So, will you stop throwing insults around, such as you do with scientists and other religions/denominations? If not, then at least don't whine.
My "whine" was not about the tone of the comments, as I have come to expect this kind of defensive rhetoric from those who lack a substantiated argument....but it was the base level of the content, used as an excuse not to address the issues, that was so immature....and coming from those who are supposed to be highly educated......
I posted a list of legitimate questions and what did I get? A barrage of person comments about how my beliefs interfere with my judgment about all this. I feel the same way about you evolutionists, especially the ones who just accept without question. You are all as indoctrinated in your belief system as you think I am in mine. It was embarrassingly obvious that your responses were designed to detract from the fact that you guys have no answers to those questions. This is not about JW's or their beliefs...this is about evolution verses creation, so lets put the personal distractions aside and address the issues.
If you want to say that these are all just a series of amazing coincidental happenings....then say so. But step back and ask yourself how plausible that position is when you see all those things listed together, then call belief in an Intelligent Designer, a myth or fantasy. How much credulity does it take to believe that these are all just an endless series lucky chance occurrences?
My premise is based on facts.....and the facts are...that there are NO FACTS. Do you see where that has to lead anyone with even an ounce of intelligence? It means that you have to choose your position based on what you "believe" to be true....not on any substantiated evidence for either side in this issue.
These are BOTH "belief systems", whether you want to acknowledge that or not. Evolutionists have no more actual substantive evidence for their theory than I have for my God. Has that point escaped your collective notice? Or do you still want to argue that evolution is a fact, when all the evolutionists here admit that there are NO FACTS.
"Believe" whatever you like, based on why you want to believe it....but don't pretend that there is concrete proof for macro-evolution when we know that no such proof exists. That is the only FACT in evidence here.
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