Jesus set me free!
It was requested by a Latter-day Saint on the Christians: I intend to watch Passion of the Christ tonight for the first time thread, that I start a new thread to discuss the LDS view of the Atonement of Christ.
According to what I've read, current LDS teaching is that the Atonement took place in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross.
Further the Atonement is considered payment for the Fall that occurred in the Garden of Eden and allows all mankind to be resurrected. In LDS teachings eternal life (not just everlasting life, but the right to spend eternity with Heavenly Father) is reserved for those who qualify by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the LDS gospel.
"3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel."
The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
My post was corrected by a member of the LDS church:
"It's not 'the laws and ordinances of the LDS gospel.' It's the laws and ordinances established by Jesus Christ. They are faith, repentence, baptism, and receiving the Holy Spirit. These are Bible-based teachings."
To which I responded:
I'm sorry that you're taking offence of my use of the term "LDS Gospel." Knowing that we do not hold the same beliefs and that LDS consider non-LDS churches apostate, I used the term to distinguish between our two teachings. The laws and ordinances of your church are considered established by Jesus Christ by some people, but if they would be considered such by all of us, there would be no churches outside of yours. When I post here, I am aware of the fact that both LDS and non-LDS are reading my posts. Are your laws and ordinances not LDS? Are non-LDS permitted to take out their endowments, participate in temple washings and annointings, be sealed for eternity to their spouses by one of your Melchizedek Priesthood holders? Is marriage for time and eternity not required for a person to enter God's glory and receive the fulness of salvation which is referred to as eternal life?
I would question whether LDS believe that a baptized Presbyterian who has faith in Christ can have the Gift of the Holy Ghost without the laying on of hands by an LDS priesthood holder. And can a baptized LDS who has received the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost be assured of exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom, without obedience to seeking out his ancestors and submitting their names for vicarious temple work, without paying a full tithe to the LDS church, without attending his meetings on a regular basis, without keeping the Word of Wisdom(dietary law), and without keeping his covenants that he makes in the LDS temple?
Where was I mistaken?
According to what I've read, current LDS teaching is that the Atonement took place in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross.
Further the Atonement is considered payment for the Fall that occurred in the Garden of Eden and allows all mankind to be resurrected. In LDS teachings eternal life (not just everlasting life, but the right to spend eternity with Heavenly Father) is reserved for those who qualify by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the LDS gospel.
"3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel."
The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
My post was corrected by a member of the LDS church:
"It's not 'the laws and ordinances of the LDS gospel.' It's the laws and ordinances established by Jesus Christ. They are faith, repentence, baptism, and receiving the Holy Spirit. These are Bible-based teachings."
To which I responded:
I'm sorry that you're taking offence of my use of the term "LDS Gospel." Knowing that we do not hold the same beliefs and that LDS consider non-LDS churches apostate, I used the term to distinguish between our two teachings. The laws and ordinances of your church are considered established by Jesus Christ by some people, but if they would be considered such by all of us, there would be no churches outside of yours. When I post here, I am aware of the fact that both LDS and non-LDS are reading my posts. Are your laws and ordinances not LDS? Are non-LDS permitted to take out their endowments, participate in temple washings and annointings, be sealed for eternity to their spouses by one of your Melchizedek Priesthood holders? Is marriage for time and eternity not required for a person to enter God's glory and receive the fulness of salvation which is referred to as eternal life?
I would question whether LDS believe that a baptized Presbyterian who has faith in Christ can have the Gift of the Holy Ghost without the laying on of hands by an LDS priesthood holder. And can a baptized LDS who has received the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost be assured of exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom, without obedience to seeking out his ancestors and submitting their names for vicarious temple work, without paying a full tithe to the LDS church, without attending his meetings on a regular basis, without keeping the Word of Wisdom(dietary law), and without keeping his covenants that he makes in the LDS temple?
Where was I mistaken?