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Know How Long It Takes The Earth To Orbit The Sun? There's A Good Chance You Don't


Veteran Member

•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

"Report: Poor science education impairs U.S. economy

Stagnant scientific education imperils U.S. economic leadership, says a report by leading business and science figures.

Released Thursday at a congressional briefing attended by senators and congressmen of both parties, the report updates a 2005 science education report that led to moves to double federal research funding.

Nevertheless, the "Rising Above the Gathering Storm" review finds little improvement in U.S. elementary and secondary technical education since then.

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

•U.S. mathematics and science K-12 education ranks 48th worldwide.

•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

•China has replaced the United States as the world's top high-technology exporter."

A pretty damn sorry state of affairs if you ask me. I even have concerns that some here had to stop and think about it.
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•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

"Report: Poor science education impairs U.S. economy

Stagnant scientific education imperils U.S. economic leadership, says a report by leading business and science figures.

Released Thursday at a congressional briefing attended by senators and congressmen of both parties, the report updates a 2005 science education report that led to moves to double federal research funding.

Nevertheless, the "Rising Above the Gathering Storm" review finds little improvement in U.S. elementary and secondary technical education since then.

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

•U.S. mathematics and science K-12 education ranks 48th worldwide.

•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

•China has replaced the United States as the world's top high-technology exporter."

A pretty damn sorry state of affairs if you ask me. I even have concerns that some here had to stop and think about how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

The earth circles the sun?
Isn't the earth flat?


Veteran Member
The earth circles the sun?
Isn't the earth flat?
Yes, but it still goes around the Sun.

flat earth going around the sun.png




Well-Known Member

•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

"Report: Poor science education impairs U.S. economy

Stagnant scientific education imperils U.S. economic leadership, says a report by leading business and science figures.

Released Thursday at a congressional briefing attended by senators and congressmen of both parties, the report updates a 2005 science education report that led to moves to double federal research funding.

Nevertheless, the "Rising Above the Gathering Storm" review finds little improvement in U.S. elementary and secondary technical education since then.

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

•U.S. mathematics and science K-12 education ranks 48th worldwide.

•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

•China has replaced the United States as the world's top high-technology exporter."

A pretty damn sorry state of affairs if you ask me. I even have concerns that some here had to stop and think about how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.


This is a trick question.

We all know the sun revolves around the Earth.


Well-Known Member
People in the US have become dependent on government hand outs. Why should I study and work hard when I can just sit back and collect food stamps and housing assistance and more. Other kids see sports figures and music performers earning millions and figure they don't need an education to do that. People just do not want to do the work needed to succeed. High school education is free but they drop out because they are lazy.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.

•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

"Report: Poor science education impairs U.S. economy

Stagnant scientific education imperils U.S. economic leadership, says a report by leading business and science figures.

Released Thursday at a congressional briefing attended by senators and congressmen of both parties, the report updates a 2005 science education report that led to moves to double federal research funding.

Nevertheless, the "Rising Above the Gathering Storm" review finds little improvement in U.S. elementary and secondary technical education since then.

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

•U.S. mathematics and science K-12 education ranks 48th worldwide.

•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

•China has replaced the United States as the world's top high-technology exporter."

A pretty damn sorry state of affairs if you ask me. I even have concerns that some here had to stop and think about how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.


We are not going to survive as a nation if it keeps going at this rate. And it's not going to be solved by continuing throwing money and more money at it. Worldwide, Educational Systems are run far far cheaper than ours, and with substantially better results.


Veteran Member
People in the US have become dependent on government hand outs. Why should I study and work hard when I can just sit back and collect food stamps and housing assistance and more. Other kids see sports figures and music performers earning millions and figure they don't need an education to do that. People just do not want to do the work needed to succeed. High school education is free but they drop out because they are lazy.
I think there's a lot of truth in what you say.



What? Me worry?

•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

"Report: Poor science education impairs U.S. economy

Stagnant scientific education imperils U.S. economic leadership, says a report by leading business and science figures.

Released Thursday at a congressional briefing attended by senators and congressmen of both parties, the report updates a 2005 science education report that led to moves to double federal research funding.

Nevertheless, the "Rising Above the Gathering Storm" review finds little improvement in U.S. elementary and secondary technical education since then.

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

"Our nation's outlook has worsened," concludes the report panel headed by former Lockheed Martin chief Norman Augustine. The report "paints a daunting outlook for America if it were to continue on the perilous path it has been following":

•U.S. mathematics and science K-12 education ranks 48th worldwide.

•49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.

•China has replaced the United States as the world's top high-technology exporter."

A pretty damn sorry state of affairs if you ask me. I even have concerns that some here had to stop and think about how long it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun.


The Earth orbits the Sun? The Devil you say...

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
People in the US have become dependent on government hand outs. Why should I study and work hard when I can just sit back and collect food stamps and housing assistance and more. Other kids see sports figures and music performers earning millions and figure they don't need an education to do that. People just do not want to do the work needed to succeed. High school education is free but they drop out because they are lazy.
Big business and the super rich are the ones dependent on government.

But it is true that many become discouraged because they see no future for themselves with government oriented to giving billions to those that already have money rather than opening up opportunity for those that need it.

And in spite of right wing political correctness making up facts, the high school graduation rate is now 84% compared to 79% in 2010-2011.

And there have been a goodly number of examples where graduation rates have shot up with there was hope for the future and where the administration and teaching staff was outstanding. This proves something important. https://www.usnews.com/education/bl...with-the-most-minority-disadvantaged-students

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I don't know about anybody else but I already see the effects of poor education in my area. Not only Blue Collar , but even White Collar professions as well.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
And don't forget, the moon isn't lit by the sun. Its has its own light.

The Bible says so.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It only takes a year.
But most of that year is in winter, when the Earth's orbit slows to a crawl.
Then in glorious warm summer weather, Earth speeds up, thereby shortening that season.

Just ask @Wirey, who is already clearing snowman blood off of his car.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Pfft! The sun and moon circle the Earth inside the firmament! 49% of American adults know this!