The top 1% pay 40% of the total USA income tax.
The anti-Wall St protestors protested about this 'one percent' but are ignorant of the
start paying more.
I recommend a 90% flat income tax rate for all Americans to pay for the poor around
the world.
Hypothetically pile all food of the poor and middle class into a huge box. The poor cannot afford food. So, we give the poor money to afford food. Now the poor can buy the food, but the middle class cannot.
The trick is to make more food (not shove money back and forth), so that everyone can eat.
By funding the poor, we are defunding the middle class.
Some say that there is a Zero Sum Fallacy (which means that if we give to one, we must take away from another). That is a fallacy only if we don't manufacture and distribute more food.
There was a pervasive theory in economics following the Great Depression of 1929, that the cause was overproduction. Consequently, dairies would dump milk to drive the price up. This decreased food to the poor.
During the depression, there were a lot of homeless people (as there are today), and there were plenty of empty houses. Apparently the owners of the houses felt that the houses would undergo more damage than the cost of rent would cover if they dropped the price of rent.
My idea of economics is about distribution, not throwing money at the poor. We should make sure that enough is manufactured to distribute to all, make sure that no farmer dumps their produce to drive prices up, the government should insure crops so that if a hurricane hits one farm, all farms sustain a slight loss rather than one farmer sustaining the entire loss. Farm subsidies (pays rich people not to farm land that they own, and some of that land could not grow crops) should be removed. The government should insure crops only if the farmers follow government guidelines about which crops to plant. Crop rotation is necessary to keep soil fertile (beans should be planted every other year to put nitrogen into the soil with nitrogen fixating legumes), and the Department of Agriculture should offer free soil analyses to recommend soil amendments, irrigation procedures, etc.
Recently, it has been found that plowing soil disrupts it, robs the soil of vital nutrients, and washes nutrients down drainage channels. An alternative is to plant in unplowed soil. The soil must be fertilized with composted plant matter from the last crop. Sadly, natural pest control doesn't work, so modern pest chemicals must be employed. Furthermore, hybrid plants can be grown to fend off diseases and bugs.