Let's cut to the chase, in the secular arena, the case for male leadership must be based off of far more than scripture. We must invoke the authority of science if we are to make a case. Let's make this a discussion about the inherent differences between men and women. Ideally, these would be indisputable. I'll throw out a few differences that I believe there isn't much debate over. let's list characteristics irrespective of whether or not we personally see it as a factor in leadership. Also, let's keep in mind that no one is arguing about whether women are fit to be leaders, simply whether they are best equipped to be the CEO. Here are the fist few just to get the ball rolling.
men are more competitive
men use less words than women when expressing themselves
men are less emotional
women tend nuture
Okay, first lets pretend that those qualities are the beat all end all you need to be a leader. ( and I dont thhink they are but by far. But I ll run along with those as if)
What happens if the wife is more competitive, less emotional, less wordy and the man in e relationsip is e better one nurturing?
Do you think that it is posible that this happens in a relationship between a couple in the 7 000 000 of us in the planet? I think it would stand to reason that even if those qualities are generally filled by e male, many many many couples would exit right now where the woman is better on all those than the man. Lets say this happens only a 0.0002% of times . Of course I just made that number up, but I am sure the percentage of times it happens is way higher.
So what then? Wouldnt it be more reasonable that the one fulfilling ose quaties is the leader even if she doesnt happen to have a penis?
Nw if you ask me, I dont believe in having a formal leader in a family. I think both parents must work it up as they can. Generally one of them ends up having the final word must of e cases, but that sometimes is the woman and sometimes the man.