"Privilege" is a concept which can raise awareness, but it is also used to castigate (as happened to Mystic). It's unnecessary for calling attention to disadvantaged groups. As for men v women....you'll have a hard time convincing me that one or the other is relatively "privileged" overall. I say it's better to focus upon systemic injustices worked against each on a case by case basis. POS (Privilege Obsession Syndrome) smacks too much of assigning rank to victimhood status.That's not the idea of "privilege," though. The whole idea isn't to make people feel guilty, but to bring awareness of the common struggles faced be lesser privileged members of society. Yes, it can be very broad, as I could go on about the extroverted privilege in society, because natural introverts are put into an unfavorable position in our society, but it's breadth doesn't matter. It is the bringing awareness of these unique challenges that does, and working to not take away privilege but to add equality by bringing awareness of the privileges of the majority/dominant class. It's not about reducing the privilege of men to speak and be heard, but giving women a more fair chance of being heard themselves.