We do not separate the creation from the Creator, though I see that scientists have no difficulty in doing that.
The originator of the stuff you study should not be left out of this conversation....should he? Just because you dismiss him, doesn't necessarily eliminate him. I believe he will demonstrate his existence to you in due course.
You are free to ignore him, for now.
Oh yes, vaccines and antibiotics....don't get me started.
My personal views on this would fill pages.
No, as a believer, I could never compromise my views on this subject. Evolution is used to make God either disappear or to make him out to be a liar....neither of which can be true according to my very strongly held beliefs.
What "bubble" are you wrapped in?
I don't have to know how to perform brain surgery to know what a surgeon is doing. He will explain the procedure and what he expects the outcome to be in language understood by the patient and their family.
Will understanding his medical terminology help me to understand any more than I need to? Why should science be any different?
First of all...we don't see a separation between our beliefs about the Creator and what he accomplished. Can I stress that any more? Creation is the foundation of science.
And secondly, we do not see science's position to be backed up by anything more than what they imagine "might have" happened 500,000,000 years ago and continued to happen as they produce their fossil evidence and their DNA analysis, based on what they imagine "must have" taken place. Not a single thing is provable, yet they protest so loudly when you press them for the same proof they demand from us. Go figure.
No, but I can quote you lots of people who are educated in evolutionary science who say exactly that. Have they picked that up wrong?
Where do you suppose they got that idea?
You are talking about adaptation......which science calls "micro-evolution"....that is not to be confused with "macro-evolution", where science uses micro-evolution to substantiate its position on how all life got to where it is today.....a position for which NO real evidence exists.
Yes we can. Genesis said that all things would reproduce "according to their kind" so in nature we see what mates are chosen and we can see exactly what a "kind" is. Living things do not seek mates outside their "kind". When circumstances are produced that force animals to mate outside of their "kind" (such as when humans force interbreeding) we normally see hybrids produced within their "kind" and that is the end of that genetic line. Mules for example cannot produce other mules. Sterility is a genetic roadblock to taking an animal, bird, insect, fish or whatever, out of its "kind".
Adaptation is not the issue. The creatures will always remain within their "kind" no matter what circumstances forced them to adapt. If you artificially produce something that was never meant to be, it will inevitably be sterile. Science wants to push that envelope, but where will it take them? Anywhere good? We are thankful for the ethics that keeps science somewhat in check.
Creation and the existence of a Creator who is more powerful than any force science can test.
I embrace what can be proven by scientific methods and which demonstrates the brilliance of the Creator in his design. What I reject is man's ideas when they take an excursion into fantasy and call it fact, eliminating the Creator and giving credit to creation for basically designing itself. You can do that if you like, but I will not.
"For over a 100 years"? Science is an infant....no, an embryo compared to the Creator.
The power of suggestion is a potent force in this world. The whole of the commercial world operates by this knowledge. Political rulers know that it works too. Science has placed itself on a pedestal and when it "suggests" something, people must believe or they will be ostracized.......how is that different from a religion? You just have substitute gods and and their 'holy' writings. All are required to fall at the feet of science.
Sorry, but I worship a real God with real abilities that have been proven to me with my own senses and logic. He has guided me all my life. I'm sorry that you have never been introduced.
Its only "the height of delusion" if you accept a different delusion. People who are deluded do not know that they are, otherwise it would not be a delusion
So who of us is genuinely deluded, only time will tell.....so we shall let it shall we?
After all, you have nothing to lose compared to me. So am I suffering greatly because of my delusion? Is it costing me my health? my mental well-being? my family life? my ability to reason with people like you? I will let others be the judge of that.
I will just continue to expose what I believe evolutionary science really is....a monumental fraud, based on no real evidence and lots of suggestion. You can continue to protest but at the end of the day....
this is what is happening.