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LDS Only : Can our bodies be possessed by the devil and his followers?


Did you not even read what comprehend and I both provided. Several statements on how an evil spirit can possess the body. Even a quote by Joseph Smith, does that mean nothing to you? Several statements on how it can be possible, provided from a multitude of sources. What prophetical or otherwise commentary leads you to believe that they were just imbalances or seizures?

The fact that a spirit being able to posess a physical body would be contrary to God's words and teachings. I attribute the fact that prophets of old talked about peple being posessed as one of 2 things, Superstitious, or overexaggerating the point that these people are so full of sin that they are near impossible to pull out of it.


Veteran Member
Well, you know what? I'm just going to live my life in such a fashion that i will be able to use the power of the priesthood to keep satan out of my life and out of my home.
Christ's disciples did the same, by excercising the authority Christ gave them, but were unable to cast a certain demon out, the one which most think was just a seizure, where the young man or boy was cast down to the ground and shook violently by a demon. This was not a seizure and Christ rebuked the people, saying, "Oh faithless and perverse generation, how long am I to remain/be with you ???"

Then he went on to say, It's only by prayer and fasting that certain demons can be cast out...

Someone needs to pull up that scripture...


Whenever I feel the slightests presence of something that i know is not of our heavenly father, or is one of satan's followers, I pray to my heavenly father to send his angels to reside in my home or where i am at. And i have felt the presence of his angels protecting me, It felt as if they stood guard about me and pushed away the evil presences. one of the most amazing feelings ever. one time when i was sitting in a Roman Catholic mass with my Wife and her family ( i go with them to be polite and respectful of thier family, and maybe they'll come to chruch with me one sunday, but the whole time i'm there i'm reading the Book of Mormon, and i have to pray to be comforted because of the presences i feel sitting there.)


Veteran Member
Actually I need to correct myself the scriptures do refer to the disease as "palsey," but it was accompanied by a demon...


Veteran Member
Whenever I feel the slightests presence of something that i know is not of our heavenly father, or is one of satan's followers, I pray to my heavenly father to send his angels to reside in my home or where i am at. And i have felt the presence of his angels protecting me, It felt as if they stood guard about me and pushed away the evil presences.
Yes, in most cases, but in extreme cases fasting is also required, for instance if one want to be healed miraculously of a persitant disease or be free from a certain sin, which may have caused a demon possession.


Actually I need to correct myself the scriptures do refer to the disease as "palsey," but it was accompanied by a demon...
Little children and people with severe handicaps are protected by the lrod and saved in the celestial kingdom, I have seen many handicapped people, severely mentally disabled, Look at me and just stare at me, and i can feel the spirit of the Lord in thier penetrating glances, I feel as if they can look straight into my soul and see who i really am. certainly these people with handicaps could never be "possessed", same thing as little children before the age of accountability.


Veteran Member
The fact that a spirit being able to posess a physical body would be contrary to God's words and teachings. I attribute the fact that prophets of old talked about peple being posessed as one of 2 things, Superstitious, or overexaggerating the point that these people are so full of sin that they are near impossible to pull out of it.
So can you explain the whole legion of demonic angels found in one man, which Jesus cast into a herd of pigs ???

Legion = 1,000


Yes, in most cases, but in extreme cases fasting is also required, for instance if one want to be healed miraculously of a persitant disease or be free from a certain sin, which may have caused a demon possession.

I have been near the depths of unforgivable sins. I was so deep in sin before i started going back to church. Yet, i was never posessed. I recieved forgiveness, I turned my life around after 7 years of laciviousness and i never became "posessed" and my old "habits" are gone from my life, stopped completely.


So can you explain the whole legion of demonic angels found in one man, which Jesus cast into a herd of pigs ???

Legion = 1,000

I have read that story and I don't know how to explain it exactly. but i think alot of it had to do with superstitions. That isn't even widely recognized as one of the miracles of Jesus' ministry. or not so widely talked abotu anyways. we certainly don't emphasize it in the LDS church.


Veteran Member
The fact that a spirit being able to posess a physical body would be contrary to God's words and teachings. I attribute the fact that prophets of old talked about peple being posessed as one of 2 things, Superstitious, or overexaggerating the point that these people are so full of sin that they are near impossible to pull out of it.

The problem is, this isn't 'prophets of old' talking about, there are several instances (which both myself and comprehend has provided) that come from prophets and apostles in this dispensation, will you so easily throw that away? Joseph Smith has given evidence as did Brigham Young and Comprehend provided more evidence from other leaders. Please, before you go any farther, please read what we have provided and then try to say it doesn't happen -- from what I can tell you have neither read or glanced at the examples we have provided.


Veteran Member
Another example found in the Bible Dictionary of every LDS Bible out there

Bible Dictionary said:
.....Since the devil and his premortal angels have no physical body of flesh and bones, they often seek to possess the bodies of mortal beings. There are many instance recorded in scripture.......

Such can be evicted by the power of faith in Jesus Christ and the exercise of the holy priesthood. Jesus gave this power to his disciples.

(pg. 656, right hand column)

What does that mean to you MH?


Veteran Member
Little children and people with severe handicaps are protected by the lrod and saved in the celestial kingdom, I have seen many handicapped people, severely mentally disabled, Look at me and just stare at me, and i can feel the spirit of the Lord in thier penetrating glances, I feel as if they can look straight into my soul and see who i really am. certainly these people with handicaps could never be "possessed", same thing as little children before the age of accountability.
Yes, the mentally handicapped are innocent and cannot be possessed.


The problem is, this isn't 'prophets of old' talking about, there are several instances (which both myself and comprehend has provided) that come from prophets and apostles in this dispensation, will you so easily throw that away? Joseph Smith has given evidence as did Brigham Young and Comprehend provided more evidence from other leaders. Please, before you go any farther, please read what we have provided and then try to say it doesn't happen -- from what I can tell you have neither read or glanced at the examples we have provided.

Nah, i don't feel like reading it right now. because in reality, it doesn't matter what you think or what i think about this subject... it has no gravity on our salvation...

Oh... i now a good refrence for you, watch the movie The Crucible and you'll see exactly what i'm talking about. superstitious people from this dispensation, that go crazy over some little girl who feels dumb and wants attention who acts posessed. Evil spirits cannot, and will not take over human bodies and control them physically. all they can do is stand behind and persuade.


Veteran Member
Oh wait, my bad, I'm thinking of another instance, the man with the palsy was not demon possessed it was another instance in scripture I was thinking of where the young man was thrown to the ground by a demon who shook him...

Let me pull it up...


Another example found in the Bible Dictionary of every LDS Bible out there

What does that mean to you MH?

Yes, they SEEK to posess bodies because they knwo they can never have one, of course they do. but they can never have one, they "kept not thier first estate" Of course there are recorded them "seeking" to posess a body, but all they can do is live vicariously by getting you to do what they want you to.


Veteran Member
Nah, i don't feel like reading it right now.

Then your statement has not authority on the subject as both myself and comprehend has provided several excellent references on the fact that one can be possessed and that by the power of the holy priesthood a demon can be expelled. Why you choose not to read it and actually see what the prophets have said is beyond me.

because in reality, it doesn't matter what you think or what i think about this subject... it has no gravity on our salvation...

On the contrary, it is very important. If we allow ourselves to become possessed then there is a very large problem and if we allow it to go on, then I believe it has a great effect on our salvation. Think about it, if you become possessed and you start breaking all the covenants that you have made, what happens to your salvation? It have much more gravity on our salvation then you can grasp.

Oh... i now a good refrence for you, watch the movie The Crucible and you'll see exactly what i'm talking about. superstitious people from this dispensation, that go crazy over some little girl who feels dumb and wants attention who acts posessed. Evil spirits cannot, and will not take over human bodies and control them physically. all they can do is stand behind and persuade.

The Crucible is a very good book meant to parallel the McCarthy era of Communist hunters during the 1950's. Arthur Miller was writing about a current situation and relating it to one that has happened in the past. If you expect me to read what you write, then I expect you to take a look at the prophet's statements on the matter.


Yes, they SEEK to posess bodies because they knwo they can never have one, of course they do. but they can never have one, they "kept not thier first estate" Of course there are recorded them "seeking" to posess a body, but all they can do is live vicariously by getting you to do what they want you to.

From that same quote that Beckysoup posted

Such can be evicted by the power of faith in Jesus Christ and the exercise of the holy priesthood. Jesus gave this power to his disciples.

"Evict" is the keyword there. It has a very specific meaning.


Veteran Member
Yes, they SEEK to posess bodies because they knwo they can never have one, of course they do. but they can never have one, they "kept not thier first estate" Of course there are recorded them "seeking" to posess a body, but all they can do is live vicariously by getting you to do what they want you to.

You missed a part, or choose to selectively ignore it.

Bible Dictionary said:
Such can be evicted by the power of faith in Jesus Christ and the exercise of the holy priesthood. Jesus gave this power to his disciples.

Such can be evicted means that there can be a removal of that possession. It shows that they can be there in the first place. You are making yourself look foolish by continuing to ignore what the scripture and the prophet and apostles have stated.

You still have not come up with a prophetical/apostolic statement that it was just chemical imbalance and/or seizures. If you could present that statement, I'm sure this discussion could be over in a matter of posts.


Veteran Member
This is the one I was thinking of...

Mark 9

17 And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit;

18 And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not.

19 He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.

20 And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming.

21 And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child.

22 And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us.

23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

25 When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.

26 And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead.

27 But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose.

28 And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?

29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.


From that same quote that Beckysoup posted

"Evict" is the keyword there. It has a very specific meaning.

Evict -
To expel (a person, esp. a tenant) from land, a building, etc.
To force out; eject.
To cause one to leave by force.

It has a broad defninition.