What comparison? I was telling you that most Christians will tell you that the theory of evolution is correct, and gave you the official positions of several large Christian institutions. I don't know what your answer has to do with that.
Since Jesus himself indicated that "many" would acknowledge him as "Lord" but that in itself was no guarantee that he would acknowledge them as his disciples, we see a picture emerging. (Matthew 7:21-23)
"Most Christians" might not be so accepted by the Master himself.
What else did Jesus indicate that will shed light on this issue of true and false "Christians"? What better way to hide a tree than to plant a forest of fakes? Who would want to do that?
In one of his parables, Jesus mentioned the planting of "wheat" and "weeds" in the same field. He identified the "wheat" as "the sons of the kingdom" (or the first Christians.) But then, an enemy (satan the devil) oversowed the same "field" (the world) with "weeds" or fake Christians. The workers asked if they should remove the weeds, but the Master said, 'no, lest you accidentally uproot the real wheat with the weeds. Let them both grow together because at the harvest time, you will clearly see a difference between the two. The "weeds" (Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43)
Jesus also gave the illustration of the two roads.....one leading to life and the other to certain death. He said that "few" were on the road to life because the going was tough on this cramped and narrow path. The other road was buzzing with traffic, all blindly heading to their death on an easy road, with little demanded of them. (Matthew 7:13-14) This road leads to a deep precipice around a blind corner...the warning signs are up, but no one is taking any notice.
Then we have the "sheep and the goats" (Matthew 25:31-46) Again, one group lives...the other perishes. We choose what group we want to belong to. (emphasis on the "wanting" which comes from the heart)
So Jesus gives us a clear delineation between those who think they are on the right track and those who actually are. He is the judge however, so we cannot point fingers at individuals as if we can judge them as unworthy of life....Jesus decides that. He uses the story of Noah and the flood to give us the heads up.....nothing is as it appears in a world ruled by God's adversary. (1 John 5:19)
We can only imagine the confidence of the people who chose to ridicule Noah and his family, turning to absolute horror and despair when they realized that what Noah had been telling them for decades was actually true and that there was now, no way to change course.
So, you think that your fellow Christians that say that they accept evolution have sold out to science? How did they sell out to science? Science doesn't want anything from them or you. Aren't they still going to heaven?
I do not believe that "Christendom" represents true Christianity because they fail to uphold everything that Jesus taught.
The defection of the "weeds" began at the close of the first century and the conduct of the "church" began to decline very rapidly, with men enacting heinous punishments for disagreeing with the church and introducing all manner of traditions, (based on the adoption of pagan teachings) and going down the exact same path as Judaism had done before them.
Science has so propagandized the population to believe everything they are told, that anyone who disagrees is ostracized and humiliated (as the video in my previous post demonstrated.) 'Just be quiet and don't rock the boat' is recommended if you want to maintain your employment in your chosen field. If science has to attack religion instead of backing up their claims with hard evidence, then that is a sure fire sign that the evidence is weak, but made to appear to be strong. The power of suggestion is used in every avenue to sell products and ideas...evolution is no exception.
Modern science is built on big egos and accolades and large grants....that is a recipe for corruption. Christendom is also built on this foundation. People can see for themselves how far they have strayed from the teachings of Christ if they just read their Bible.
Most people can't see the forest for the trees. The Bible is full of examples of those who thought they could take on the Creator and win......how many of them did?....and where are they now?
Like I said...believe it or not....