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Just Accidental?

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Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
What evidence?

LOL...that is the question we have been asking of you. There is no actual "evidence" for the fact that evolution has ever taken place.....and never has been. What you have produced is what you have been trained to believe by your own chosen teachers. How does that make you different from those who believe in Intelligent Design?

There are lots of nice diagrams and bits of bones and teeth that are turned into whole creatures by nothing but imagination.

There is an assumption that life evolved and suggestion has kept that assumption alive for over 100 years.

You want facts? That is a fact.
The fossil record is not playing your song, even though a lot of people are liking the beat...

Running with the crowd is a human trait.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
It does take many years for drugs to make it to market, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. They have to thoroughly test them before they can go to market. They have to start with various stages of pre-clinical trials on lab animals and if they are successful they can move onto the various stages of clinical trials involving humans – they start with small sample sizes and work up to larger ones. In many cases, drugs that were effective in lab animals don’t translate into the same effectiveness when used on humans and so they must be discarded or tweaked and they have to go back to the drawing board. These things take time because careful analysis is required. Would you rather they rush drugs to market without first heavily testing and scrutinizing them for safety, efficacy, effectiveness, side effects, lethal dosage, etc.? That’s completely irresponsible, isn’t it?

"Would you rather they rush drugs to market without first heavily testing and scrutinizing them for safety, efficacy, effectiveness, side effects, lethal dosage, etc.? That’s completely irresponsible, isn’t it?"

Well, the amazing thing is....it isn't any of those things that brings a drug to the marketplace.....its

"Scrutinizing them for safety efficacy, side effects"...are you kidding me? The drugs used to treat so many diseases are often more lethal than the disease itself and cause just as much (if not more) suffering as they are supposed to alleviate. These are the facts of the drugs that are already legal....and people pay through the nose for these "legal" "tested" drugs.
Alcohol and tobacco are legal too but do you want to tell me why, when they cause more death, suffering and disease than medicinal cannabis would ever do?

People who are participating in human clinical trials are informed of the potential risks and benefits involved and they know they are participating for a limited period of time.

“Informed consent is the process of providing potential participants with the key facts about a clinical trial before they decide whether to participate. The process of informed consent (providing additional information) continues throughout the study. To help someone decide whether or not to participate, members of the research team explain the details of the study. Translation or interpretive assistance can be provided for participants with limited English proficiency. The research team provides an informed consent document that includes details about the study, such as its purpose, duration, required procedures, and who to contact for further information. The informed consent document also explains risks and potential benefits. The participant then decides whether to sign the document. Informed consent is not a contract. Volunteers are free to withdraw from the study completely or to refuse particular treatments or tests at any time. Sometimes, however, this will make them ineligible to continue the study.”

This is the NIH’s informational page for people considering participation in a clinical trial.
Tell that to the people who want to continue with a drug because they felt better during the trial period. And what's more, if it was a placebo, what is the purpose of withholding it?

If these patients are dying anyway, what harm can it do to them in reality? Seriously?

We’ve eradicated (or come pretty close to eradicating) many diseases that about a hundred years ago used to kill or maim many millions of people. We’ve vastly increased and improved the lives of millions of people suffering from HIV/AIDS and various cancers. It’s not all as bad as you make it out to be.

The two biggest killers in the world today are the result of lifestyle choices. Obesity in the west is now in epidemic proportions and all that is needed is to ban the rubbish they sell that masquerades as food. Empty calories produce fat, unhealthy people....do you see them banning those things? I wish they would. It would make more sense. Guess what keeps these unhealthy people alive? Drugs for heart disease, diabetes and cancer treatments. And you wonder why I am skeptical?

You can’t say something is a cure if it isn’t. That’s why you can’t say that marijuana cures Parkinson’s disease or that vitamin C cures cancer. And that’s why you don’t see many (any?) drug commercials claiming that the drug cures some disease.

No one is claiming cures as such, but if people get well by being allowed access to medicinal cannabis, what is the harm in legalizing it so that people can make their own medicine from their own garden? The low THC medicinal genus of this plant is lumped in with the high THC plant used recreationally. No one is suggesting a free for all, but a separation of one from the other and selling the seeds of the medicinal plant (even on a doctor's prescription) to the people who want to try the medicine out for themselves without breaking the law to do so....is that asking too much? They can throw as much junk food down their throats as they want and do way more harm to themselves....can't they?

The trials have already been done in many countries....so everything they are doing now is purely stalling tactics so that drug companies can make a motza before their drugs go off the shelves as the findings for the wide benefits of medicinal cannabis increase. The evidence cannot be denied now...the cat is out of the bag and it is showing the drug companies up to be money grubbing criminals. They have known about the medicinal properties of cannabis for hundreds of years. What possible excuse can they have?
Last edited:


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
And you failed to understand my point. You are beating a dead horse..... So your isolation of evidence is done only because you do not know better and it is the only point creationist have left but is so outdated that they mock themselves.

"....because you do not know better"

Please do not presume to tell me what I know and don't know. I'm well aware, and have been educated, regarding both sides of the polemic issues. Unfortunately, proponents from both camps have resorted to lies, partial truths, and misinformation.
To insist it's all been one-sided, borders on purposefully negligent ignorance.

Religious and Scientific Individuals, for the most part, won't let the evidences guide them....they force the evidences to fit their own prejudiced, a priori views. And ignore other evidentiary lines that lead away.

Actually, I've been continually trained for the past 40+ years, how, during studies of Science or any other field, to objectively examine all related evidence. College graduates aren't taught that way anymore: it's the professors way, or the highway. I know, I teach.


Veteran Member
LOL...that is the question we have been asking of you. There is no actual "evidence" for the fact that evolution has ever taken place.....and never has been.
I’ve given you every bit of evidence you have asked for (as have numerous others on the thread). Strange how you don’t respond to those posts though.

You have only supposition to back up your claims, so I’d be careful about accusing others of lack of evidence, if I were you.

What you have produced is what you have been trained to believe by your own chosen teachers. How does that make you different from those who believe in Intelligent Design?

I have to say at this point it just feels like you are projecting with this kind of talk. I’m not sure why you haven’t realized by now that science isn’t about believing things – it’s about demonstrating, testing, predicting and replicating things. You can’t just make a claim in science without backing it up, as you seem to be able to do with religious claims (and as you’re doing with your design claims). The very same science you seem to accept and use every day of your life is the same science used to verify evolutionary processes. These are all things I’ve pointed out to you before that you’ve failed to respond to thus far.

Evolution is wholly different from Intelligent Design because the former is well evidenced, while the latter is not. “Everything looks designed and so it’s designed by the specific god I believe in” is not evidence, nor is it science. It’s a claim. Obviously anyone is free to believe whatever they want but we’re not going to pretend that Intelligent Design is a well evidenced scientific theory.

There are lots of nice diagrams and bits of bones and teeth that are turned into whole creatures by nothing but imagination.

Please don’t give me this pre-programmed nonsense again. There are full skeletons and bones in those photos – which is exactly what you asked for. And to pretend that scientists are using “nothing but imagination” when analyzing fossils at this point in the thread is quite dishonest, I must say. Why must you be dishonest to further your argument?

There is an assumption that life evolved and suggestion has kept that assumption alive for over 100 years.

No. The fact that everything discovered in multiple different fields of science by many multiple different groups of scientists over the last 150+ years has all converged on the same conclusion, while nothing has been discovered in all that time that would falsify evolution, is the reason it’s a scientific theory. As I and others have pointed out, it would be quite easy to falsify evolution, and yet it still remains as the best explanation we have for the diversity of life on this planet.

You want facts? That is a fact.

The fossil record is not playing your song, even though a lot of people are liking the beat...

That’s not a fact. It’s an empty claim.


Running with the crowd is a human trait.
I run with the crowd when the crowd has the facts and the evidence.


Veteran Member
"Would you rather they rush drugs to market without first heavily testing and scrutinizing them for safety, efficacy, effectiveness, side effects, lethal dosage, etc.? That’s completely irresponsible, isn’t it?"

Well, the amazing thing is....it isn't any of those things that brings a drug to the marketplace.....its

Not sure what that means or how it addresses what I said.

"Scrutinizing them for safety efficacy, side effects"...are you kidding me?

I’m dead serious. You don’t think we need to test drugs for safety before releasing them to the public?

The drugs used to treat so many diseases are often more lethal than the disease itself and cause just as much (if not more) suffering as they are supposed to alleviate. These are the facts of the drugs that are already legal....and people pay through the nose for these "legal" "tested" drugs.

Could you provide some examples so I know what you’re talking about?

I have no idea why you put “tested” in quotations. Are you suggesting that the clinical testing phases I described are nonexistent? You’ve already acknowledged they occur (and even help people) so … ? I mean, you complain below (and previously) about how the people who experience positive results from participation in clinical trials end up getting screwed after the trials are over, so I don’t know what you’re getting at.

Alcohol and tobacco are legal too but do you want to tell me why, when they cause more death, suffering and disease than medicinal cannabis would ever do?

I don’t know, but I’m not sure why you’re comparing them to medical treatments.

Tell that to the people who want to continue with a drug because they felt better during the trial period. And what's more, if it was a placebo, what is the purpose of withholding it?

If these patients are dying anyway, what harm can it do to them in reality? Seriously?
They do tell them. That was the point in me showing that to you.

The two biggest killers in the world today are the result of lifestyle choices. Obesity in the west is now in epidemic proportions and all that is needed is to ban the rubbish they sell that masquerades as food. Empty calories produce fat, unhealthy people....do you see them banning those things? I wish they would. It would make more sense. Guess what keeps these unhealthy people alive? Drugs for heart disease, diabetes and cancer treatments. And you wonder why I am skeptical?

I don’t know what this has to do with what I said or what it has to do with the context of the discussion. Are you upset that the FDA hasn’t banned cheeseburgers? They can’t ban overeating and/or poor diet, which seems to be what you’re actually talking about.

No one is claiming cures as such, but if people get well by being allowed access to medicinal cannabis, what is the harm in legalizing it so that people can make their own medicine from their own garden? The low THC medicinal genus of this plant is lumped in with the high THC plant used recreationally. No one is suggesting a free for all, but a separation of one from the other and selling the seeds of the medicinal plant (even on a doctor's prescription) to the people who want to try the medicine out for themselves without breaking the law to do so....is that asking too much? They can throw as much junk food down their throats as they want and do way more harm to themselves....can't they?

I’m not sure where in the world you live, but like I said it is legal in Canada and many parts of the US.

The trials have already been done in many countries....so everything they are doing now is purely stalling tactics so that drug companies can make a motza before their drugs go off the shelves as the findings for the wide benefits of medicinal cannabis increase. The evidence cannot be denied now...the cat is out of the bag and it is showing the drug companies up to be money grubbing criminals. They have known about the medicinal properties of cannabis for hundreds of years. What possible excuse can they have?

Trials for what? Evidence for what? You need to be more specific.

Also, I’m not sure why you seem to think that pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be able to make any money with cannabis.

And again, you’re confusing claims with evidence. “The drug companies are stalling the testing of cannabis so they can make money with other drugs” is a claim, not evidence.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
I’ve given you every bit of evidence you have asked for (as have numerous others on the thread). Strange how you don’t respond to those posts though.

You have only supposition to back up your claims, so I’d be careful about accusing others of lack of evidence, if I were you.

If you have listened to a word I have said on this thread, you would know that I do not accept what science offers as "evidence" for the simple reason that the "evidence" presented is made to fit a false premise to begin with.
You operate from the idea that evolution "must have" taken place, when all science has ever proved is that it "might have" happened the way they say. You confuse what they offer as "suggestion to be "proof" .
I am telling you that there is no actual proof.
You can deny that if you wish, but read any science journal on the theory of evolution to see how much "suggestion" there actually is. I repeat.....suggestion is not fact.

The power of suggestion, when it comes from an influential source, is used all the time to sell ideas and products. What makes you think it can't happen with evolution?

Evolution is wholly different from Intelligent Design because the former is well evidenced, while the latter is not.
You assume that it has real evidence......but what is presented to you is what science "thinks might have happened".....that is not evidence. If evolution was on trial, there would not be enough evidence to convict it.

“Everything looks designed and so it’s designed by the specific god I believe in” is not evidence, nor is it science. It’s a claim. Obviously anyone is free to believe whatever they want but we’re not going to pretend that Intelligent Design is a well evidenced scientific theory.

Anything that "looks designed" usually is. If it serves a purpose, someone has intended it to serve that purpose.That is just logical.
You think brilliant design, when it is repeated millions (or even billions) of times in nature is just a fluke? Throw the 'ol "natural selection" blanket over it and that is supposed to explain everything.....sorry, it explains very little apart from adaptation and perhaps survival of the fittest. It has never explained the forming of one species into a completely unrelated one.

Please don’t give me this pre-programmed nonsense again. There are full skeletons and bones in those photos – which is exactly what you asked for. And to pretend that scientists are using “nothing but imagination” when analyzing fossils at this point in the thread is quite dishonest, I must say. Why must you be dishonest to further your argument?

Aren't your own responses pre-programmed? We are just programmed by different teachers is all.

I am not speaking about the full skeletons being any more convincing than the bits of bone or teeth. What is missing is any real link to a previous species. If you find one fossil in one country and then find a different one in a different location altogether, it is assumed that one possibly descended from the other, but again....assumptions are not facts. If the links are missing, and they are separated by continents, where is the chain?

If each species was individually designed and made as is, in a specific time period and location, that would be a more convincing scenario to me. I do not put a Creator into the realms of myth and magic as you seem to want to do. I see the Creator as a power who has yet to introduce himself to humankind. I have no doubt that one day you will meet him.

The fact that everything discovered in multiple different fields of science by many multiple different groups of scientists over the last 150+ years has all converged on the same conclusion, while nothing has been discovered in all that time that would falsify evolution, is the reason it’s a scientific theory. As I and others have pointed out, it would be quite easy to falsify evolution, and yet it still remains as the best explanation we have for the diversity of life on this planet.

Branches of science converge because they are connected. It isn't easy to falsify evolution if all sciences fall for the same basic premise. All are looking to prop it up. All have a vested interest in keeping it alive.

I run with the crowd when the crowd has the facts and the evidence.

I go with what my logic tells me. And the theory of evolution is an empty suggestion, based on a false assumption, that is full of very large holes.
It is as short on "proof" as is my Creator, which has been the thrust of the whole thread......there is no more REAL proof for organic evolution, than there is for an Intelligent Designer....you have just been led along by suggestion because you accept what they tell you without question. I can't accept what you believe any more than you can accept what I believe. So it boils down to whose story you want to believe and why.
It's a wait and see.....


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Not sure what that means or how it addresses what I said.
You were making the point about not rushing drugs to market without trials....I agree with that, but what brings a drug to the marketplace is not necessarily the trials....but it's more about how much money can be made by manufacturing it. We all know how much money these drugs bring in.

I’m dead serious. You don’t think we need to test drugs for safety before releasing them to the public?

My point was that cannabis has no detrimental side effects and is known to be an effective treatment for a great many diseases and symptoms. Yet it remains demonized by the ones who don't want it released into public hands. The drugs that do get released have numerous side effects, for which (naturally) there are more drugs.

It is a known fact that more people die from prescription drugs than any others. What is the point of a treatment if the side effects are making the patient worse than they already were?

Could you provide some examples so I know what you’re talking about?

Yes I can site you two personal examples. One of my closest friends has Parkinson's Disease and the drugs used to treat her, if she had she followed the doctor's prescriptions, (Specialist Neurologist) he admitted would have killed her by now. She is only alive today because she refused to keep taking the prescribed medications....all tested and legal....but would have been lethal. She wants to try cannabis but will her doctor be allowed to prescribe it?

Another friend has a problem with deteriorating eyesight due to hemorrhages in the eye. They have no idea what is wrong with her but they prescribed cortisone and a bunch of other drugs that they warned could cause cancer. She is blind in one eye and almost lost sight in the other recently. The drugs have blown her up like a freakish balloon and she has had no actual benefit from the drugs that were given to her. She is a single Mum of autistic 8 year old and scared of what will become of her daughter if anything happens to her.
She is desperate to try cannabis.
They feel trapped in a system that appears to be heartless.

I have no idea why you put “tested” in quotations. Are you suggesting that the clinical testing phases I described are nonexistent?
No, I am suggesting that many of these "tested" drugs are making many people sicker than they were before. So much for the testing. On that score alone medicinal cannabis should be free to grow in your own backyard. It is one of the safest drugs known to man.

You’ve already acknowledged they occur (and even help people) so … ? I mean, you complain below (and previously) about how the people who experience positive results from participation in clinical trials end up getting screwed after the trials are over, so I don’t know what you’re getting at.

If you know about the results of the double-blind studies, you would know that the placebo effect is often a better "fix" than the drug on trial, which may or may not have the desired result for many patients. It would benefit patients who were on placebos to keep taking them, yet even they are withdrawn. Can you tell me why? If sugar pills were working, why take them away?

Please don't get me wrong....I am not anti-drugs, per se......I am just against the way big pharma operates.
If they get their hands on cannabis, and "pharmaceuticalize" it, I am not confident that the real benefits will be passed on.....I believe it has the potential to replace many of the drugs now used routinely with awful side effects. So how do you suppose that they will make up for the short fall?

I don’t know, but I’m not sure why you’re comparing them to medical treatments.
Well, the last time I looked both were classified as drugs. Both tobacco and alcohol are addictive and both are known to cause serious health issues and even death.....yet both are perfectly legal. Low THC medicinal cannabis has no known side effects and has no recorded deaths from overdose.

I don’t know what this has to do with what I said or what it has to do with the context of the discussion. Are you upset that the FDA hasn’t banned cheeseburgers? They can’t ban overeating and/or poor diet, which seems to be what you’re actually talking about.

I am saying that there are ingredients in junk food that can be replaced by healthier options. If you over eat junk food it will end up killing you...if you over eat good healthy food, you don't end up obese or dead. Education and availability at reasonable prices would be money better spent than treating the obesity related diseases that affect millions today, costing billions in health care.

I’m not sure where in the world you live, but like I said it is legal in Canada and many parts of the US.
It has just become legal in my state in Australia, but only in a very restricted way. I asked our doctor what he thought of it and he said that only selected doctors would even be allowed to prescribe it and for a limited range of conditions. That means that there are so many hoops to jump through, that the people who can benefit from this drug will not gain access to it when they need it, which is right now.
That just makes me mad.

Trials for what? Evidence for what? You need to be more specific.
For the use of medicinal cannabis. It has been used for thousands of years without anyone dying from an overdose. Trials have already been done in many countries, so what is the hold up?

Also, I’m not sure why you seem to think that pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be able to make any money with cannabis.

That is what I am afraid of....if it were legal to grow just the medicinal strain of the plant, there would be no profit for the big drug companies and ordinary people could make their own medicine from their own garden. How many people have to go into debt or have to continue working into old age just to finance their prescription drug regime in the US?

Doctors know their pharmacology based only on what the drug companies tell them.
Cannabis is a harmless plant that should be made available to all who need it. There is not a single reason why it should be illegal. The motives I believe are very sinister.

And again, you’re confusing claims with evidence. “The drug companies are stalling the testing of cannabis so they can make money with other drugs” is a claim, not evidence.

Tell me why else something as efficacious as medicinal cannabis is illegal or restricted in most places?


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
If you have listened to a word I have said on this thread, you would know that I do not accept what science offers as "evidence" for the simple reason that the "evidence" presented is made to fit a false premise to begin with.
You operate from the idea that evolution "must have" taken place, when all science has ever proved is that it "might have" happened the way they say. You confuse what they offer as "suggestion to be "proof" .
I am telling you that there is no actual proof.
You can deny that if you wish, but read any science journal on the theory of evolution to see how much "suggestion" there actually is. I repeat.....suggestion is not fact.

The power of suggestion, when it comes from an influential source, is used all the time to sell ideas and products. What makes you think it can't happen with evolution?

You have persistently refused to accept the basic fact that the language of science IS always probabilistic. A certain set of observations make a certain conclusion more probable than another competing conclusion. That is why scientists in any field , use words like "may" and "suggest". This is the universal feature of all conclusions based on observational knowledge. Only mathematical deductions and deductive logic can have conclusions that are anything more than probabilistic. Even the conclusion that earth is round is a probabilistic inference suggested by observational evidence. That people on the street speak as if their worldly knowledge is anything more than probabilistic inferences is a fault of our usual way about thinking of knowledge and certainty, not a virtue.

I have provided you with how Einstein used the words "suggest" and "may" liberally in his paper about the conclusions of Special Relativity. I will now show how Watson and Crick used the same language in their famous paper elucidating the structure of the DNA that won them the Noble prize.


We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of DNA....In our opinion...We have assumed an angle of 36 degrees between adjacent residues of the same chain.....If it is assumed that the bases only occur in their most plausible tautomeric forms...It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material."

Oh! What a scandal! The greatest discovery in cell biology is just based on the power of suggestion! :eek: Science is a con job! :rolleyes:

Science has its own epistemology, its own investigative methodology and its own language with which it communicates its discoveries. Your deliberate refusal to understand its language in order to misrepresent what it does to others here shows your intense prejudice and frankly makes you look ridiculous and dishonest.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
"....because you do not know better"

Please do not presume to tell me what I know and don't know. I'm well aware, and have been educated, regarding both sides of the polemic issues. Unfortunately, proponents from both camps have resorted to lies, partial truths, and misinformation.
To insist it's all been one-sided, borders on purposefully negligent ignorance.

Religious and Scientific Individuals, for the most part, won't let the evidences guide them....they force the evidences to fit their own prejudiced, a priori views. And ignore other evidentiary lines that lead away.

Actually, I've been continually trained for the past 40+ years, how, during studies of Science or any other field, to objectively examine all related evidence. College graduates aren't taught that way anymore: it's the professors way, or the highway. I know, I teach.
If you demonstrate any of this knowledge in your posts, we would be most gratified. So far all you have done is blind copy paste...


Veteran Member
If you have listened to a word I have said on this thread, you would know that I do not accept what science offers as "evidence" for the simple reason that the "evidence" presented is made to fit a false premise to begin with.

Then you just don’t know what evidence is.

"Empirical evidence is information acquired by observation or experimentation. This data is recorded and analyzed by scientists and is a central process as part of the scientific method."

You have demonstrated that you have no interest in scientific evidence, given that you refuse to even examine it. The fact that you won’t examine any evidence presented to you in this thread is very telling and speaks volumes about your position.

You asked for some very specific evidence. You have received that evidence. Perhaps you could try to be intellectually honest enough to address it directly without moving goal posts or dismissing it altogether. I prefer honest discussions with people, rather than playing these silly games.

You operate from the idea that evolution "must have" taken place, when all science has ever proved is that it "might have" happened the way they say. You confuse what they offer as "suggestion to be "proof" .

Um no, that’s your position. You assume whatever your ancient book says and go from there, denying anything that doesn’t fit your interpretation of it. Scientists can’t and don’t operate in that manner.

I operate from the position of “What took place? What does the evidence indicate?” The evidence points directly to evolution. Mountains and mountains of evidence point to evolution. Like I said, evolution is easily falsifiable. Do you know how many creationists would just love to falsify it? And yet they still haven’t. What’s everyone waiting for?

Furthermore, the language and purpose of science has been explained by other posters (see Sayak’s post, above, and earlier in the thread). Science doesn’t deal in certainties and so does not use the language of certainty.

I am telling you that there is no actual proof.

You can deny that if you wish, but read any science journal on the theory of evolution to see how much "suggestion" there actually is. I repeat.....suggestion is not fact.

The power of suggestion, when it comes from an influential source, is used all the time to sell ideas and products. What makes you think it can't happen with evolution?

There is no proof in science, there is evidence. And I’m not sure how you can tell me anything about that given that it’s quite obvious that you’re not interested in examining any evidence and haven’t done so anywhere in this thread that I can see.

I’ve read many scientific articles on many subjects and guess what … that is the language of science. Not just evolutionary science either.

Your canned arguments don’t hold any water and in fact, reveal a lack of understanding, which is why most people don’t use them anymore.

You assume that it has real evidence......but what is presented to you is what science "thinks might have happened".....that is not evidence. If evolution was on trial, there would not be enough evidence to convict it.

Oh good grief. There is no assumption. There is evidence. So, so much evidence. Biology doesn’t work without it. The fact that you’ve failed to address any of it that has been presented to you speaks volumes.

Your position is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what science is. And the apparent refusal to want to learn anything about it at all.

Instead of cutting out this chunk of my post, perhaps you could respond to it instead:

I have to say at this point it just feels like you are projecting with this kind of talk. I’m not sure why you haven’t realized by now that science isn’t about believing things – it’s about demonstrating, testing, predicting and replicating things. You can’t just make a claim in science without backing it up, as you seem to be able to do with religious claims (and as you’re doing with your design claims). The very same science you seem to accept and use every day of your life is the same science used to verify evolutionary processes. These are all things I’ve pointed out to you before that you’ve failed to respond to thus far.

Anything that "looks designed" usually is. If it serves a purpose, someone has intended it to serve that purpose.That is just logical.

Says who? I’m still waiting for you to demonstrate this claim. I’ve been waiting for the entire thread.

You think brilliant design, when it is repeated millions (or even billions) of times in nature is just a fluke?
Like I said, that’s not evidence, that’s a claim.

What brilliant design are you talking about? Pointing out some pretty ducks doesn’t cut it. It’s a good thing scientists expect a lot more from themselves and each other when it comes to evidence.

Throw the 'ol "natural selection" blanket over it and that is supposed to explain everything.....sorry, it explains very little apart from adaptation and perhaps survival of the fittest. It has never explained the forming of one species into a completely unrelated one.
Parents pass their traits onto their offspring and the environment determines which of those traits are more likely to survive and be passed onto future generations. As time goes on and as populations become more distanced from each other, we eventually end up with many different species. That is an observable, testable claim.

You don’t accept “macroevolution,” I know. Please feel free to identify and demonstrate the existence of whatever barrier there is that stops small changes from turning into larger changes over longer periods of time. You’ll be the first person to do it.

Aren't your own responses pre-programmed? We are just programmed by different teachers is all.
No, I don’t think so. The difference is, I’m open to changing my mind if and when new evidence is presented to me. Would you say the same about yourself?

I am not speaking about the full skeletons being any more convincing than the bits of bone or teeth.

What is missing is any real link to a previous species. If you find one fossil in one country and then find a different one in a different location altogether, it is assumed that one possibly descended from the other, but again....assumptions are not facts. If the links are missing, and they are separated by continents, where is the chain?

Why bother asking for them then, if you’re not really interested in considering them? You’re not playing games again, are you? If your position is so obvious and easy to defend, I wonder why you have to play such games.

Had you to read the links I provided (that you asked for directly), you would probably know that you’re wrong to assert that scientists just make random, imaginative assumptions about how creatures are related to each other (at least when it comes to giraffes and elephants). I think it’s bizarre that you seem to think so (especially at this point in the thread), but of course, there is much more to it than that. They actually use a variety of different tools and methods from comparative genomics to anatomy to biogeography.

Someone else has already pointed out to you that scientists are able to use the knowledge acquired using these methods to make accurate predictions about where we should find remains in the fossil record, as they did with Tiktaalik roseae – They predicted it would have probably lived somewhere around 360-390 million years ago and that it would most likely have lived in fresh water. And that’s where they found it. So if they’re just flailing around in the dark making unwarranted assumptions, as you say, how is it that they were able to do this?

Read and learn, I beg you:

If each species was individually designed and made as is, in a specific time period and location, that would be a more convincing scenario to me. I do not put a Creator into the realms of myth and magic as you seem to want to do. I see the Creator as a power who has yet to introduce himself to humankind. I have no doubt that one day you will meet him.

I don’t believe in things that have yet to introduce themselves to mankind. I’m not interested in blind faith. I’ll believe if that ever happens.

Branches of science converge because they are connected. It isn't easy to falsify evolution if all sciences fall for the same basic premise. All are looking to prop it up. All have a vested interest in keeping it alive.

I said the EVIDENCE from many multiple different fields of science converges on the same conclusion. You responded to something I didn’t say.

It’s extremely easy to falsify evolution, as already noted by several posters, complete with examples. Yet it still prevails. Perhaps you should consider why that is. Or consider the fact that there are plenty of creationist organizations that are dying to disprove evolution, and yet none of them have been able to falsify evolution either - and not for lack of trying. So don’t delude yourself into thinking that nobody is trying to falsify evolution.

Oh and just by the way, if some person could falsify evolution they would instantly become famous and probably win a Nobel Prize. It would turn science on its head.

I go with what my logic tells me. And the theory of evolution is an empty suggestion, based on a false assumption, that is full of very large holes.

There is no “my” logic and “your” logic. There is just logic. Many of your positions are logically untenable, especially the one about complex things requiring designers while making a special exception for the complex designer you believe in.

It is as short on "proof" as is my Creator, which has been the thrust of the whole thread......there is no more REAL proof for organic evolution, than there is for an Intelligent Designer....you have just been led along by suggestion because you accept what they tell you without question. I can't accept what you believe any more than you can accept what I believe. So it boils down to whose story you want to believe and why.

It's a wait and see.....

Your assertion is demonstrably false then. Repeating the same thing over and over doesn’t make it true.

Perhaps you’re the one who has been led by suggestion alone and you are simply projecting onto those who are interested in evidence and honest scientific inquiry. Maybe you should take all this talk about suggestion and turn it inward.
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Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
You have yet to prove that a designer does not exist. I believe that creation itself testifies to Intelligent Design.

I have no burden to disprove your assertion. You are making a claim, I am rejecting it for lack of sound evidence. You are filling a void in your knowledge with magic instead of just saying that you do not know.

Furthermore, if you could completely disprove the theory of evolution right this minute, it would still not get you to your god. It would just get you to "we don't know".


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member

Quote from your fist link.....

"Scientific theories are powerful because they allow us to make predictions about our world. We look at all the evidence we have gathered to date and predict what we might find if we do certain experiments. If the results of these experiments confirm our predictions, we know we have a solid theory. If not, we revise our theory and keep asking questions. That's what science is all about.

How did we know where to look for Tiktaalik?

As paleontologists, we can't go to a lab and use beakers and test tubes to gather evidence to test our theories. Instead, we look at the fossil evidence that exists today to make predictions about what we might find in the field tomorrow. Lucky for us, there is a bounty of evidence scattered all over the world, and more turns up every day. To find a transitional fossil between land animals and fish, we start by looking at the very first tetrapods to show up in the fossil record. Then, we look for fish which had a similar pattern of bones in their fins as the tetrapods had in their limbs."

Now, I don't know what you read in that amazing bit of science but if you read what it really says, it is kinda laughable.
A bit like crystal ball reading.....

Scientific theories are "powerful" all right because they "make predictions" about what they will find.....and then they look for things that confirm what they have predicted. Is it the evidence confirming the prediction or the prediction made to fit evidence?
I have my own theory on that.

From your second link....

"Hands Or Wings, Flippers Or Paws?
Humans, whales, bats, eagles, lizards, frogs and chimpanzees are very different types of animals that use their forelimbs in very different ways. But beneath the skin, the forelimb bones of these animals are startlingly similar. These likenesses in structure, called homologies, are the result of descent from a common ancestor."

Ah, again, the power of suggestion. The "likenesses" do not automatically mean that these all evolved "from a common ancestor", but more likely that the core design of the limb was so superior that it was replicated purposefully by the same designer in more than one species.

You have as much actual "evidence" for that as I do.

From the third link....

"What Are the Benefits of Comparative Genomics?
Dramatic results have emerged from the rapidly developing field of comparative genomics. Comparison of the fruit fly genome with the human genome reveals that about sixty percent of genes are conserved (Adams et al. 2000). That is, the two organisms appear to share a core set of genes. Researchers have also found that two-thirds of human genes known to be involved in cancer have counterparts in the fruit fly."

What does this mean?
Humans are just very large fruit flies who have lost their wings?

People with cancer are infected with fruit flies?
Quick, get the fly spray!

From your fourth link.....

"Universal common ancestry (UCA) is a central pillar of modern evolutionary theory1. As first suggested by Darwin2, the theory of UCA posits that all extant terrestrial organisms share a common genetic heritage, each being the genealogical descendant of a single species from the distant past3, 4, 5, 6. The classic evidence for UCA, although massive, is largely restricted to ‘local’ common ancestry—for example, of specific phyla rather than the entirety of life—and has yet to fully integrate the recent advances from modern phylogenetics and probability theory. Although UCA is widely assumed, it has rarely been subjected to formal quantitative testing7, 8, 9, 10, and this has led to critical commentary emphasizing the intrinsic technical difficulties in empirically evaluating a theory of such broad scope1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Furthermore, several researchers have proposed that early life was characterized by rampant horizontal gene transfer, leading some to question the monophyly of life11, 14, 15. Here I provide the first, to my knowledge, formal, fundamental test of UCA, without assuming that sequence similarity implies genetic kinship. I test UCA by applying model selection theory5, 16, 17 to molecular phylogenies, focusing on a set of ubiquitously conserved proteins that are proposed to be orthologous. Among a wide range of biological models involving the independent ancestry of major taxonomic groups, the model selection tests are found to overwhelmingly support UCA irrespective of the presence of horizontal gene transfer and symbiotic fusion events. These results provide powerful statistical evidence corroborating the monophyly of all known life."

We see in the first sentence the premise upon which evolution is based...yet there is no evidence that this first premise is correct. It is an assumption, based on nothing but conjecture. This is the Empire State Building constructed on matchsticks.

"Although UCA is widely assumed, it has rarely been subjected to formal quantitative testing"......what more is there to say?
Your link here is more damning than it is corroborating.

I won't even bother with the rest......

Let me just conclude with this quote on mutations....

"It is estimated that one million mutations are required for every one percent difference. Moreover, all the mutations must occur exactly where the two genomes differ. How can one have a million mutations when each mutation has to be in the exact sequence to make a human? It’s impossible. George Simpson, a well-known paleontologist and ardent evolutionist, estimated that it would take 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chances to get five mutations in the exact order. Simpson concludes that simultaneous mutations as a process observed today had no part in evolution.

Simpson wrote a surprisingly honest comment on the absence of transitional fossils, "...Every paleontologist knows that most new species, genera, and families, and that nearly all categories above the level of family appear in the record suddenly and are not led up to by known, gradual, completely continuous transitional sequences.”

If you can quote your sources, so can I. :D




Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
I have no burden to disprove your assertion. You are making a claim, I am rejecting it for lack of sound evidence. You are filling a void in your knowledge with magic instead of just saying that you do not know.
What "magic" is there in a power greater than man, that exists in a realm unknown to human science?
You cannot possibly say that an ID can't exist....all you can say is that you do not know that he does. I see the evidence for his existence everywhere but you have been led to believe that he only exists in some mythical world. Don't let the people who misrepresent him lead you down the wrong track.
He is nothing like you imagine. o_O

Furthermore, if you could completely disprove the theory of evolution right this minute, it would still not get you to your god. It would just get you to "we don't know".

I have a very close relationship with my God....I don't just think he exists....I know he does.
You should meet him sometime. :)


Well-Known Member
What "magic" is there in a power greater than man, that exists in a realm unknown to human science? You cannot possibly say that an ID can't exist....all you can say is that you do not know that he does. I see the evidence for his existence everywhere but you have been led to believe that he only exists in some mythical world. Don't let the people who misrepresent him lead you down the wrong track.
He is nothing like you imagine. o_O

What "magic" is there in a Flying Spaghetti Monster greater than man, that exists in a realm unknown to human science?
You cannot possibly say that a FSM can't exist....all you can say is that you do not know that he does. I see the evidence for his existence everywhere but you have been led to believe that he only exists in some mythical world. Don't let the people who misrepresent him lead you down the wrong track.
He is nothing like you imagine.

Those are your words. I'm simply changing the subject to be something completely imaginary. Somehow, the logic as you're using it still works... Why is that?

I have a very close relationship with my God....I don't just think he exists....I know he does.
You should meet him sometime. :)
I have a very close relationship with my Flying Spaghetti Monster....I don't just think he exists....I know he does!


Veteran Member
"....because you do not know better"

Please do not presume to tell me what I know and don't know. I'm well aware, and have been educated, regarding both sides of the polemic issues. Unfortunately, proponents from both camps have resorted to lies, partial truths, and misinformation.

Considering you have openly stated you want to focus on fossils my presumption is accurate

To insist it's all been one-sided, borders on purposefully negligent ignorance.

When you can avoid quoting Creationist websites that have not only been demonstrated be me but by many others to be liars I will considering changing my opinion.

The only ignorance here is your own as demonstrated on your reliance of dishonest sources.

Religious and Scientific Individuals, for the most part, won't let the evidences guide them....they force the evidences to fit their own prejudiced, a priori views. And ignore other evidentiary lines that lead away.

Hi Kettle. See above

Actually, I've been continually trained for the past 40+ years, how, during studies of Science or any other field, to objectively examine all related evidence. College graduates aren't taught that way anymore: it's the professors way, or the highway. I know, I teach.

Your reliance on your dishonest sources shows otherwise. You couldn't even bother to fact check your quotes yet expect me to think you are objective. Hilarious.


Veteran Member

Quote from your fist link.....

"Scientific theories are powerful because they allow us to make predictions about our world. We look at all the evidence we have gathered to date and predict what we might find if we do certain experiments. If the results of these experiments confirm our predictions, we know we have a solid theory. If not, we revise our theory and keep asking questions. That's what science is all about.

How did we know where to look for Tiktaalik?

As paleontologists, we can't go to a lab and use beakers and test tubes to gather evidence to test our theories. Instead, we look at the fossil evidence that exists today to make predictions about what we might find in the field tomorrow. Lucky for us, there is a bounty of evidence scattered all over the world, and more turns up every day. To find a transitional fossil between land animals and fish, we start by looking at the very first tetrapods to show up in the fossil record. Then, we look for fish which had a similar pattern of bones in their fins as the tetrapods had in their limbs."

Now, I don't know what you read in that amazing bit of science but if you read what it really says, it is kinda laughable.
A bit like crystal ball reading.....

Scientific theories are "powerful" all right because they "make predictions" about what they will find.....and then they look for things that confirm what they have predicted. Is it the evidence confirming the prediction or the prediction made to fit evidence?
I have my own theory on that.
I don't know what you think is so funny (I suspect you are trying to divert). You should have kept reading instead.

These scientists were able to examine and analyze all available information gleaned and compiled from many different scientific fields, which led them directly to the discovery of Tiktaalik. They were able to ascertain the time period it should be found in. They were able to determine the geographical location of it. This is something that should not be possible if evolutionary processes do not exist or do not work. Perhaps you could address that. Are you suggesting that scientists should not follow the evidence where it leads? What kind of a bizarre stance is that to take? How could we ever know anything about anything if that is the position we are going to take?

Your position on this doesn't make any sense and if everyone took the same position, we'd never have any way of learning or knowing anything.
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Well-Known Member
I don't know what you think is so funny (I suspect you are trying to divert). You should have kept reading instead.

These scientists were able to examine and analyze all available information gleaned and compiled from many different scientific fields, which led them directly to the discovery of Tiktaalik. They were able to ascertain the time period it should be found in. They were able to determine the geographical location of it. This is something that should not be possible if evolutionary processes do not exist or do not work. Perhaps you could address that. Are you suggesting that scientists should not follow the evidence where it leads? What kind of a bizarre stance is that to take? How could we ever know anything about anything if that is the position we are going to take?

How is this anything like crystal ball reading, at all?? Your position on this sounds quite desperate and illogical, I must say.
I don't think she understands the position she's actually arguing against.

If I discovered a pattern a numbers, but knew nothing about numbers, the pattern would still give me insight into numbers.

For example, let's look at a data set.

1,2,6,7,8,9,11,12,13 &15

Knowing nothing else about numbers, and questioning nothing else, those numbers would appear to be in order. They would exist just as they were discovered. There is a "design" to them, if you will. And it is sequential. Creationists would argue that their ordering and sequencing is obvious evidence of purposeful design. And then they'd stop... Any later discovery, say a number 3 for example, would simply highlight the complex and intelligent nature of the Designer.

Science does things differently.

We can deduce, with just a little bit of a observation and reason, that there are gaps in that number record. The little bit that we learned about numbers and math from these discoveries wouldn't add up. There are missing spaces that should exist between 2 and 6 - between 9 and 10.
The predictive power of science would cause researchers to go back and look for those apparent missing integers. Those same predictions would also include the qualities and properties of the supposed missing number. We would rationalize something that had the qualities of the number 3. We would know where we should look for it. We would spend our entire lives, sometimes, in search of that missing thing, proving that our understanding of numbers and of math were accurate.

Sometimes we'd be wrong. That's normal. It's part of the process. Being wrong helps eliminate variables. Being wrong about something simply provides an avenue through which to ask a new question. Sometimes, though, we find the 3. We find the 4. We find the 5. We find things we couldn't even have imagined.

What we don't find, however, is a Cosmic wizard, stirring dust and magic water into mud-people who are somehow both perfect and worthy of death at the same time... We don't find Lightning Gods hanging out in a cloud palace on Mt. Olympus. We don't find shamans with magic healing smoke or dances that chart the movement of rain clouds across the sky.

We don't find gods. We find Tiktaalik.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If I discovered a pattern a numbers, but knew nothing about numbers, the pattern would still give me insight into numbers.

For example, let's look at a data set.

1,2,6,7,8,9,11,12,13 &15

Knowing nothing else about numbers, and questioning nothing else, those numbers would appear to be in order. They would exist just as they were discovered. There is a "design" to them, if you will. And it is sequential.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but if you knew nothing about numbers (even that they were numbers) that list might appear to be in order with a design to them, but I do not agree that they would appear to be sequential.

Or maybe you mean you know nothing about math, but it was recognized that they are actually numbers.



Veteran Member
I don't think she understands the position she's actually arguing against.

If I discovered a pattern a numbers, but knew nothing about numbers, the pattern would still give me insight into numbers.

For example, let's look at a data set.

1,2,6,7,8,9,11,12,13 &15

Knowing nothing else about numbers, and questioning nothing else, those numbers would appear to be in order. They would exist just as they were discovered. There is a "design" to them, if you will. And it is sequential. Creationists would argue that their ordering and sequencing is obvious evidence of purposeful design. And then they'd stop... Any later discovery, say a number 3 for example, would simply highlight the complex and intelligent nature of the Designer.

Science does things differently.

We can deduce, with just a little bit of a observation and reason, that there are gaps in that number record. The little bit that we learned about numbers and math from these discoveries wouldn't add up. There are missing spaces that should exist between 2 and 6 - between 9 and 10.
The predictive power of science would cause researchers to go back and look for those apparent missing integers. Those same predictions would also include the qualities and properties of the supposed missing number. We would rationalize something that had the qualities of the number 3. We would know where we should look for it. We would spend our entire lives, sometimes, in search of that missing thing, proving that our understanding of numbers and of math were accurate.

Sometimes we'd be wrong. That's normal. It's part of the process. Being wrong helps eliminate variables. Being wrong about something simply provides an avenue through which to ask a new question. Sometimes, though, we find the 3. We find the 4. We find the 5. We find things we couldn't even have imagined.

What we don't find, however, is a Cosmic wizard, stirring dust and magic water into mud-people who are somehow both perfect and worthy of death at the same time... We don't find Lightning Gods hanging out in a cloud palace on Mt. Olympus. We don't find shamans with magic healing smoke or dances that chart the movement of rain clouds across the sky.

We don't find gods. We find Tiktaalik.
Thank you for this. I was trying to think up a better way to explain it.


Well-Known Member
Please correct me if I am wrong, but if you knew nothing about numbers (even that they were numbers) that list might appear to be in order with a design to them, but I do not agree that they would appear to be sequential.

Or maybe you mean you know nothing about math, but it was recognized that they are actually numbers.


Sure. In the course of discovery, things aren't automatically found in order. We discover their chronology over time, through research. It wouldn't matter if we found a 0, or 23 first. Through adjacent discoveries, we'd learn that the properties of 1 were just slightly more complex than 0. 3 more complex than 1, leaving room for something in between, etc.
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