Creator God, we believe there was.
Well, I care. I care about people backing up their bald assertions on discussion forums. Especially when said person is constantly demanding evidence from others.
So next time you assert "created kinds" the rest of us now know that we can dismiss your claims because you refuse to produce any evidence whatsoever.
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
-Christopher Hitchens

Nice cop out though. Remember this next time you ask anybody else for evidence of anything. "Oh well, no one cares if you have an opinion." Don't forget now!


Veteran Member
Research shows that cloth masks could lead to bacterial infections

Reusing masks may increase your risk of coronavirus infection, expert says

From the NPR site link you mention we see this
"The flu virus weakened lungs, opening the door to fatal bacterial pneumonia in most of the pandemic's 50 million victims"

So bacteria played a big part. here in the fatalities. While masks generally are recommended, the nature of humans is such that we can expect misuses such as reusing masks, wearing them too long, etc. In their place they are fine. As some tyrannically enforced supposed cure all it seems to me they are of limited importance.

Looking at advice for surgeons who wear good masks, unlike most of the public, we see this

The bacterial count on the surface of SMs increased with extended operating times; significant difference was found between the 4- to 6-hour and 0-hour groups (p < 0.05). When we analysed the bacterial counts from the same surgeon, a significant increase was noted in the 2-hours group. Moreover, the bacterial counts were significantly higher among the surgeons than the OR. Additionally, the bacterial count of the external surface of the second mask was significantly higher than that of the first one.

The source of bacterial contamination in SMs was the body surface of the surgeons rather than the OR environment. Moreover, we recommend that surgeons should change the mask after each operation, especially those beyond 2 hours"

Surgical masks as source of bacterial contamination during operative procedures - ScienceDirect

So, the bottom line is that when used properly masks seem to be fine, but that doesn't say a whole lot and hardly seems an excuse to force people to wear them. As this articles sums up-

"Of the many preventative measures you can take to protect yourself from the new coronavirus, wearing a face mask is one of the most visible. But for members of the general public, health experts don't think it'll help much.

"There's little harm in it," Eric Toner, a scientist at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told Business Insider. "But it's not likely to be very effective in preventing it."

People are racing to buy face masks amid the coronavirus outbreak, but they probably won't protect you from illness

Now when we see that it is known that bacteria can grow in masks and that this can be serious, we cannot call that myth or disinformation as you so shrilly proclaim falsely. We could call it good sound advice and something to be aware of and careful about.

But masks were not an issue at the church in the topic. People could wear them if the liked. Sorry that some people seem to feel that if people are not treated like POWs that it is some sort of crime.
You didn't read this either, did you?
It doesn't back up your assertions.
It's a study comparing cloth masks with surgical masks.
Neither one says anything about bacterial pneumonia.


Veteran Member
Yes I am in precisely that position, thou shalt not kill. See how that works? People that mass murder and pretend they are martyrs for so doing are not doing anything because God told them to. They might be doing it because they think some god made em do it, but we already know what the Almighty said about it.
No, you're not.

You missed the point.

The point is that you are not in a position to demonstrate the veracity of your god claims, especially as pertains to reading some god's mind. So your claim about what God(s) wants is just as good or bad as anyone else's because it cannot be demonstrated that God(s) told anybody anything. If a person thinks that God told them to do something, what makes them any different from you? And how would you demonstrate that they are incorrect, or that you are correct, in your assertions?

I've read the Bible. There are plenty of instances of God telling his people to go out and murder their neighbours and dash their baby's heads against the rocks. So your assertion that God would tell people to do such a thing is negated by the Bible.


Oldest Heretic
And, seriously, is god so pathetically, wimpy weak that he can't work around a disease that is killing and maiming tons of people? He can work his stuff with the distance between here and where ever he is, but yet he can't do that "fill them with the spirit" thing if his followers aren't in close proximity and instead having live stream services?

No congregations
no Collections
Go figure
God presence is measured in $$$ today


Not true. I posted evidence and explained why it was evidence. It was either above your understanding or you ignored it. I cannot help people that deny reality.
You did not post a single piece though asked several times. Until you do, you need to be ignored.