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Let's not talk about the Big Bang


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
True. But it might mean no creator is required to understand.
Except that many thinkers in the scientific community put forth possibilities which are not provable. And they can disagree with one another. I conclude that there are things mankind will never understand, which is what makes us human and not creators of the universe. I know that may seem funny, but it's true as far as I am concerned.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Because there is no nothing, if nothing never was, then existence has always been. Universal existence is my proof, if you want to prove me wrong, make something become nothing.
It is, I believe, virtually impossible for humans (higher than "gorillas," etc. in thinking ability) to grasp the concept of no beginning. Only God has no beginning and it is virtually impossible to grasp that. That is another reason why God is God and we humans are not. I don't remember being born but I know I was. I remember slightly when I was 3 years old. I knew I was very young, had to be taught. I remember that part, in other words, not knowing much. But one aspect of God's name YHWH is that He IS, or exists. No one can defy that.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Then why do you constantly abuse the term "infinite"? You keep refuting yourself with your own posts.
One must use concepts to convey my point, but when not interacting with people, I contemplate reality with a mind that is not dealing in concepts, in fact it is not in thought most of the time. Actual realty is what the concept of reality is meant to represent, so if you want to subjectively realize actual 'reality', don't think!


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
One must use concepts to convey my point, but when not interacting with people, I contemplate reality with a mind that is not dealing in concepts, in fact it is not in thought most of the time. Actual realty is what the concept of reality is meant to represent, so if you want to subjectively realize actual 'reality', don't think!
Interesting. :) Thinking can be hard. Gotta concentrate.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
One must use concepts to convey my point, but when not interacting with people, I contemplate reality with a mind that is not dealing in concepts, in fact it is not in thought most of the time. Actual realty is what the concept of reality is meant to represent, so if you want to subjectively realize actual 'reality', don't think!
Quite often it appears that you are not thinking at all:p Seriously instead of posting nonsense and expecting others to take you seriously when you doo not understand how to properly support your claims. You still probably do not understand how the tired light idea that you floated is refuted by spectroscopy. And a dictionary is never a valid source when discussing scientific or mathematical concepts.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Except that many thinkers in the scientific community put forth possibilities which are not provable. And they can disagree with one another. I conclude that there are things mankind will never understand, which is what makes us human and not creators of the universe. I know that may seem funny, but it's true as far as I am concerned.
No one has ever claimed or even implied that humans are the creators of the universe. But we can know a lot more about it than some think that we do. Science has not given us all of the answers and may never do so. But it is an extremely huge error to think that means that it has not given us any answers.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Wow! o_OYou really do like obsessing over the WRONG THINGS, Ben.

All you want to do is focus on the Universe being "eternal".

That's not what the BB cosmology about, Ben. It as nothing to do with eternal vs finite, and it has nothing to do with nothing creating something.

These are not what the BB models are about.

As I have told you in my last reply, the Big Bang models only focused on the origin and evolution of the Observable Universe.

Everything that already in the universe at present, from large structures (eg molecular clouds of gases, galaxies, stars, planets, etc) to the particles that make up atoms themselves (nucleus with protons & neutrons, plus electrons), to even smaller elementary particles (from the Standard Model, eg quarks, leptons, gauge bosons & the recent discovered Higgs), and their interactions with fundamental forces. To all the fields and energy that are also tied to the Standard Model (particle physics). Then there are more exotic particles and energy such as Dark Matter that keep galaxies and Dark Energy that drive the expansion of the Universe, counteracting the attractive forces of gravity. The BB model also explained the earliest formations of earliest stars and galaxies.

So the Big Bang models are attempts to understand what these energies, forces, fields, particles & matters are and how they form from the earliest periods, starting with the Planck Epoch, when the universe as a singularity of plasma (the hot primordial plasma soup) that was infinitely hot and dense, and when all four fundamental forces (gravitation, EM, weak nuclear & strong nuclear forces) were unified into single force at this temperature.

The expansion of the universe resulted in, the cooling of the universe, the cooling that separations of the each force to separate from the unified form, as well as cool enough that elementary particles can become discrete particles from the primordial plasma. Eventually it was cool enough for quarks to form into hadron particles - the protons & neutrons, during the Hadron Epoch. This led to the formation of the earliest and lightest atoms - hydrogen, deuterium, helium & lithium - during the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. But these atoms were still ionized - the universe still exist as plasma, and the plasma was still hot enough that electrons won’t be bound to the atoms.

Around 378,000 years after the Big Bang, in the Recombination Epoch, the universe was cool enough for electrons to bond with atoms of which only 3 types exist, hydrogen, helium & lithium, with the hydrogen being the most abundant element in the universe.

Molecular hydrogen are the building blocks of stars, especially as they began to coalesce together in the cloud of gases, becoming more massive, until therefore gravity eventually causing the stars’ dense cores were hot enough to start fusing hydrogen into heavier elements, such as helium, carbon, oxygen or nitrogen. This process is known as Stellar Nucleosynthesis.

When the stars run out of hydrogen to fuse, the core will collapse and do one of several things, start fusing helium while the outer layer shred away from the white core (hence white dwarf stars), explode in one of the types of supernova; supernovas are responsible for forming heavier elements, from helium to all the way to iron, through thermonuclear fusion, hence the Supernova Nucleosynthesis. These heavier elements from supernovas are what responsible for formations of asteroids, planetesimals, planets and dwarf planets.

That’s what the Big Bang theory is trying to explain, the formations of fields & particles & matters, which in turn form into planets, stars and galaxies. 9 billion years after the Big Bang, our own Solar System form, from the base materials of gas cloud and debris heavier elements from older generations of stars.

The Big Bang theory is focused only on the history of the universe, that eventually make up today, including life on Earth.

While the Cyclical Universe model and Multiverse model might explain the universe being eternal, and I am fascinated by these alternative models (just curious), however I don’t think we have no way of testing them to be true. Which means, the alternatives are more speculative than reality.
I thank you for your post gnostic, it was well done and probably captures the salient aspects of BB theory. I have over many years read a lot about bb theory, but it is early days and science can only study the 5% of finite things. I am now more interested in the omnipresent dark energy because it holds the secret of the universe. I suspect dark energy is infinite and eternal, and never had a beginning. BB science is fine for those who are not prepared or inclined to go deeper into what constitutes existence.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I thank you for your post gnostic, it was well done and probably captures the salient aspects of BB theory. I have over many years read a lot about bb theory, but it is early days and science can only study the 5% of finite things. I am now more interested in the omnipresent dark energy because it holds the secret of the universe. I suspect dark energy is infinite and eternal, and never had a beginning. BB science is fine for those who are not prepared or inclined to go deeper into what constitutes existence.
And once again, astrophysicists have measured the total energy of the universe. That includes dark energy. You never did find out what that was, did you?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Nice claim. Prove it.

Nice claim. Prove it.

I would say there is only existence. It just is. Time is part of it.
Work in progress, watch this space.


We can agree on that, you can have your existence with a beginning and I will go with the no beginning.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Quite often it appears that you are not thinking at all:p Seriously instead of posting nonsense and expecting others to take you seriously when you doo not understand how to properly support your claims. You still probably do not understand how the tired light idea that you floated is refuted by spectroscopy. And a dictionary is never a valid source when discussing scientific or mathematical concepts.
Ok, so why is Red Shift through Compton scattering a part of university physics?

6.4: The Compton Effect

Compton scattering is an example of
inelastic scattering
, in which the scattered radiation has a longer wavelength than the wavelength of the incident radiation. In today’s usage, the term “Compton scattering” is used for the inelastic scattering of photons by free, charged particles. In Compton scattering, treating photons as particles with momenta that can be transferred to charged particles provides the theoretical background to explain the wavelength shifts measured in experiments; this is the evidence that radiation consists of photons.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
And once again, astrophysicists have measured the total energy of the universe. That includes dark energy. You never did find out what that was, did you?
SZ, you did not take the astrophysicists who wrote about TLT seriously, but now you do because it is BBT. Now of course these BB astrophysicists would use the BB theoretical model of the universe to calculate dark energy mass, but it is all based on the abstract, conceptualized reality, but since in reality, the universe is infinite and eternal, their model is not correct, the mass of the universal dark energy is actually infinite.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
It is, I believe, virtually impossible for humans (higher than "gorillas," etc. in thinking ability) to grasp the concept of no beginning. Only God has no beginning and it is virtually impossible to grasp that. That is another reason why God is God and we humans are not. I don't remember being born but I know I was. I remember slightly when I was 3 years old. I knew I was very young, had to be taught. I remember that part, in other words, not knowing much. But one aspect of God's name YHWH is that He IS, or exists. No one can defy that.
Since I accept the panetheistic view of God as being all that exists, unmanifest and manifest, it amounts to the same thing, only God created things have beginnings. I know that JW are big on the name YHVH, but what is on the other side of the name is what is important. From NT, "What the human eye has never seen, what the human ear has never heard, what the human mind can never conceive* of, that is what awaits those who love God/YHVH."

* Conceive in this context is to imagine, to think about, scientific studies.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
SZ, you did not take the astrophysicists who wrote about TLT seriously, but now you do because it is BBT. Now of course these BB astrophysicists would use the BB theoretical model of the universe to calculate dark energy mass, but it is all based on the abstract, conceptualized reality, but since in reality, the universe is infinite and eternal, their model is not correct, the mass of the universal dark energy is actually infinite.
What "physicists"? The only ones that seem to do that today are the EU nuts. You never were able to address spectroscopy and how it supports the Big Bang theory. I do not think you even understand how it supports it. You cannot refute that which you do not understand.

As to the universe being eternal, it may or may not be. It may be eternal with a beginning. I know, that you cannot understand that drive3s you a bit crazy. As to being infinite it may be that. We have a known minimum size of the universe, but I do not think that we have a known maximum size of the universe.

And I see that you still cannot answer the question about the total energy of the universe. Don't worry, I am patient.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
What "physicists"? The only ones that seem to do that today are the EU nuts. You never were able to address spectroscopy and how it supports the Big Bang theory. I do not think you even understand how it supports it. You cannot refute that which you do not understand.

As to the universe being eternal, it may or may not be. It may be eternal with a beginning. I know, that you cannot understand that drive3s you a bit crazy. As to being infinite it may be that. We have a known minimum size of the universe, but I do not think that we have a known maximum size of the universe.

And I see that you still cannot answer the question about the total energy of the universe. Don't worry, I am patient.
Ming-Hui Shao, Na Wang and Zhi-Fu Gao.

Glad to see you admit that the size of the universe may be infinite, what we need next is an eternal universe without a beginning.

I gave you an answer, the total energy is infinite, it couldn't be anything else given an infinite sized universe.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Ming-Hui Shao, Na Wang and Zhi-Fu Gao.

Glad to see you admit that the size of the universe may be infinite, what we need next is an eternal universe without a beginning.

I gave you an answer, the total energy is infinite, it couldn't be anything else given an infinite sized universe.
Why no beginning? And so some obscure Chinese scientists. In ten years one of the articles has 18 citations. That is it was referred to 18 times by other researchers. And we do not know if those were positive or negative citations. But considering that this should be a groundbreaking discovery many many more should have cited it if they took it seriously. Your sources only got the attention that any obscure crank would have received. I can't judge his work, but it appears that those than can do not think anything of it.

You gave me that answer of "infinite"? You clearly did not base that on any article. Let me be the first to inform you that you appear to be wrong. Astrophysicists have measured this value and it is a bit less than infinite.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Why no beginning? And so some obscure Chinese scientists. In ten years one of the articles has 18 citations. That is it was referred to 18 times by other researchers. And we do not know if those were positive or negative citations. But considering that this should be a groundbreaking discovery many many more should have cited it if they took it seriously. Your sources only got the attention that any obscure crank would have received. I can't judge his work, but it appears that those than can do not think anything of it.

You gave me that answer of "infinite"? You clearly did not base that on any article. Let me be the first to inform you that you appear to be wrong. Astrophysicists have measured this value and it is a bit less than infinite.
Chinese science is not generally published in western science journals, so little coverage in the west.

Because a beginning implies something from nothing, and that is impossible. At least the universe multi-universe theory is possible, it avoids the beginning from nothing nonsense and seems to be taken seriously by many scientists? What's your view of the multiverse theory?

The universe is infinite, ergo universal mass is infinite, simple logic, no calculations needed. Calculations based on a finite universe that began from nothing can not be correct because the universe is infinite.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Chinese science is not generally published in western science journals, so little coverage in the west.

Because a beginning implies something from nothing, and that is impossible. At least the universe multi-universe theory is possible, it avoids the beginning from nothing nonsense and seems to be taken seriously by many scientists? What's your view of the multiverse theory?

The universe is infinite, ergo universal mass is infinite, simple logic, no calculations needed. Calculations based on a finite universe that began from nothing can not be correct because the universe is infinite.
They count all citations. The article was not cited by the Chinese either. You are searching out people that could not support their claims.

And what makes you think that Western scientists ignore Eastern ones? Science is an international language. Journals are easily translated these days, the science itself requires less translation.

You picked a loser. Try to find a serious article.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
They count all citations. The article was not cited by the Chinese either. You are searching out people that could not support their claims.

And what makes you think that Western scientists ignore Eastern ones? Science is an international language. Journals are easily translated these days, the science itself requires less translation.

You picked a loser. Try to find a serious article.
This is not a horse race, and human science on this planet has a long way to go given some still think the universe came from nothing. BB theory of a beginning to existence of the eternal universe has little credibility except to the true believers. The reason the BBers probably think this way is that it seemed the easiest way of getting God out of the equation, instead of God being the cause, nothing became the cause.

Ding ding, wake up, the universe is eternal without a beginning, hence the multiverse theory is moving up the field.


My own religion
This is not a horse race, and human science on this planet has a long way to go given some still think the universe came from nothing. BB theory of a beginning to existence of the eternal universe has little credibility except to the true believers. The reason the BBers probably think this way is that it seemed the easiest way of getting God out of the equation, instead of God being the cause, nothing became the cause.

Ding ding, wake up, the universe is eternal without a beginning, hence the multiverse theory is moving up the field.

Yeah, you don't understand that you are the causal source of God, because your thinking is so true, as it causes God to exist. That is how Objective, Rational and What Not you are. You are greater than God, because your proof causes God to exist.
That is your level of argument.