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Judgement Day


Politically Incorrect
Hi Sunstone,

I am not sure why Victor is not understanding you. You are making sense. It is a fact that people do not introspect enough and to have a view of their real selves might be a shock. Because I seem to be born with this ability, I am not sure whether it is a power that all people possess and just don't use, or, not everyone has this ability. A very interesting point you have brought up.


Chimowowo said:
A judgment day just makes no sense to me at all. The first question I have is, if your god is all powerful, and can see into the future and/or knows how it all end, why would he create a world/universe and then destroy it? He knows what will happen so why not skip the middle and treat the people/souls directly as they are/would be.

It makes more sense to me if you believe in a god that is omniscient that when he created the world/universe that he set it up for a purpose, and will let it run forever so as to keep fulfilling that purpose.
God only knows events throughout time. Choices are not fully known to Him. This is deep philosophically speaking. Choices is an unsolvable equation. It is unknown what I will choose tommorow.



Well-Known Member
Lady Crimson said:
Do you agree that you will be judged by your own religion or belief? or just considering the 'true' religion?

I certainly hope i will be judged by my own religion and beliefs, otherwise I just think it will be an unfair trial.
I believe we will be judged according to the 'true' religion. I also believe, however, that everyone will have an opportunity to accept and hear of the truth.

Fire Empire

For the sake of arguement, if there is a god, and if there is a judgment day, we would want it to be a day in which god would stand before us mortals to answer for his sins. We would hold a trial with a jury of all the innocent victims he has allowed (or caused) to suffer throughout the ages, and we would judge him guilty of crimes against humanity.

Gives a new meaning to the term "judgment day", doesn't it.


Bennettresearch said:
Hi Sunstone,

I am not sure why Victor is not understanding you. You are making sense. It is a fact that people do not introspect enough and to have a view of their real selves might be a shock. Because I seem to be born with this ability, I am not sure whether it is a power that all people possess and just don't use, or, not everyone has this ability. A very interesting point you have brought up.
I hope you don't think I was saying Sunstone is not making any sense. Not at all what I said or meant. I'm just not grasping it is all. You can refrain from clarifying any further Sunstone. I'll just come back and re-read it.



Not your average Mormon
Lady Crimson said:
Do you agree that you will be judged by your own religion or belief? or just considering the 'true' religion?

I certainly hope i will be judged by my own religion and beliefs, otherwise I just think it will be an unfair trial.
I believe that all of us will be judged by God. Your next question will obviously be "Which God?" But I'll wait for it before answering.


Active Member
Lady Crimson said:
Do you agree that you will be judged by your own religion or belief? or just considering the 'true' religion?

I certainly hope i will be judged by my own religion and beliefs, otherwise I just think it will be an unfair trial.
A rather pointless thought. What makes judgement by one faith any the less or more valid than another ? and besides, if like me, you believe in a God which does not involve itself in human affairs, then judgement is a pretty empty idea. Far better that people judge themselves, for is it not written, that judge no others, lest you be judged yourself.




Kowalski said:
A rather pointless thought. What makes judgement by one faith any the less or more valid than another ? and besides, if like me, you believe in a God which does not involve itself in human affairs, then judgement is a pretty empty idea.
How does God's absense take away from one's failure to respond to what is provided?

Kowalski said:
Far better that people judge themselves, for is it not written, that judge no others, lest you be judged yourself.
The person judging is God. Not sure how you got SELF in that last statement.



Well-Known Member
Bennettresearch said:
Hi Jonny,

I don't really see a sharp division between the spirit and the soul, that is why I used that term. Please eloborate on this more. It sounds like an interesting viewpoint.
No problem. Perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough in my first post.

I believe that everyone will experience the first death, which is physical death. This is the death that most are familiar with.

Spiritual death on the other hand, isn't the death of the spirit (like the actual death of the body with physical death). Rather, it is separation from God. The spirit will continue to live. It is death because we are no longer able to progress. Spiritual death is a result of sin.

I believe that Christ overcame both the spiritual and physical death through the atonement and his resurrection. I should also mention that I believe that everyone will be resurrected (reuniting of body and spirit). I have always thought of the "soul" as the combination, but I may be wrong on this.

Does this make more sense?


Veteran Member
Jensa said:
My beliefs have no judgement day... I just die and whatever happens, happens. :)
Whatever happens beyond life will always be a mystery.

Someone call Scooby and the Gang


Active Member
jonny said:
No problem. Perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough in my first post.

I believe that everyone will experience the first death, which is physical death. This is the death that most are familiar with.

Spiritual death on the other hand, isn't the death of the spirit (like the actual death of the body with physical death). Rather, it is separation from God. The spirit will continue to live. It is death because we are no longer able to progress. Spiritual death is a result of sin.

I believe that Christ overcame both the spiritual and physical death through the atonement and his resurrection.

Does this make more sense?
Not to me, after all, it is only what you believe, which doesn't prove anything, so you might well be believing in something which has no validity or reality.




Well-Known Member
Kowalski said:
Not to me, after all, it is only what you believe, which doesn't prove anything, so you might well be believing in something which has no validity or reality.


I thought that the purpose of the thread was to exchange beliefs. I didn't expect everyone to agree with me. You already said that you don't believe in a judgement, obviously you won't agree with my beliefs.


Active Member
jonny said:
I thought that the purpose of the thread was to exchange beliefs. I didn't expect everyone to agree with me. You already said that you don't believe in a judgement, obviously you won't agree with my beliefs.
Ah, fair enough, only I always dectect that when people speak about their beliefs, they tend to give the impression that is not faith, but fact they are relating. Just my impression of course.




Well-Known Member
Kowalski said:
Ah, fair enough, only I always dectect that when people speak about their beliefs, they tend to give the impression that is not faith, but fact they are relating. Just my impression of course.


In that case I would have said "I know" (which probably would have sounded a little too arrogant...although i believe i know what i said). :)

Lady Crimson

credo quia absurdum
I sînt judecător suficient as acesta este
Do you want me to hit you with my grammar bat? 'eu sunt judecător suficient.'...ah, there you go, it's that easy. Or if you wanted to make better sense: 'eu sunt singurul meu judecător'.
Only peasents say 'sînt'.
We will not be judged on our beliefs or the beliefs of our religion.
We will be judged by God on his terms.
On how we lived our lives, the choices we made, the good we have done, how we have helped other lives, how we have treated the environment .
God knows we are all sinners and will expect repentance.

He will not judge us for following a particular religion, as our choice in the matter varies largely on our birth.

I like your opinion, Terry....I agree that we should be judged so, mainly because I believe in kindness and helping. It would be fair. But what if your religion dictated that you not help the poor, burn trees etc. and you, actually a kind person at heart, would have to do these things because you want to be a 'good' practicer of that religion. Keep in mind that that is a 'what if' question.

I suppose I expressed myself to concise...I am dreadfuly sorry, I often do that.

I wasn't speaking of a Judgement Day like in Christianity or any other religion....I was using it somewhat like a metaphore....If you had, at the end of your life, to account for your acts and beliefs by the real god(s) or some higher entity, would you like to be judged considering your own beliefs? (i.e. i believe in myself; I believe in cheese etc.)

If i am still not making any sense, please ask...it often happens.

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Lady Crimson said:
Do you want me to hit you with my grammar bat? 'eu sunt judecător suficient.'...ah, there you go, it's that easy. Or if you wanted to make better sense: 'eu sunt singurul meu judecător'.
I rest my case:biglaugh: :flirt:


Politically Incorrect
jonny said:
No problem. Perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough in my first post.

I believe that everyone will experience the first death, which is physical death. This is the death that most are familiar with.

Spiritual death on the other hand, isn't the death of the spirit (like the actual death of the body with physical death). Rather, it is separation from God. The spirit will continue to live. It is death because we are no longer able to progress. Spiritual death is a result of sin.

I believe that Christ overcame both the spiritual and physical death through the atonement and his resurrection. I should also mention that I believe that everyone will be resurrected (reuniting of body and spirit). I have always thought of the "soul" as the combination, but I may be wrong on this.

Does this make more sense?
Hi jonny,

Yes that does explain it better. My only question is that is our spirit or soul really eternal, or can we blow it and and get taken out altogether? This is where my view on the second death varies from yours. I think the separation from God would happen while we are still alive and it would have to do with how we pass judgement. Conceptually, even an atheist could pass judgement if they lived morally. They could finally see where they were wrong, but not get condemned for it. This is only a mental exercise, I am not suggesting this as any kind of fact.


Politically Incorrect
Kowalski said:
Not to me, after all, it is only what you believe, which doesn't prove anything, so you might well be believing in something which has no validity or reality.


And you as well Kowalski.:biglaugh:


Politically Incorrect
Lady Crimson said:
I wasn't speaking of a Judgement Day like in Christianity or any other religion....I was using it somewhat like a metaphore....If you had, at the end of your life, to account for your acts and beliefs by the real god(s) or some higher entity, would you like to be judged considering your own beliefs? (i.e. i believe in myself; I believe in cheese etc.)

If i am still not making any sense, please ask...it often happens.
Hi Crimson,

Taking the subject to that level, would a person not want to be judged on their beliefs? If someone hasn't checked their beliefs, or examined them for validity, then they would probably be afraid of being judged. It brings an interesting point of just how much people introspect and examine the subject. If you cannot know yourself, then how can you know your own beliefs?