As November approaches, certain LDS members should carefully consider their infatuation with the Republican party. Such consideration should include an analysis of the Democratic party, measuring its ideals to those professed by the Church. If an LDS member were to make such a comparison with an open mind, he or she would discover that the Democratic party is the right party for the Church. In short, the LDS member will discover that he or she should vote for Obama.
1. The Democratic Party is More Accepting of Diversity than the Republican Party.
In other threads, Jonny has done an excellent job of demonstrating the GOP's true feelings about Mormons. Despite the fact that Utah is the most red state in the Union, GOP leaders played the religion card to attack Romney when he was being considered first for president and then for vice president.
The GOP makes much of the fact that it has its first female vice presidential candidate in Sarah Palin. When did the Dems have their first? In the 1980s - perhaps before some of you were born.
When it comes to civil liberties, it has been the Dems in recent years who have pushed for equality for blacks, women, and (dare I say it) homosexuals.
Christ was accepting of diversity. He told parables about Samaritans. He protected sinners, such as the adulterous.
2. Abortion is not a Republican / Democrat issue - it is an issue of personal character.
Many point to abortion as their reason for being a Republican. First of all, the nation is bigger than this one issue. Second, pro-life Democrats exist. They walk the halls of Congress. To base one's party affiliation on this one issue is fall into the trap of the wedge issue - an issue designed to keep voters from truly uniting for what would best help them.
3. Democrats fight for the workers of America - the majority of citizens.
When the Church provides benefits to its struggling members does it give benefits directly to these members or to those above them, hoping the benefits will "trickle down"? Of course the Church gives it directly to the members! The Welfare Queen that Reagan spoke of is a myth. The working poor is a real class of people who need assistance. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Thousands of children IN THIS COUNTRY go to bed every night with hungry stomachs.
The Democrats have best responded to the needs of working America and they've done it without handouts. The Works Progress Administration and the Conservation Corps have put hundreds of thousands of people to work.
In short, Democrates have loved their neighbors and helped them when Republicans would rather buy new yachts and beach houses.
4. Democrats take better care of one of the greatest gifts God has ever given us: This Earth.
Republicans claim global warming is a myth and the increase in temperatures the result of a cyclical nature. Democrats recognize we have been trashing the earth - consuming resources and polluting nature. God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the Garden of Eden and, by extension, gave us dominion over this Earth.
I cringe when I hear Republicans launch attacks against movies such as Wall-E. They call it propaganda and talk of the movie's "agenda." My response: So What??? Why is it bad to teach that we should take care of this Earth? Why is it bad to teach we shouldn't trash the planet? Why is it bad to teach that we should move our butts rather than let machines do everything for us? Why? Obesity epidemic, anyone?
5. Democrats are willing to talk to our adversaries rather than covering their eyes and ears as they launch military attacks against our enemies.
There is a time and place for military action - however, current Republicans have taken the War on Terror to a whole other level. Diplomacy is out the window. We have infuriated our enemy and, what's worse, we have lost some friends.
President Hinkley was a great communicator - willing to accept the differences between groups of people. Likewise, the Democratic leaders have demonstrated a greater ability to communicate with those who are not like us (for that is the main reason we fight). They talk first - fight later. All the great empires have fallen and if we continue down the path of "might makes right" then we too shall fall.
This is just a hastily put together post. But I hope it demonstrates that the Democratic party is not some evil corruption that Church members should avoid. In fact, I hope it demonstrates a few ways that the Democratic party is actually more in tune with the Church than the Republican party.
As you approach the polls this November, remember that you've been disowned by the Republican party. The Mormon Church is the red-headed step-child of the GOP. Find the party that is more welcoming and accepting of your beliefs and the freedom to have them.
1. The Democratic Party is More Accepting of Diversity than the Republican Party.
In other threads, Jonny has done an excellent job of demonstrating the GOP's true feelings about Mormons. Despite the fact that Utah is the most red state in the Union, GOP leaders played the religion card to attack Romney when he was being considered first for president and then for vice president.
The GOP makes much of the fact that it has its first female vice presidential candidate in Sarah Palin. When did the Dems have their first? In the 1980s - perhaps before some of you were born.
When it comes to civil liberties, it has been the Dems in recent years who have pushed for equality for blacks, women, and (dare I say it) homosexuals.
Christ was accepting of diversity. He told parables about Samaritans. He protected sinners, such as the adulterous.
2. Abortion is not a Republican / Democrat issue - it is an issue of personal character.
Many point to abortion as their reason for being a Republican. First of all, the nation is bigger than this one issue. Second, pro-life Democrats exist. They walk the halls of Congress. To base one's party affiliation on this one issue is fall into the trap of the wedge issue - an issue designed to keep voters from truly uniting for what would best help them.
3. Democrats fight for the workers of America - the majority of citizens.
When the Church provides benefits to its struggling members does it give benefits directly to these members or to those above them, hoping the benefits will "trickle down"? Of course the Church gives it directly to the members! The Welfare Queen that Reagan spoke of is a myth. The working poor is a real class of people who need assistance. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Thousands of children IN THIS COUNTRY go to bed every night with hungry stomachs.
The Democrats have best responded to the needs of working America and they've done it without handouts. The Works Progress Administration and the Conservation Corps have put hundreds of thousands of people to work.
In short, Democrates have loved their neighbors and helped them when Republicans would rather buy new yachts and beach houses.
4. Democrats take better care of one of the greatest gifts God has ever given us: This Earth.
Republicans claim global warming is a myth and the increase in temperatures the result of a cyclical nature. Democrats recognize we have been trashing the earth - consuming resources and polluting nature. God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the Garden of Eden and, by extension, gave us dominion over this Earth.
I cringe when I hear Republicans launch attacks against movies such as Wall-E. They call it propaganda and talk of the movie's "agenda." My response: So What??? Why is it bad to teach that we should take care of this Earth? Why is it bad to teach we shouldn't trash the planet? Why is it bad to teach that we should move our butts rather than let machines do everything for us? Why? Obesity epidemic, anyone?
5. Democrats are willing to talk to our adversaries rather than covering their eyes and ears as they launch military attacks against our enemies.
There is a time and place for military action - however, current Republicans have taken the War on Terror to a whole other level. Diplomacy is out the window. We have infuriated our enemy and, what's worse, we have lost some friends.
President Hinkley was a great communicator - willing to accept the differences between groups of people. Likewise, the Democratic leaders have demonstrated a greater ability to communicate with those who are not like us (for that is the main reason we fight). They talk first - fight later. All the great empires have fallen and if we continue down the path of "might makes right" then we too shall fall.
This is just a hastily put together post. But I hope it demonstrates that the Democratic party is not some evil corruption that Church members should avoid. In fact, I hope it demonstrates a few ways that the Democratic party is actually more in tune with the Church than the Republican party.
As you approach the polls this November, remember that you've been disowned by the Republican party. The Mormon Church is the red-headed step-child of the GOP. Find the party that is more welcoming and accepting of your beliefs and the freedom to have them.