LOL! I can throw out philosophical names, terms, and concepts on the forum with ease, but I have to look up this "mansplaining." I wish my earlier views on feminism wouldn't have been so jaded, so I could know much more about it. But then again, I wish many of my earlier views on a lot of things weren't so jaded (hardcore conservative Southern Baptist church can do that to people) so I could have taken steps and learned more about a lot of things, rather than seeing it as useless or evil Devil knowledge.
LOL "mansplaining" is the phenomenon of when men tell women how life really is for women, rather than actually listening to what women describe and letting go of their own life experiences as men.
One instance is when street harassment is brought up as a problem that must be solved, since women describe the feeling of being threatened when being harassed. "Mansplaining" occurs when men tell women that women actually
enjoy the attention, otherwise they wouldn't wear _____.
Or that when women are battered, that it isn't
actually abusive, especially if she had been giving an attitude, or nagging, or not giving him enough attention, so what else did she expect except for him to show a little anger? But, no, lady....
that isn't abusive. It was just a push.
Or bring up the wage gap...."Nope. Doesn't exist."
Or bring up Rape Culture...."Nope. Women just being man-hating overreactors as usual. Men don't rape, so get that out of your head."
Or bring up domestic violence. Or less female representation in government. Or the problem of an all-male panel on reproductive rights. Mansplainers say: "Nope. Nope. Nope. All in your head. You're wrong. Here's why. Now shut your mouth and stop whining and take some responsibility for your life."
It's a consistent mix of denial by men of what women experience.....
because they don't see it and they're not convinced it exists.
How about we civily crush the egg shells rather than tip toe on them? Those who favor civil unions do obviously have sensibilities, but so do those homosexuals who want to get married and who also know that "separate but equal" has already been ruled unconstitutional. Civil unions placate the sensibilities of the group in power while ignoring the sensibilities of the minority. So let us be civil towards one another while smashing the egg shells of placaticity. Not all feelings can be spared, and disadvantaged groups should not be expected to bear the disadvantages any further while the the advantaged benefit from the disadvantage. Some people it may totally devastate to learn that they did get that job because they are white. Others may see it as a great injustice, even against themselves as a beneficiary. The important thing is though, is all positive social change has involved tossing grenades into fields of egg shells. Women's suffrage, MLK Jr., Stonewall riots, Gandhi and Indian rights, where would they have been now had things been tailored around the frail and fragile egos of those on top? They were indeed mostly and widely civil, but the goals were never to custom tailor results around the privileged in a way that intentionally leaves the disadvantaged still at a disadvantaged. Ultimate goals may never be reached, but how absurd would have been if women's suffrage was intentionally designed to only include property owning women to coddle to needs and concerns of men in power who didn't want women to vote at all?
*standing ovation*