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Let us take a vote.


Please put your name here if you were fortunate enough to be born into the RIGHT religion, by RIGHT, I mean the TRUE, the ONLY.
I expect only one religion to be put forward, and that is mine.

My tongue is firmly in my cheek, but it might make you think a little.


Active Member
If their is a one True religion, which i believe their is, why wouldnt some people have parents that believe it?


Oldest Heretic
One true GOD.
Is not the same as one true religion.

I do not believe in one true religion.
I chose to worship God with fellow members of my chosen Religion.
That religion, " the Church of England" Is not perfect,
I do not believe all the 39 articles Of the Church Of England.
That makes me a heretic.

I am quite happy to attend worship with all other liberal Christians.
The "Religion" or "denomination" is not the important factor,
It is the Love of God and the Teachings of Christ.

Amen! Truly I say to you: Gather in my name. I am with you.


Well-Known Member
shytot said:
Please put your name here if you were fortunate enough to be born into the RIGHT religion, by RIGHT, I mean the TRUE, the ONLY.
I expect only one religion to be put forward, and that is mine.

My tongue is firmly in my cheek, but it might make you think a little.
This question is moot none of us really know 0.0


Mother Heathen
I'm not defined by my religions, per se but my faith in Christ.

And I'm very thankful for my mother...her prayers...her guidance...

However...I came to Christ...in adulthood...not childhood.


Veteran Member
I wasn't 'born' into any religion. My whole family is pretty much agnostic. I was interested as a teen in God and went searching. To me, Christianity fit the truth I was looking for. But, each person has to find their own path. You can't force someone to think your way is the one true way. They find it alone.


Veteran Member
I believe I was born into a family that belongeded(spelling?) to the Only True Church on the earth, but, I wish I wasn't. I wish I could have found it otherwise.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
I was lucky to be born and raised without the concept of "one true church". The idea (in my opinion) is absolutely rediculous.


Active Member
shytot said:
Please put your name here if you were fortunate enough to be born into the RIGHT religion, by RIGHT, I mean the TRUE, the ONLY.
I expect only one religion to be put forward, and that is mine.

My tongue is firmly in my cheek, but it might make you think a little.
Ushta shyto

Well I cannot speak for other religions, but the concept of exclusivity is not absolutely a must. We, Zoroastrians, believe that religions are attempts by mortals to perceive how God is and must be to be God, and what His/Her plan ,and purpose for creation is.

Moreover, we believe that, God His/Her existence and will are not so much the result of revelation but that S/He is first discovered and then S/He comunicates what His/Her purposes are. Man is however the means and, thus, there can be better perceptions of God than others. But we do not claim any religion , including ours, as the only right one. We do declare in the words of our confession of faith that: " ... the Good Religion is, of all religions that were, are, or will be, the best, greatest and sublimest, but its a matter of degree not of excluding others from being right.:bow:

Ushta Te


Active Member
Ushta to my LDS friends

There are more than 6 Billion people on earth and how many mormons? There were prophets on the planet 5000 plus years ago, so why , did God take all this time to reveal his one true religion and how come he is basically punishing over 6 Billion because they are not Mormons?

Get real!


Well-Known Member
ashai said:
Ushta shyto

Well I cannot speak for other religions, but the concept of exclusivity is not absolutely a must. We, Zoroastrians, believe that religions are attempts by mortals to perceive how God is and must be to be God, and what His/Her plan ,and purpose for creation is.

Moreover, we believe that, God His/Her existence and will are not so much the result of revelation but that S/He is first discovered and then S/He comunicates what His/Her purposes are. Man is however the means and, thus, there can be better perceptions of God than others. But we do not claim any religion , including ours, as the only right one. We do declare in the words of our confession of faith that: " ... the Good Religion is, of all religions that were, are, or will be, the best, greatest and sublimest, but its a matter of degree not of excluding others from being right.:bow:
Ushta Te
I was born into a true religion - Christianity. later I became a Baha`i which is also the religion of God. I was never a Muslim, though that too, is the religion of God, nor Zoroastrian - the religion of God, nor a Buddhist also the religion of God, nor a Jew, though that is the religion of God. I am not nor have I ever been a Hindu, which is the religion of God.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What I was born into, a baptist family, didn't work for me, but I found the "one true" religion that works for me.
I find the idea of "one true religion" to be highly dogmatic, and a phrase that can only come from a greedy, power-thirsty politician.


Terrible Dancer
Master Vigil said:
I was lucky to be born and raised without the concept of "one true church". The idea (in my opinion) is absolutely rediculous.
I certainly agree with those sentiments. I also was lucky enough to be raised without that concept, and was fortunate that I had the opportunity to seek my own spiritual path rather than being railroaded into someone else's as a child. Yay agnostic upbringing!

After that, I was given a spiritual shove in the right direction and tripped over a religion that works very nicely for me.

And here I thought this was going to be one of those "we're all born atheists" threads. :D
Why limit the question to those who were "born" into a religion? Many of us find religion through yearning, questioning, researching, pondering, thinking. The search for spirituality is a life-long endeavour for some. I believe it is naive to think there is a single "true" religion. God speaks to us in many ways, in whatever literal or symbolic language we understand.


See, we can all get along together, I think it's wonderful so many peoples religions, faiths
and creeds are there for everyone to see, to believe or not believe, it is your choice, there
must be a religion for every way of thinking there is, and when you have selected the one
you want, you will know for sure that you have picked the right one, (presuming of coarse
you are free to choose, because after all, it is a personal choice, it is your future we are
talking about, no one else's, you will leave this earth on your own, the darkness will
descend and you will go out on your own, it makes no difference what other people believe,
it is all down to you.)
As for myself, I am just one of Billion and Billions, that have come and gone, and will continue
to come and go for as long as the earth stays put in the same place.
(Not counting meteorites of coarse)


Ammon is awesome
ashai said:
Ushta to my LDS friends

There are more than 6 Billion people on earth and how many mormons? There were prophets on the planet 5000 plus years ago, so why , did God take all this time to reveal his one true religion and how come he is basically punishing over 6 Billion because they are not Mormons?

Get real!
His one true religion was on the Earth 5000 years ago. It wasn't the fulness of the Gospel, because at that time they were still practicing the Law of Moses. There are, at least, seven dispensations of the Gospel. Each dispensation had its own purpose. I won't get into that now, but I can next time if you want. This is the dispensation of the fulness of times. Every key and power held by prophets down through the ages is restored, and is of the Earth right now. This dispensation is the most important! We are preparing for Christ's actual Second Coming. People that don't have the Gospel ARE NOT punished for not having the Gospel. If they die w/o the Gospel they will have an opportunity to accept or deny the Gospel once they die. But, being a member of His church, right now, is glorious. Words can't explain the pure joy that you have when you're listening to speakers in church meetings, and you know, w/o a doubt, that what they are saying is true. Sometimes the spirit is so stong you start to cry. I wouldn't give it up for the world.