It seems close enough.
Correct, so presumably as long as they meet the relevant secular requirements for the tax office etc there is no reason that a JW couldn't be certified to meet those secular tax office requirements and perform a legally binding marriage.
That would require government effort and expense at verifying that the requirements are met.
I fail to see how or why that would be necessary or even convenient. Maybe I am missing something. I don't know.
You correctly point out that the government has no legitimate authority to make decisions about purely religious marriages, then go on to talk about whether the religious authority of JW ministers should be accepted. No secular government in its correct frame of mind should accept any religious authority.
Indeed. Religious marriages are essentially freeform, and have no legal weight on their own. That is how it is and how it should be.
Are you under the impression that it would be the religious marriages that would somehow be forbidden? I got a very different impression.
It should all be about whether they meet the legal requirements for marriage or not.
It is.
What are the specific legal marriage requisites they are not meeting?
I am not privy to the specifics, but the newspiece mentions restrictions to expression and social interaction among JWs. That is coherent with what I learned from other sources.
In a nutshell, it seems to me that the Norwegian government acknowledges that JWs don't allow their own members enough freedom of behavior and speech to be considered a functional church worth of government subsidies and privileges. Including the ability to perform legally valid marriages.
I am quite ok with that decision. It is only fair AFAIK.
So are you opposed to all those who would forbid a secular marriage on other than legal grounds from marrying?
I'm not sure of what we are talking about here. How and who would have the power to forbid a secular (legal) marriage? How does that work exactly?
If so it just seems better to have a law that all marriage celebrants will lose their registration if they decline a marriage on other than legal grounds with the provision or rejection of the religious requirements for a religious marriage being irrelevant.
Why? Why should anyone else pay for the JW's flaws and abuses?
In my opinion.