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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
One of the issues to be dealt with:
1) Constitutionally the US must hear the petitions of asylum seekers.
2) Lawfully, asylum seekers must be on US soil to file petition.
It is not at all clear whether the "Remain in Mexico" policy is illegal. It is still being discussed.


Veteran Member
I'm going to express my view, and you are free to disagree.

Right now, Californians are dying for lack of health care, while illegal immigrants are given free medical care. Californians are sleeping on the streets, while illegal immigrants are given housing. Californians are struggling to pay the cost of their grocery bills, while illegal immigrants are are given food stamps.

Here in California, we have a water shortage. There are simply too many people, and not enough water. Yet we are expected to provide water for illegal immigrants. We also have an electricity shortage, where everything from our air conditioning to our wifi goes out during brown outs. But we have illegal immigrants in our state who use our electricity.

Simply put, and I'm not trying to be mean, we do not have the money, the water, or the electricity to be given to people who don't even have the decency to come here legally. The immigration problem is killing us. It is a crisis. It's got to stop. Illegal immigration is out of control, and it's hurting citizens. It is literally the job of government to protect us. I don't really care HOW they do it, whether its more border agents or building a wall or closing the crossings. I don't care. I just want it done.
I don't know much about any of the facts and details of what is happening in regards to immigration in California. There seems to be a unique set of problems for that state. I think there ought to be universal healthcare, and I think migrants who are in the USA and did not file for asylum or for a visa should be allowed a chance to file, or be deported. It's easy to be a US citizen and have indifference for migrants. There's no doubt that congress needs to reform the immigration laws and make the process faster.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Abbott did that and serious injuries and deaths occurred. And it will just create a humanitarian crisis. But compassion isn't a republican thing.
It's compassionate enough. The wire isn't going to go out of its way to attack you.

Its obvious what it is, and if a person is stupid and dumb enough to try to go through the thing , that's completely their dumbass problem.


Veteran Member
I don't like her. The one assignment Biden gave her was the border, and she did absolutely nothing.
It is very clear that the republicans had absolutely no intention of allowing anyone to fix the border problems because they were intent on using it as their main complaint against the democrats. They would not have allowed God herself to fix that issue. And certainly not Biden or Harris. So she was given the issue to keep it away from Biden.
However, we will survive four years of Kamala. We will not survive four years of Trump.

I do believe she has revived the possibility that the Democrats may win the election. She is young, energetic, healthy, and vivacious. What's Trump going to attack? That she's a woman? That she's biracial?
Yes. A lot of people are sick and tired of ancient white men that won't retire and let the younger more progressive folks steer the ship. This is especially true of new voters. And rightly so.


Veteran Member
I look at it this way.
Kamala is a used car sitting on a lot, the Democrats and MSM are like used car salesmen trying to sell you the car that no one wanted a few years ago and attempting to change the history of the car.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I'm going to express my view, and you are free to disagree.

Right now, Californians are dying for lack of health care, while illegal immigrants are given free medical care. Californians are sleeping on the streets, while illegal immigrants are given housing. Californians are struggling to pay the cost of their grocery bills, while illegal immigrants are are given food stamps.

Here in California, we have a water shortage. There are simply too many people, and not enough water. Yet we are expected to provide water for illegal immigrants. We also have an electricity shortage, where everything from our air conditioning to our wifi goes out during brown outs. But we have illegal immigrants in our state who use our electricity.

Simply put, and I'm not trying to be mean, we do not have the money, the water, or the electricity to be given to people who don't even have the decency to come here legally. The immigration problem is killing us. It is a crisis. It's got to stop. Illegal immigration is out of control, and it's hurting citizens. It is literally the job of government to protect us. I don't really care HOW they do it, whether its more border agents or building a wall or closing the crossings. I don't care. I just want it done.
"Loving God and my neighbor as myself." That's how you refer to yourself. But I guess that brings up the biblical question: "who is my neighbor?" In response to the lawyer's second question and his attempt to redefine who qualifies as his neighbor, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29–37). Jesus makes it clear in this parable that our neighbor is anyone around us, regardless of their ethnic, religious, or socio-economic status.

Now, I don't know if you are Christian or not -- I am certainly not -- but I have always actually accepted that as a truth I have to live with. Canada has long accepted more refugees than most countries -- in 2019 we were the top among 26 countries, including the United States. And we've learned some lessons from doing so, like unemployment among accepted refugees is only slightly higher than for Canadian born, and after a few years, the percentages are equal. Our refugees, when given a chance, become net contributers. In fact, refugees become entrepreneurs, starting businesses and employing others, at a higher rate than Canadians born here: 14% compared to 12%.

But there's always that Samaritan problem, isn't there: the people who are fleeing starvation, political oppression, death are doing what all of us would do -- trying to survive and provide for their families. It's a shame that so many Americans who pride themselves on their "Christianity" take a dim view of that struggle, preferring, I guess, that they should stay home and starve rather than be a temporary nuisance in the U.S.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
I'm going to express my view, and you are free to disagree.

Right now, Californians are dying for lack of health care, while illegal immigrants are given free medical care. Californians are sleeping on the streets, while illegal immigrants are given housing. Californians are struggling to pay the cost of their grocery bills, while illegal immigrants are are given food stamps.

Here in California, we have a water shortage. There are simply too many people, and not enough water. Yet we are expected to provide water for illegal immigrants. We also have an electricity shortage, where everything from our air conditioning to our wifi goes out during brown outs. But we have illegal immigrants in our state who use our electricity.

Simply put, and I'm not trying to be mean, we do not have the money, the water, or the electricity to be given to people who don't even have the decency to come here legally. The immigration problem is killing us. It is a crisis. It's got to stop. Illegal immigration is out of control, and it's hurting citizens. It is literally the job of government to protect us. I don't really care HOW they do it, whether its more border agents or building a wall or closing the crossings. I don't care. I just want it done.
Are you saying the immigrants get free healthcare and that other Californians don't?

As of July 3, state reservoirs stand at about 84% capacity. That’s above the 30-year average of 66% for the month of July. The largest user of water is agriculture.

What is causing the power outages in California?
Brownouts: Adequate energy supply can be impacted in several ways, primarily by high temperatures which causes increased air conditioning use and drives up electricity demand. Other factors include unexpected power plant or transmission line outages caused by mechanical failure, wildfire, or constraint on transmission lines.


Well-Known Member
It is very clear that the republicans had absolutely no intention of allowing anyone to fix the border problems because they were intent on using it as their main complaint against the democrats. They would not have allowed God herself to fix that issue. And certainly not Biden or Harris. So she was given the issue to keep it away from Biden.

Yes. A lot of people are sick and tired of ancient white men that won't retire and let the younger more progressive folks steer the ship. This is especially true of new voters. And rightly so.
Trump was fixing the border problem, until Biden and his border Czar, comrade Harris, reversed Trump's policies. This led to the disaster they created. Now they are trying to spread their blame. It was not until this disaster was bringing the DNC political baggage, that they started to appear concerned. They talk out of both sides of their mouth.

For example, Trump was building the wall until the Biden-Harris team stopped construction. Do you remember that? Where did the migrates go to enter. They went where there was no wall. The US tax payers had already paid for all wall components and these were already at the sites, but Czar Harris left then to rust. Biden and Harris did not enforce the laws already on the books. Trump had a stay in Mexico policy, which limited illegal entry, while allowing migrants to register in Mexico. Czar Harris ended that, since the goal was all the chaos and illegal entry. This lawlessness goes all to way to Liberal activists coordinating the caravans.

We need to maintain the distinction between legal and illegal immigration. There it is similar to the difference between shopping and shoplifting. The DNC likes to blur the line between corrupt and lawful, since they favor corruption.

Harris says she is for minorities so why did she encourage and cheer lead BLM and Antifa to burned down Democrat run inner cities full of minorities and thereby mess up their logistics, forcing businesses and development to disappear? Trump had built this places with enterprise zones and this was working, but the DNC decided to destroy this so they would not think of changing parties.

Harris started her political career in San Fransico having an affair with then Mayor and State Assembly Speaker, Willie Brown. She was the assistant AG and wanted the AG job. Willie, who was very powerful and influential in the California political scene, fund raised for her, so she could get elected to her boss's job. This led to an investigation for them violating campaign donation laws. That is the crooked side of Harris that fake news is glossing over.

If you recall, Harris had run for President in 2020 but her radial positions did not resonate with the voters, such as her position on illegal immigration. Her position is why she was made Czar Harris; make the immigration problem worse. She was also there as Biden's VP to appease the radical left, which was not Biden's strong suit.

America First Legal has launched an investigation into Harris, during the time she was Attorney General in California.

America First Legal Launches 7 Investigations into Kamala Harris’ Record As California Attorney General

The first investigation is; During Kamala Harris’ tenure as Attorney General, the State of California required organizations soliciting charitable contributions to file copies of their federal IRS Form 990 tax forms. These forms include a list of all donors who contributed at least $5000 to the charity in a given year. The Supreme Court, in AFP v. Bonta, held that such mandatory disclosures violated the First Amendment.

That case, however, did not involve a federal statute that governed Kamala Harris’ fishing expedition against groups she ideologically opposed. 26 U.S.C. 6103(p)(8)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code orders that “no return or return information shall be disclosed after December 31, 1978, to any officer or employee of any State which requires a taxpayer to attach to, or include in, any State tax return a copy of any portion of his Federal return, or information reflected on such Federal return, unless such State adopts provisions of law which protect the confidentiality of the copy of the Federal return (or portion thereof) attached to, or the Federal return information reflected on such State tax return.”

Harris was using law fare, back then, to go after and target political opponents under the guise of weeding out crooked charities, until caught by the IRS. She is not the nice person that she is being sold as. She is a sleaze ball, but that makes her fit in well with the rest of the swamp. Harris had her media honeymoon, but as time goes on, her past will come back to bite her and show that this is also her present.


Veteran Member
It's compassionate enough. The wire isn't going to go out of its way to attack you.

Its obvious what it is, and if a person is stupid and dumb enough to try to go through the thing , that's completely their dumbass problem.
The courts ordered Abbott to remove the razor wire. No doubt there is a mogrant problem and our laws are not able to resolve the problems as is, which is odd that Trump told republicans to not vote for the bipartisan reform bill. These mogrants are escaping bad situations and the USA is their best hope. We can't blame people, many with children, seeking a better life. There doesn't seem a way to absorb all who want to enter and stay, but there has to be efforts to treat these human beings with dignity. Setting up razor wire in a river is not part of any compassion. Walls can slow them down, but as we see it doesn't stop these desperate folks.


Veteran Member
I look at it this way.
Kamala is a used car sitting on a lot, the Democrats and MSM are like used car salesmen trying to sell you the car that no one wanted a few years ago and attempting to change the history of the car.
Strange analogy for a Trump fan to use

We Never Know

No Slack

What does "Biden gave her was the border" even mean. Perhaps this will help:​
but probably not. Being a MAGA/GOP surrogate is far easier for some -- both intellectually and ethically.​
Speaking of ethics and intellectual integrity, perhaps you could point us to where you've repudiated the Trump's cynical sabotage of immigration reform for the sake of ...​
wait for it ...​

Even some dems think her biggest weakness is the border

"A growing number of House Democrats are telling Kamala Harris that she should pick Sen. Mark Kelly as her vice president, believing he would offset her biggest current weakness: the border."


Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The courts ordered Abbott to remove the razor wire. No doubt there is a mogrant problem and our laws are not able to resolve the problems as is, which is odd that Trump told republicans to not vote for the bipartisan reform bill. These mogrants are escaping bad situations and the USA is their best hope. We can't blame people, many with children, seeking a better life. There doesn't seem a way to absorb all who want to enter and stay, but there has to be efforts to treat these human beings with dignity. Setting up razor wire in a river is not part of any compassion. Walls can slow them down, but as we see it doesn't stop these desperate folks.
I'm sure someone like yourself would love to take a couple of dozen into your own house and feed them and clothe them, and pay for all their health care and education.

I'm second thought maybe they'll just walk in themselves. I'm sure you'll take them in even if they kick your door down just because their life is so bad.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Some myths and facts from the Carnegie Organization:

MYTH #1: “Immigrants will take American jobs, lower wages, and especially hurt the poor.”
FACT: Immigrants don’t take American jobs, lower wages, or push the poor out of the labor market.

MYTH #2: “It is easy to immigrate here legally. Why don’t illegal immigrants just get in line?”
FACT: It’s very difficult to immigrate legally to the United States. Immigration law is second only to the income tax code in legal complexity.

MYTH #3: “Immigrants abuse the welfare state.”
FACT: Immigrants use significantly less welfare than native-born Americans.

MYTH #4: “Immigrants increase the budget deficit and government debt.”
FACT: Immigrants in the United States have about a net zero effect on government budgets — they pay about as much in taxes as they consume in benefits.

MYTH #5: “Immigrants increase economic inequality.”
FACT: Maybe. The evidence on how immigration affects economic inequality in the United States is mixed — some research finds relatively small effects, and some finds substantial ones. The standard of living is much more important than is the income distribution.

MYTH #6: “Today’s immigrants don’t assimilate as immigrants from previous eras did.”
FACT: Immigrants to the United States — including Mexicans — are assimilating as well as or better than immigrant groups from Europe over a hundred years ago.

MYTH #7: “Immigrants are a major source of crime.”
FACT: Immigrants, including illegal immigrants, are less likely to be incarcerated in prisons, convicted of crimes, or arrested than native-born Americans.

MYTH #8: “Immigrants pose a unique risk today because of terrorism.”
FACT: The annual chance of being murdered in a terrorist attack committed by a foreign-born person on U.S. soil from 1975 through the end of 2017 was about 1 in 3.8 million per year.

MYTH #9: “The United States has the most open immigration policy in the world.”
FACT: The annual inflow of immigrants to the United States, as a percentage of our population, is below that of most other rich countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

MYTH #10: “Amnesty or a failure to enforce our immigration laws will destroy the Rule of Law in the United States.”
FACT: America’s current immigration laws violate every principal component of the Rule of Law. Enforcing laws that are inherently capricious and that are contrary to our traditions is inconsistent with a stable Rule of Law.

MYTH #11: “Illegal immigration or expanding legal immigration will destroy American national sovereignty.”
FACT: Different immigration policies do not reduce the U.S. government’s ability to defend American sovereignty.

MYTH #12: “Immigrants won’t vote for the Republican Party — look at what happened to California.”
FACT: Republican immigration policies pushed immigrants away, not the other way around.

MYTH #13: “Immigrants bring with them bad cultures, ideas, or other factors that will undermine and destroy our economic and political institutions. The resultant weakening in economic growth means that immigrants will destroy more wealth than they will create over the long run.”
FACT: There is no evidence that immigrants weaken or undermine American economic, political, or cultural institutions.

MYTH #14: “The brain drain of smart immigrants to the United States impoverishes other countries.”
FACT: The flow of skilled workers to rich nations increases the incomes of people in the destination country, enriches the immigrants, and helps (or at least does not hurt) those left behind.

MYTH #15: “Immigrants will increase crowding, harm the environment, and [insert misanthropic statement here].”
FACT: People, including immigrants, are an economic and environmental blessing and not a curse.

You can learn more here:


Question Everything
To start, close the southern border down until some plan is in place to deal with the torrents of people sneaking across.

You realize quite a few use airplanes to cross, right?

Our family sneaks across the other way, better cost for dental and a few supplies haha, ppl sneaken both ways ;)