Actually, MAGATs only make up roughly 25% of the Republican party. But primarily, I was talking about Republican
politicians; as is the OP.
Most of the 72 million voters who pathetically put The Conman & Chief in for his second term, were simply deluded and misled.
They truly believe that they are doing the right thing and that they are being patriotic, but the facts show that they are simply wrong.
Then there are those Republican citizens who voted against their own best interest, simply because they have always voted Republican straight down the ticket, without ever considering the people or the policies they are placing into power.
The quote in my signature, which I have kept there for many years, still holds true from when Thomas Jefferson first stated it…. ”
For a democracy to survive, it requires a well-educated public.” This of course is tautological.
The failing of the education system and the presence of social media (which is effectively a multi-million-person gossip fence) have turned a once reasonable populous into a massive herd of puppets for the ultra-rich to play with.