There hasn't been a single case that hasn't been refuted. But we knew from the get go that you don't deal in facts or information.
But that is just the doesn't either. It deals in speculation masquerading as facts. You cannot refute anything if you have no "facts"......I can't "prove" that my God exists, and you cannot "prove" that evolution ever took place.
It boils down to a choice between belief systems.
You assume I have always been a proponent of evolution? I was raised by a conservative YEC christian family and had my primary education in the bible belt where they put evolution in quotations. It wasn't really until middle school/high school that I was educated enough to be able to question it. Evolution and the evidences of it shattered my worldview because it was solid and my worldview was not. I have since learned to adapt to new information to the best of my ability.
I used to be a staunch I guess we have had opposite experiences, except that I was raised Anglican, left the church to become more familiar with science's explanation of why we are here, and found it devoid of any real convincing proof for what it claimed. The more I studied evolution, the more creation screamed "DESIGN" to a point where I knew there had to be a God and a reasonable explanation for how and why we are here. YEC is nonsense as any fool can see, but so is organic evolution. There is somewhere in the middle where I stand and can combine science with creation and happily not sacrifice one for the other, (as many people appear to have done.) There is room in the Bible for an old earth and a very long period of creation.
Why cannot the universe or multiverse be infinte and without need of creation? What is the argument that god doesn't need it and god only? I mean this is one of the oldest questions and I"ve never heard an answer to it other than "because....god....god trumps everything! GAWD!"
You are talking about a being whose "life" (or existence) and abilities are beyond human comprehension at present.
You demand knowledge of something that you have no way of processing. We will know all we need to in due time.
We are though. Well not designed by the way you use it but we are genetically predisposed to death. The brain has a limit. The body has a limit. Death is the most natural thing. Biologically you have zero basis to say that we aren't designed to die.
Doesn't it strike you as strange that death in the animal kingdom for the majority of creatures is just accepted. Some species, especially those who operate in "family" groups, like elephants or apes, might appear to treat death a little differently, but it is more about adjusting their programming than genuine grief over a loss in the troupe.
Humans are the only species who can contemplate their own death. We are the only ones who can process concepts like past present and future. So imagining the possibility of dying or losing loved ones in death causes us great distress. Why are we the only ones with this ability?
Scientists have acknowledged that the human brain has the capacity to last many lifetimes.
This little exercise was posted in "Scientific American"....
"The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, amounting to more than a trillion connections. If each neuron could only help store a single memory, running out of space would be a problem. You might have only a few gigabytes of storage space, similar to the space in an iPod or a USB flash drive. Yet neurons combine so that each one helps with many memories at a time, exponentially increasing the brain’s memory storage capacity to something closer to around 2.5 petabytes (or a million gigabytes). For comparison, if your brain worked like a digital video recorder in a television, 2.5 petabytes would be enough to hold three million hours of TV shows. You would have to leave the TV running continuously for more than 300 years to use up all that storage."
What Is the Memory Capacity of the Human Brain?
So if science could accurately measure the capacity of the human brain, it would look something like that. Not designed for the short 70 or 80 years of the average lifespan....but many lifetimes.
When you speak of limits, science really has no answers as to why we die. The process of cell renewal in the human body should theoretically go on indefinitely, but something happens to slow it down and then stop it altogether. The Bible calls that "sin" which simply means the loss of perfect function.
The brain dies and the cognitive functions that we often call "us" dissapears. We are nothing but a wave of chemical energy.
"We" are so much more than that. "We" do not have a way to process death or tragedy, and yet it happens to us all too frequently. Some of us never recover.
If the personality can die before the body, it is clear that we are more than just a wave of energy. We are more than mere drivers in a fleshly vehicle. Why is it that we have certain expectations that are collectively felt regarding beauty or ugliness, attractiveness and repulsiveness? Who set that standard for humankind?
Show me the math. Or is it just a hunch?
Science cannot make a blade of grass. It cannot produce "life" unless it has life to pass on in some form. It isn't math or a hunch...its a fact and science cannot argue with it. Even having the right environment for life to thrive will not make it happen without a first cause.
Speculation based on math is a very useful tool. One that has done our species more good than all the religions of the world combined. You don't have to buy what science is selling. Its free. But if you still don't want it then fine. Just don't brainwash children and don't pass laws based on your "beliefs". we go again....
What good has science done in this world that is not offset by something more devastatingly evil? When we see how polluted the earth is, tell me if it was religion or science who created that problem? What science is selling is not FREE....the cost is actually more than what the production was worth. We are all paying for it in one way or another....and our earth is being exploited by greedy men using science to decimate the whole planet. How much is science used to destroy life and property, rather than to promote life and health?
I could also ask that science stops trying to "brainwash" our children by forcing evolution on them at school as if it were a proven fact. Call it a theory by all means, but don't penalize our children for wanting to have a choice in this matter.
As to passing laws, there is nothing in the Bible about advocating government policy by promoting what the Bible teaches. That should be entirely voluntary. You cannot legislate people's morals, feelings or motivations.
It wasn't necessarily caves. That part isn't actually very accurate. But all ancient civilizations were at one time hunter gatherers. I think your time frames are off by a bit.
Since the Creator supplied food sources in abundance for both man and animals, it is not surprising that 'hunter/gatherers' were found in many cultures.
"From about 7000 BCE in Greece, farming economies were progressively adopted in Europe, though areas farther west, such as Britain, were not affected for two millennia and Scandinavia not until even later. The period from the beginning of agriculture to the widespread use of bronze about 2300 bce is called the Neolithic Period."
history of Europe - The Neolithic Period (Britannica)
It is interesting to me that with the fall in Eden, Adam was told that he would "eat bread" in "the sweat of his face", necessitating that he plant grain and harvest it. The opposite to what he enjoyed in the garden, where he had been given a wide variety of fruit as his staple diet. This is I believe the beginning of subsistence farming.
For any of the savants to have passed on their genes and impacted the species it would have to significantly predate the first known structures of man.
Really? How would you know that and how would you prove it?