He didn't. You can fit any kind of vague sounding "prophecies" to fit almost anything you like, if that's what you're going for. Like people do with Nostradamus' writings.
Now, where does the Bible say anything definitive and/or specific about 2016?
We are living in the time of the last ruling power. The "time of the end" (spoken about by Daniel almost 2700 years ago) has a starting year, but no stated year for its end....all we have is a description of world events that identify this time period. Every single event has been fulfilled since 1914, which is a prophetic year in Bible prophesy as the beginning of "the last days". It is not "the end of the world" as some assume, but the end of man's horrible domination of the earth under the influence of God's adversary. (1 John 5:19) There is a reason for everything that is taking place right now.
We don't know exactly when the end will come, but we know that things are going to resemble the "days of Noah"at this time......a time when violence and immorality would be rife in a world that has no excuse for it. (Matthew 24:37-39) We were told to watch out for this sign to know when the end was near. (Matthew 24:42) Nostradamus borrowed a bit from the Bible.
No one is compelled to believe the prophesy, but that doesn't mean it isn't happening just as the Bible predicted. No one believed Noah either.....the end will be sudden and unexpected by the majority. So I guess time will tell, won't it?
The ongoing debate about God's existence will be settled once and for all....never to be raised again.