No what I am asking for is a photo about every million years or so.....that is asking too much apparently. You guys skip over many millions of years like they were minutes. For the number of remains, for what must be billions of creatures that have ever lived, you don't really have much, do you? 20,000,000 years can go by and you claim a new link in your chain.....but there is nothing in between......just a blank 20,000,000 year space. It looks like nothing on your charts, but in reality, the emptiness is very telling.
This depends very strongly on how well the fossil record has preserved the species. For example, species on mountain tops tend not to be preserves as fossils. Those close to water sources are much more likely to be fossilized. Deserts are often good for fossilization but rain forests are not. It is also uncommon for one place to give good fossilization over several geological time periods.
This makes it *very* unlikely that you will get a representative for a line every million years, especially over,say, a 20 million years time span.
So one fossil for each species every million years or so is unreasonable?
Yes, it is unreasonable to expect that for every species. Incredibly so. We *might* be able to get that level of resolution for a couple of lines over certain time periods. But to expect it every million years over a period of, say 20 million years for every species is quite unreasonable.
Now, we *do* have that level of resolution for a few lines for a several million years. The line for human ancestors going back to the Australopithecines is quite good. Because this is fairly recent, we often have resolution to a few hundred thousand years.
And yes, we often also have resolution at the level of say, 5 million years. That is not so uncommon and can still give a clear signal.
Another aspect is that populations tend to be fairly stable for long periods of time with a radiation of several new species happening in a fairly short time period. The good thing about this is that we can focus on the time where the radiation occurs. If this happens is a good environment, we can get a relatively complete picture of the different changes different lines undergo. This isn't too uncommon, but it us on a fairly short time period.
You say we don't need links in a chain to have a chain? Any sequence of events has to be tied into the one before otherwise you fill in the blanks with wishful thinking. This is what I see. It is no substitute for real evidence. What you present is supposition with no real evidence apart from an illustration on a chart that "might have" or "could have" happened, but science has no proof that it did.
Yes, we get pictures corresponding to having one as a baby, one as a teenager, one as an adult, and one in old age. This is typical. But, even still, we can derive conclusions from that. We can say, for example, the there is a change of species over time. That *is* evolution. We can say that the Earth is billions and not thousands of years old.
Aren't we all expected to fall for the old "trust me, I'm an expert" assertion? Who says science must be right? Has it achieved the status of religious belief when no proof is required....only belief that what the science 'gods' say is true? You don't see that science has achieved the position of a substitute 'religion'?
On the contrary, we have the evidence, for example, of birds evolving from theropod dinosaurs. We have the evidence of mammals evolving from reptiles (along with the changes in the jaw and development of the bones in the inner ear). We have the evidence for the development of amphibians from certain fish.