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Learn how to diferenciate between MYTH and LEGEND

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I wanted to give that a Funny, but I did not want to get in trouble with the staff. ;)
It is Funny because it is so illogical, but sadly, Christians cannot understand WHY it is illogical.
Since it is not aimed at anyone in particular it may be an appropriate place to use it. What is banned I think when someone uses if for "I am laughing at you" instead of "I am laughing with you".

And I agree, it is incredibly illogical, but I have also heard it far too many times.


Veteran Member
Since it is not aimed at anyone in particular it may be an appropriate place to use it. What is banned I think when someone uses if for "I am laughing at you" instead of "I am laughing with you".
But unless I can be sure you were laughing I cannot know if I would be laughing with you. ;)


Veteran Member
Only if you assume you deserve to have 'the evidence'.

That has nothing to do with the point made.
When you do something and then go out of your way to erase the evidence of having done it and on top of that even plant false evidence to make it seems as if the opposite occured, then you are being deceptive. It is that simple.

What you forget is that you have no idea why you exist at all.

This also has nothing at all to do with the point made.

So you can't really say what information God should let you have and what not.

But I can most certainly look at the concept of going out of your way to cover up your actions and even plant false evidence to trick people into believing it never happened, and conclude that it is nothing short of deceptive.

So if the claim is that that is what god did, then god acted deceptively.
It is that simple.

Maybe your not knowing the whole truth of things is an important aspect of why you exist as a human.

And maybe you will grasp at any straw and excuse to avoid having to draw the obvious conclusion.


Veteran Member
I think you are seriously underestimating the human capacity to rationalize. It has been my experience in life that human beings notoriously cling on to their ideas as true in the face of evidence to the contrary. I believe there is even a name for the phenomena, but it slips me at the moment. In such cases, you can make a great argument for self-deception. But you really can't make a good argument for outright lying. IOW, yes, despite ALL of the evidence against creationism, they FULLY are convinced in their minds that:
1. Genesis 1 is historical
2. That they are the ones being the "true" scientists.

Anyhow, keep up the good work. Not every person is incapable of hearing good arguments. I used to be a firmly convinced creationist, and was able to hear the evidence, and change my views. So do it for all the lurkers out there who can hear what you have to say. :)
Ow don't get me wrong. I'm happy to acknowledge that likely they idd do believe what they claim to believe.
However, they sure don't mind lying to make their case. That's exactly what they do - and they are well aware of it.

They have no problem at all acting dishonestly and deceptively to try and make their religious beliefs pass as scientific.
It's right there black on white in the wedge document that that is their tactic. Don't forget that this document was leaked. It was never inended for the public.

The term cdesign proponentsists is another piece of smoking gun evidence for their dishonesty. Creationism was seen as religious and not scientific and the goal was to get their biblical beliefs in science class to displace evolution - or at least make it seem as "just as valid". But they had to "cover up" the creationist bit. So they rebranded it "intelligent design" specifically for the purpose of pretending that it wasn't just "plain old creationism", as detailed in the wedge document.

That they then went through a creationist book and copy pasted "creationist" with "design proponent" shows that their ID nonsense is not some new idea, but merely a rebrand of the same old nonsense.

I call it "lying for jesus".

They've been caught red-handed.


Veteran Member
That has nothing to do with the point made.
When you do something and then go out of your way to erase the evidence of having done it and on top of that even plant false evidence to make it seems as if the opposite occured, then you are being deceptive. It is that simple.
But you are posting all of this to imply that deception is wrong or bad, and therefor any god that would do this is also wrong or bad. Aren't you. But that presumption is based entirely on the fact that you think you deserve not to be deceived. And yet you can't possibly know this.
This also has nothing at all to do with the point made.
It shows that the point you made is both unfounded and selfish.
But I can most certainly look at the concept of going out of your way to cover up your actions and even plant false evidence to trick people into believing it never happened, and conclude that it is nothing short of deceptive.
You can conclude whatever you want. What you can't do is prove that the deception is wrong or bad.
So if the claim is that that is what god did, then god acted deceptively.
It is that simple.
Yes, you keep repeating this over and over, because you think it somehow condemns God. But you only think that because you think you deserve not to be deceived. You think you have the right to judge and condemn God for being deceptive. But your point here falls flat with creationists because they do not place themselves in a position of thinking that they have a right to judge God. So your 'clever condemnation' has no sway with them. And you aren't clever enough to understand why, so you just presume them to be willful idiots. Right?
And maybe you will grasp at any straw and excuse to avoid having to draw the obvious conclusion.
I have no stake in any of this nonsense. Creationists can believe whatever they want about God, and so can you. I'm just explaining to you why your arguments have no sway over most theists.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Ow don't get me wrong. I'm happy to acknowledge that likely they idd do believe what they claim to believe.
However, they sure don't mind lying to make their case. That's exactly what they do - and they are well aware of it.
I think we are simply going to have to disagree about this, Tag. I think you are assuming conscious deception when in fact that is not what is happening. What I see is simply irrationality. Perhaps I've just spent so much of my time as a counselor trying to help people sort through their harmful rationalizations and defense mechanisms that I just automatically view human behavior through that lens. But I do think it is important to be extremely slow to accuse someone of consciously lying.


Veteran Member
I think we are simply going to have to disagree about this, Tag. I think you are assuming conscious deception when in fact that is not what is happening. What I see is simply irrationality. Perhaps I've just spent so much of my time as a counselor trying to help people sort through their harmful rationalizations and defense mechanisms that I just automatically view human behavior through that lens. But I do think it is important to be extremely slow to accuse someone of consciously lying.
I'm probably the biggest fan of Hanlon's Razor here but some of the lies of the professional creationists can't be adequately explained by stupidity. They have been taught about evolutionary biology numerous times in debates. They may not have understood what they were taught but that doesn't excuse the constant misrepresentation of the science. They do know better but they also know that their audience doesn't and that they can sell their lies to them.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
but some of the lies of the professional creationists can't be adequately explained by stupidity.
Keep in mind that some people sincerely believe things like that Hillary Clinton is a reptilian shapeshifter or that Democrats run a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor. Human beings are PHENOMENALLY irrational.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Atheists use the word "myth" to insult religious beliefs. Most of the time they don't use properly that term because they are ignorant of what a myth is.
It's sounds like you're ignorant of what a myth is, who uses the word, and when and why. In general, a myth is pure speculation, whereas a legend has some basis in fact with embellishment added.
Adam is a person included in a genealogical tree of real characters. The story of Adam and Eve may be called a "legend" by atheists, but NOT a myth. And here again: "Learn how to differentiate between myth and legend"
The story of Adam and Eve is a myth - the garden myth - and not a legend. It has no basis in fact or history. Like the creation myth and the flood myth, they are free speculations intended to account for what was understood to be a world created and run by a tri-omni god. The Adam and Eve myth is an explanation for why man doesn't live in a paradise despite a benevolent god that loves him and has the power to give it to him. He doesn't deserve it. The creation myth tries to explain how the world - the heavens and earth, light and life - came into being. And it's my opinion that the flood myth exists to account for marine fossils on mountaintops. The MUST have been a global flood, but that would have drowned everything, and that would have been malevolent unless, of course, as usual, man deserved it, and so, that's the narrative. But man is still here, hence the ark.

And yes, these stories can then serve as a unifying factor in a culture, and stimulate one to contemplate reality and seek meaning there, but that's not why the stories were written. People don't write stories like that for that purpose.
Some atheists used to say the character "David" in the Bible was a legend.
Some of the stories of David are likely legendary (fiction), just as some of the George Washington story is likely fiction (the cherry tree and "I cannot tell a lie"). I doubt that David slew a giant or wrote the psalms. But until evidence of a historical David was uncovered, it was reasonable to include him with Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses - biblical characters that may have had no basis in history. We know that Moses never led an exodus from Egyptian captivity to "the promised land," because that never happened.
Some, less aggressive, will realize that believers are reasonable people.
Valid reasoning has nothing to do with holding a god belief. There is no sound, rational argument that ends, "therefore God." It may be reasonable to hold a belief because it comforts you, but that doesn't make what is believed rational.


Veteran Member
Keep in mind that some people sincerely believe things like that Hillary Clinton is a reptilian shapeshifter or that Democrats run a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor. Human beings are PHENOMENALLY irrational.
I know and I kept that in mind. And for most of the rank and file of the creationists that is explanation enough. They are the deceived. But you can't tell me that the deceivers, the Hovinds, Ken Ham and every PhD working for the DI are too stupid to truthfully represent the ToE after having been corrected about their straw men dozens of times.
I give you that they might believe what they are telling about the Bible stories but when it comes to science, they strait up lie to "debunk" it because they couldn't if they gave a truthful representation.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I know and I kept that in mind. And for most of the rank and file of the creationists that is explanation enough. They are the deceived. But you can't tell me that the deceivers, the Hovinds, Ken Ham and every PhD working for the DI are too stupid to truthfully represent the ToE after having been corrected about their straw men dozens of times.
I give you that they might believe what they are telling about the Bible stories but when it comes to science, they strait up lie to "debunk" it because they couldn't if they gave a truthful representation.
I think that Kent Hovind is seriously deranged. In the same way that Donald Trump is. He does not care about reality, he only cares about getting his way.


Veteran Member
And it's my opinion that the flood myth exists to account for marine fossils on mountaintops. The MUST have been a global flood, but that would have drowned everything, and that would have been malevolent unless, of course, as usual, man deserved it, and so, that's the narrative. But man is still here, hence the ark.
As @al_berk pointed out the flood story is probably legendary, at least the original Mesopotamian one in the Bhagavad Gita. The Biblical story is a retelling of that story with changed characters and further embellishment. The legend of Utnapishtim (Atra-Hasis in the Akkadian version) is unrecognisable at that time but a kernel of reality is possible.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
As @al_berk pointed out the flood story is probably legendary, at least the original Mesopotamian one in the Bhagavad Gita. The Biblical story is a retelling of that story with changed characters and further embellishment. The legend of Utnapishtim (Atra-Hasis in the Akkadian version) is unrecognisable at that time but a kernel of reality is possible.
Certainly floods occurred, but I don't see them as grounds for writing that story. Those floods didn't threaten extinction, but the story includes a near extinction event.

Also, the story is extremely unflattering to the alleged deity. It makes the moral error of blaming its creation for what it created, and punishing it. It contains the moral error of not simply downloading new software into mankind, but rather, using lethal force.

It made the moral error of killing in a particularly cruel way.

And it made the moral error of including the beasts in this near extinction even. And to top it off, it depicts the deity as using the same breeding stock to repopulate the earth, an intellectual error.

Why does one write such a story except to explain something like high altitude marine fossils? Surely they had been to the mountaintops and found marine fossils. Try to explain that in some other way. What other story is possible given a belief in a tri-omni god? But any other story and no story at all make more sense for the kinds of floods people actually experienced. What do you think about this argument?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
It's sounds like you're ignorant of what a myth is, who uses the word, and when and why. In general, a myth is pure speculation, whereas a legend has some basis in fact with embellishment added.
Somehow saying that a myth like the Lord of the Rings, or How Zebras got their Stripes, is "speculation" seems off. I think people know up front that these stories are fiction


Veteran Member
Somehow saying that a myth like the Lord of the Rings, or How Zebras got their Stripes, is "speculation" seems off. I think people know up front that these stories are fiction
You'd be surprised what fairy tales people believe that they should know are just that: fairy tales. I knew what were real(istic) stories and what were fairy tales from about 5 years old. Fairy tales have talking animals, heroes with extraordinary abilities, magic and they are told in a funny language. I was surprised when I learned that people believed the fairy tales.


Veteran Member
Certainly floods occurred, but I don't see them as grounds for writing that story. Those floods didn't threaten extinction, but the story includes a near extinction event.

Also, the story is extremely unflattering to the alleged deity. It makes the moral error of blaming its creation for what it created, and punishing it. It contains the moral error of not simply downloading new software into mankind, but rather, using lethal force.

It made the moral error of killing in a particularly cruel way.

And it made the moral error of including the beasts in this near extinction even. And to top it off, it depicts the deity as using the same breeding stock to repopulate the earth, an intellectual error.

Why does one write such a story except to explain something like high altitude marine fossils? Surely they had been to the mountaintops and found marine fossils. Try to explain that in some other way. What other story is possible given a belief in a tri-omni god? But any other story and no story at all make more sense for the kinds of floods people actually experienced. What do you think about this argument?
I don't think that people in the bronze age asked where fossils come from. First human, language, that are things that need answers but rocks that are formed like animals?
Floods happen, sometimes people survive a flood on a raft. That's the kernel of truth. Embellish that story, change the protagonist when appropriating from another culture and you've got yourself a fine legend. The fact that it's appropriated is also a hint at a legend. If it were an explanation for fossils, it would have a sentence like "and that is how what got marine fossils on mountains" in it - and it would include an explanation why and how the animals were turned into stone.
But that is all speculation as we probably don't even know how old the story is and who told it first and why. Maybe it was an explanation why people build rafts, even far away from streams.


Veteran Member
I think you are assuming conscious deception when in fact that is not what is happening.

Sorry, no. This is not an opinion.
They wanted their religious beliefs (creationism) in science class.
Creationism had been exposed as religion and not science. So they knew they wouldn't succeed under the umbrella of "creationism".
So they rebranded it "intelligent design" just to be able to say that it's not "plain old creationism".
And then they go through a creationism book and simply use the "find and replace" function to change every reference of "creationist" to "design proponent". An error then results in the hilarious term of "cdesign proponentsists".

They did this to then say "it's not creationism, it's intelligent design. Creationism is simple religion, intelligent design is a sophisticated scientific idea!!!"

But when you simply rebrand a book changing ONLY "creationist" to "design proponent" and leaving everything else as-is, only to be able to say "it's not creationism!!!", then you are deliberatly lying.

There's no way around that.

That is literally engaging in dishonest tactics to be able to uphold your lie that ID is something "other" then plain old creationism.

It's "lying for jesus", plain and simple.

The wedge document then further confirms this dishonest strategy, where it literally is said black on white what the goals are.

What I see is simply irrationality. Perhaps I've just spent so much of my time as a counselor trying to help people sort through their harmful rationalizations and defense mechanisms that I just automatically view human behavior through that lens. But I do think it is important to be extremely slow to accuse someone of consciously lying.

The accusation at their address of lying is not "fast" nor baseless.
It is based on vast research and evidence that lying is exactly what they do.

Perhaps for the purpose to help a cause that they really honestly believe, sure....
But the tactics employed to achieve their goals most definitely have been shown to be dishonest.