You've only looked at two cherry picked races. We have more immigrants from east and central Asia than Latin America and our African folks tend to be immigrants rather than the descendants of slaves. Lol at calling your own demographics issues the end all be all of racial tension.
Well, considering I didn't "call our own demographics issues the end all be all of racial tension" I really don't know what you're referring to.
Be honest. Canada is overwhelmingly WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE. Much more so than the US.
Canada Demographics Profile 2014
Not only that, but the disparity between rural and urban demographics is very striking - there are MANY more ethnic groups represented in urban areas than in rural areas.
Another major difference between minority ethnic groups in Canada and in the US is that Canada has a much lower rates of illegal immigration, due to the fact that Canada doesn't have a vast southern border that it shares with a country filled with people so desperate that they consider life as an illegal, disenfranchised non citizen a better alternative than life as a legal citizen in their own country. Illegal immigrants tend to be poverty stricken, less educated, and less healthy than those who immigrate legally.
Our second largest minority group is African Americans, whose ancestors were nearly all brought here against their will as slaves. The ramifications of slavery continue to be felt even fifty plus years after the Civil Rights movement.
So, our two largest ethnic groups generally have some pretty significant issues, and generally come from less healthy, stable, and affluent backgrounds than legal immigrants and their descendants.
And finally, Canadian minorities are more largely Asian than other ethnic groups - and those Asians tend to be more recent immigrants. This differs significantly from the various ethnic groups in the US, many of which have had a strong presence in the US for over 100 years.
The two scenarios are very different and thus the racial issues differ as well.