And that is just what happened. The apostles had only the Hebrew Scriptures.....we have their writings and the Christian "traditions" handed down by them is in the Christian scriptures, not in the traditions of an apostate church system. Do you understand the difference?
Hi Jay,
What is the connection with the Hebrew scripture and the writings with the JW organization? How do you connect and reconcile it?
The "wheat" were not going disappear, but their growth was to be stunted by the "weeds". This is made apparent by the fact that the workers were instructed not to uproot the weeds in case they uprooted the wheat along with them. (Matt 13:36-43)
So both have been 'growing together' from the first century all the way to the time of the end (the harvest) It is only at the end times that a distinction was to be made between the two. The reapers are instructed to collect the weeds first and dispose of them. Then the wheat are gathered into the storehouse.
The Bible paints a very clear picture to me.
Then it is clearly emphasized a judgment at the end of the age to separate the unsaved from the saved since this is concerning the kingdom. From this parable until the current settings, what will be the effect of apostasy here?
How do you reconcile this parable to the JW org.?
What has that scripture got to do with the apostasy? It is clear that "some" would stand firm for the truth of Christ's teachings. The wheat have been there all along. Many of them were tortured and executed by the church itself for daring to oppose its absolute authority and wicked teachings.
The weeds did not behave in a Christ-like manner but like the Pharisees, imitated their real father. like it or not, this is the foundation of Christendom. If you want to criticise our beginnings, do not fail check out the origins of all the churches of Christendom.... It is shameful, to say the least.
The Reformation did not unite Christians...all it did was break the power of Roman Catholicism and carve Christianity up into even more bickering fragments. Are you proud to be a part of that....? I wasn't. I was relieved to walk away. (Rev 18:4, 5)
Well it is clear that—if the wheat and tares parables does not convey to start a new church, those verses proves that apostasy is not a reason for a church to re-establish; to form a group investigation and start a new organization. Jesus and Paul warned about the coming of false prophets, and how the man of lawlessness will influence the early church.
1 Peter 5:10-11
10. And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Jesus and Paul warned us, and told us to do the following:
a. Stand firm (Matt.24;13; 2 Thess. 2:15)
b. The gospel shall be preached in the whole world (Matt. 24:14)
c. We testify to all nations (Matt 24:14)
d. Be on Guard ( Acts 20:31)
e. Command and teach these things. (1 Tim. 4:11)
I encouraged you to do a biblical study.
Why should I will be in shame if there is a Reformation transpired from Roman Catholicism? This only proves that the Scripture is alive and penetrates the heart of everyone. JW, Mormons, Church of Christ/INC, and 7th Day Adv. claimed that there is apostasy to produce a new church, and a need of cleansing by a certain person
(a prophet, man sent by God, a Bible student, a preacher etc.) Did you know about this?
People are born different, and that is healthy to know that we are not a puppet or robot. Those churches always shouted the word “Unity,” but in reality they are only united physically as an organization with one Man behind the church. Protestants may have a denomination, but united in spirit. We are not forced by an organized body to be a puppet. Kindly check our Statement of Faith, we are truly united in spirit and truth in Christ Jesus, and not by the Reformers.
Yes they do "stand firm and dependent on God's protection" otherwise the wheat would have been completely obliterated by the weeds. But Daniel did not foretell a 'future new church'....he foretold a 'cleaning, whitening and refining' of God's people in the future. Just as Jesus came, not to start a new religion, but to clean up the Jewish in the "time of the end" it was foretold again. Why would God foretell a "cleansing" if there was no filth? Why a "whitening", if there was no stain? Why a "refining" if there were no impurities to be removed? (Dan 12:4, 9, 10)
Dan. 12:9-13
9. And he said, "Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time.
10. "Many will be purged, purified and refined; but the wicked will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.
11. "And from the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.
12. "How blessed is he who keeps waiting and attains to the 1,335 days!
13. "But as for you, go your way to the end; then you will enter into rest and rise again for your allotted portion at the end of the age."
If there is no foretelling of a new church, then why prophesy, calculate, and have faith to Russell and company? If you believe Jesus clean up Jewish religion, then why JW should be dependent and have faith to what Russell and company did? Russell is not Jesus.
Sorry, your phrasing is a little difficult to understand here.....but the establishment of Roman Catholicism was only a symptom of a much deeper apostasy that had been festering for centuries. There is a reason why the Christian scriptures were completed at the end of the first century because after that everything went to the dogs. The weeds began to flourish.
By the time of Constantine the church was so weak that the merging of Roman sun worship with apostate Christianity, (still evident in the Catholic Church to this day,) was sure to happen just as Jesus said it would. The weeds then took over in the church and spread all over the world. Churches became divided by nationalism and by sectarianism. Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox......does the Christ exist divided by nationality?
Why did Paul say there were to be NO divisions among Christ's followers? (1 Cor 1:10) Yet we see nothing but division in Christendom.
Did the Mormons, and Iglesia Ni kristo(Church of Christ) and other churches claimed there is apostasy and should not be divided? How about them?
Who among you stand for the truth of “No division church”?
The early Church Fathers were not the "propagators" of Christianity, but the instruments used by the devil to fertilise his weeds. Some resisted the change but the tide became too strong.
Oh. Come on. Where did you get that idea?
It seems you are saying after Paul died, no other Christians left to propagate the gospel?? Do you think an Apologist cannot preach the gospel? He cannot be an apologist if he does not know the basic of the gospel.
How he will defend his faith if he is not capable of knowing the gospel and heretic teachings during their time? Please think about it.
You are also saying that Christ suffered for nothing and that is discarding Christ sufferings for our salvation by shedding His blood.
What’s the use of Jesus and Paul’s preaching if at the end there will be an apostasy that needs cleansing and refining (by JW interpretation), and resulted to a new church or teachings. Therefore, it will come out that Jesus and Paul served only as--least important in Christianity, thus, Russell and company served as the priority ( very important) in Christianity.
Yes indeed, the context always reveals things we might not at first understand. Your own sequence seems to be out of order.
Were you there to read his body language and tone of voice? All we have is a brief account of a doubting man's reaction to seeing his Lord after he had suffered a terrible death. Thomas was not among the apostles when Jesus appeared to them. They related that Jesus had been with them...but he doubted that it could be true, stating that he would not believe it unless he saw the proof. So eight days later Jesus granted his request to see with his own eyes that it was truly Jesus. His response is not at all out of order under the circumstances.
Your question
“Were you there to read his body language and tone of voice?” backfired your reasoning because you also did that.
How come you also read his body language and tone of voice by telling us that Thomas was “Surprised” and by that surprising reaction, he confessed “My Lord and My God”??
You chose and believed more on the JW org. interpretation of “surprise” than reading it “My Lord and My God”, a very self understandable phrase—even a young kid may understand this phrase. Why keep turning away from the phrase?
What I’m explaining to you is the deeper understanding of studying biblical text. Kindly look at this:
John 20:17
18. Mary Magdalene went and said to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord"; and she told them that he had said these things to her.
19. On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you."
(there is no mention that Thomas was there)
20. When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.
21. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you."
22. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit.
23. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."
24. Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came.
(Now, it is clear that Thomas is not with them when Jesus appeared to them)
25. So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I will not believe."
(The other disciples [not named] told Thomas that they saw the Lord. Thomas answered in doubt that should see first the print of the nails and place his finger in the mark of the nails, and place his hand on the side of Jesus—to believe what the other disciples are saying.)
Now, do you think Thomas will be in surprise act or manner when he is on the following situation:
1.) Informed already
2.) Unsure of the information of Jesus appearance to the other disciples
3.) Eight days after
If we put ourselves to be Thomas, will you be in the surprise act or manner?
Additionally as you have said that
“he doubted that it could be true, stating that he would not believe it unless he saw the proof.”
Thomas is already about 70% believing that it could be true, the 30% is the only thing that he must prove—by seeing Jesus personally.
Do you think he will be in surprising act or emotional state??
Ok. If my explanation is not enough, why not try and test the “surprise” act? If we say that Thomas is really surprised in Jesus appearance; why should Thomas need to utter “My Lord and my God.”?
What is the connection of being a surprised person to utter “My Lord and My God”?
26. Eight days later, his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus came and stood among them, and said, "Peace be with you."
27. Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing."
28. Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!"
29. Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."