Are you aware that the concept of theistic causation does not even rank as a scientific hypothesis? In order to be classified as such, there must be some objective evidence to suggest that it's conceivable.
Metis, you act as if God must fit within the parameters set for him by man.
Look at your question...."Are you aware that the concept of theistic causation does not even rank as a scientific hypothesis?
Do you see how much this assumes? Its as though God has to squeeze into a man made scientific hypothesis or he must be a figment of human imagination. Poor deluded, pathetic believers. But what if the Creator is not definable by man at all? Does that automatically mean that he doesn't exist?
For example, if I say the world is coming to an end tomorrow, you ask me why I believe as such and I respond that I just think it is, this is not a hypothesis from the scientific perspective-- it's just a guess, and that's all. Proponents of theistic causation can provide no objectively-derived evidence that any deity created the universe 17+ billion years ago. However, this does not mean nor imply that there could not have been a creator-god(s).
I see you hedging your bets a bit....does that mean that you will believe in the Creator when or if you see proof of him for yourself? Using the example of Noah, (which Jesus does to picture the end of another world of wicked humanity, Matthew 24:37-39) then all of the people of that time believed that Noah was a silly old man, building a huge structure for no known reason. He appeared to them as a deranged lunatic. Who would listen to such nonsense? Life continued on as usual. God didn't force anyone to listen, nor did he give those people any proof of what was impending before Noah and his family entered the ark and God closed the door. Any one who might have believed Noah had to take what he said on faith. No one did.
The world of that time did not need God, nor did they want him to tell them what to it is much the same. Even those who profess a Christian belief see no need to obey Christ's teachings if it doesn't suit them. They can pretty much justify their way out of anything. Look at the SSM issue. Look at divorce. Look at the churches' friendship with the world. Look at the adoption of pagan celebrations that have no connection with the true God at all.
How much disobedience is there?
Right from the start in Eden, all God ever asked of man was his obedience....its all he is asking now.
BTW, later today I'm thinking of starting a thread that deals with John 3:16 probably entitled "Joe & Jane Schmoe and 'Salvation'". I'll mention your name with a @ so that you can hopefully join in the discussion.