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Ladies on the forum, do you consider yourself to be a feminist?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Can we agree that genders are differenciated by more than cosmetic qualities? Let's not pretend that the two are interchangeable apart from organs that hang off the body. We're talking about complimentary roles. And no one said women can't take roles of leadership, even in a family. We simply said the man has the final say assuming he is fulfilling his duties as a man.

There's an old thread of mine that I think you should read. At least the OP, anyhow:



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I can't speak for all of them, but I like an intellectual sparring partner who I'm confident can beat me at least 50% of the time, like Kilgore.

Oh wait, I forgot, only men are competitive. What am I even doing here?

My girlfriend beats me in Scrabble a bit more than half the time. I think it's hot. :D


My girlfriend beats me in Scrabble a bit more than half the time. I think it's hot. :D

I once got beaten in scrabble by a guy who not only doubled my score (unheard of - I'm very good) but did it using a theme, and the theme was relevant. Woo, seduce, and other such words. It was infuriating.


Mine is from an actual psychological evaluation. ^_^

My most reliable measure comes from standardized testing all students went through at school at the year intervals up to grade 12. That is a percentile rating, though, not an IQ score. I remember being wondering which question I messed up that I only got 99 until she explained what a percentile is. :D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I once got beaten in scrabble by a guy who not only doubled my score (unheard of - I'm very good) but did it using a theme, and the theme was relevant. Woo, seduce, and other such words. It was infuriating.
That's hot.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The mensa test is the one that matters

When I was working in Chicago, my secretary, Geri, was a member of one of the local Mensa chapters. She wanted me to join and her pitch was, "Mostly, what we do is rent a hotel room on Michigan Avenue for the weekend and then have an orgy." It was then that I decided they really were geniuses.


.45 Cal
My most reliable measure comes from standardized testing all students went through at school at the year intervals up to grade 12. That is a percentile rating, though, not an IQ score. I remember being wondering which question I messed up that I only got 99 until she explained what a percentile is. :D

that'd put you at around 135. not too shabby

Me Myself

Back to my username
Let's cut to the chase, in the secular arena, the case for male leadership must be based off of far more than scripture. We must invoke the authority of science if we are to make a case. Let's make this a discussion about the inherent differences between men and women. Ideally, these would be indisputable. I'll throw out a few differences that I believe there isn't much debate over. let's list characteristics irrespective of whether or not we personally see it as a factor in leadership. Also, let's keep in mind that no one is arguing about whether women are fit to be leaders, simply whether they are best equipped to be the CEO. Here are the fist few just to get the ball rolling.

men are more competitive
men use less words than women when expressing themselves
men are less emotional
women tend nuture

Okay, first lets pretend that those qualities are the beat all end all you need to be a leader. ( and I dont thhink they are but by far. But I ll run along with those as if)

What happens if the wife is more competitive, less emotional, less wordy and the man in e relationsip is e better one nurturing?

Do you think that it is posible that this happens in a relationship between a couple in the 7 000 000 of us in the planet? I think it would stand to reason that even if those qualities are generally filled by e male, many many many couples would exit right now where the woman is better on all those than the man. Lets say this happens only a 0.0002% of times . Of course I just made that number up, but I am sure the percentage of times it happens is way higher.

So what then? Wouldnt it be more reasonable that the one fulfilling ose quaties is the leader even if she doesnt happen to have a penis?

Nw if you ask me, I dont believe in having a formal leader in a family. I think both parents must work it up as they can. Generally one of them ends up having the final word must of e cases, but that sometimes is the woman and sometimes the man.


.45 Cal
Or higher. Those tests don't go above the 99th percentile. I also finished the test in half the allotted time and was the first to leave the gymnasium. By about twenty minutes. I thought I must have missed a page.

With all due respect, if you had to ask the teacher what a "percentile" was you couldn've been more than 12 years old. Based on how you conduct yourself you can't be younger than late 20's. Do you really remember that vividly the day you took a standardized test some 20 or so years ago?
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LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
With all due respect, if you had to ask the teacher what a "percentile" was you couldn've been more than 12 years old. Based on how you conduct yourself you can't be younger than late 20's. Do you really remember that vividly the day you took a standardized test some 20 or so years ago?

I don't see why not. Remembering that sort of stuff is easy. Remembering how to trisect an angle if you haven't done it for that long might be more difficult.


.45 Cal
I don't see why not. Remembering that sort of stuff is easy. Remembering how to trisect an angle if you haven't done it for that long might be more difficult.

It's certainly within the realm of possibility. I just find it peculiar. If she didn't even know what a percentile was she couldn've been old enough to have a real appreciation for the fact that she was taking a test which would influence her self-image. Who remembers ordinary days from their childhood that vividly?


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
It's certainly within the realm of possibility. I just find it peculiar. If she didn't even know what a percentile was she couldn've been old enough to have a real appreciation for the fact that she was taking a test which would influence her self-image. Who remembers ordinary days from their childhood that vividly?
I do. Don't you?


.45 Cal
I do. Don't you?

I remember when I was 12 I used to play soccer at recess. I can still picture the field we played on. I remember 2 or 3 kids who regularly played. I can't get more specific than that. I certainly don't remember any specific test days from elementary or middle school.

Me Myself

Back to my username
It's certainly within the realm of possibility. I just find it peculiar. If she didn't even know what a percentile was she couldn've been old enough to have a real appreciation for the fact that she was taking a test which would influence her self-image. Who remembers ordinary days from their childhood that vividly?

I remember some stuff from when I was in kinder . Mnd you, I dont remember my whole things that happened me then, but for some reason, some stuff just stuck. I remember being taking out some toys in kinder and wondering why there was no orange ranger, or "ant" ranger, or brown ranger.

I also remember attacking a random boy bigger than me because I was pretending that I was Batman and he was a bad guy :D (what? Taking it to someone my own size or smaller would be so not batman :p . Then again, I have always been e smallest )

I remember also form kinder a boy saying "poto!" (Butt) as if he had just said the most amazing thing in e world and then all the kids around him and him laughing nuts about it. I dont remember e words in my head about it, but I remember thinking he was an idiot for finding that funny.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
I remember when I was 12 I used to play soccer at recess. I can still picture the field we played on. I remember 2 or 3 kids who regularly played. I can't get more specific than that. I certainly don't remember any specific test days from elementary or middle school.

I remember from kinder a day when we were going to get vaccines. All in line and I was so brave. I comlained a lot of it itcng afterwards but was going out of my way to tell everyone it wasnt at big of a deal.

Mind you, to is day that is the bravest I ve been to needles under my skin, I can still remember how confident I felt and still compare it to how much of a whiner I feel like every time I gotta have blood extracted or something to my adult life :eek: . I have no idea what happened in between that made it so.

the needle did hurt more than the ******** say it would though!


With all due respect, if you had to ask the teacher what a "percentile" was you couldn've been more than 12 years old. Based on how you conduct yourself you can't be younger than late 20's. Do you really remember that vividly the day you took a standardized test some 20 or so years ago?

Yup, I remember the things I remember very vividly. I get such a high degree of accuracy by not bothering to remember most things, so there's lots of room. :D

Leaving the test, the odd looks I got from other students, waiting for almost half an hour for anyone else to finish with a growing, nagging worry that I'd missed a page fits in the category "awkward and embarrassing". It's like the time I tripped over my own feet in a drama festival in grade ten and fell flat on my face in front of dozens of other kids. Such memories are, sadly, enduring.

Anyway, I don't particularly care what alternative story you wish to believe. I'm not really into IQ ******* contests. I've spent my entire life cultivating behavior and a personality that others can sort of relate to, most of the time. That's what I'm into.